Research Resources:
Alfalfa County Court House, City County Library and Alfalfa County Museum
Cherokee City-County Library
New Location
123 N. Grand
Cherokee, OK
New Hours
Mon-Thurs 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Fri - 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Sat - 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Bibliography-a list of reference books
Research Information: Located in Library
Microfilm of Alfalfa County Newspapers.
Census on Microfilm New Microfilm Reader/Printer in place
Abstracts from Newspapers.
Alfalfa County History Book Compiled by the Alfalfa County Historical Society. Printed in 1976
Alfalfa County Cemetery Book Compiled by The Cherokee Volunteer Strip League Alva, Ok. 1993
Woods County Cemetery Book Compiled by The Cherokee Volunteer Strip League Alva, Ok. 1983
"Cherokee Early Years" .
Published by the Cherokee Publishing Co. Compiled by Marty Myers 2001
Alfalfa County Courthouse
300 South Grand
Cherokee, Oklahoma 73728-8000
Pho. 580-596-2392
County Court Clerk Pho. 580-596-3523
Probates, Marriage, Divorce Records. Land Records
County Commissioners Office School Census 580-596- 2392
County Clerk Pho. 580-596-3158
Land Records
Clerk Court has marriage, divorce, probate and land records
Alfalfa County Museum & Historical Society (Closed)
117 W. Main Cherokee, Ok. 73728
580-596-2960 If no answer 580-596-2739 Marty My cell is 580-884-2009
Hours are subject to change. Call before you come.
Research information.
Family Histories, Alfalfa County History Book, Alfalfa County Cemetery Book, Pictures.
The Historical Society has a Microfilm Reader/Printer located at the museum.
Limited Obituaries of Alfalfa County Deaths.