
Cherokee County
County Seat - Tahlequah
Capital of the Cherokee Nation


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 Queries 2003 & 2004

Submitted on 9Nov2014 by
Jeanine Ridener
Stewart Place Slave Cemetery gravesites, located at the north end of Lake Tenkiller near the Etta Bend area were removed to another location during the construction of the lake.  Do you know where they may have been removed to?  I found one findagrave.com reference that place three Negro Slaves in Barber Cemetery.  I don’t know where the others were relocated. Thanks for any help.

Submitted on 5Jun2014 by: Adiene Humble

I am looking for my grandfather’s grandmother.  His name was Dee Crawford, son of Jesse Blackston and Emily Elizabeth Barley Crawford.  His grandfather was Joseph Barley and his grandmother, Mary.  Joseph Barley died during the Civil War in a hospital.  Mary told her girls, one who married Jesse and the other Andrew Tucker, that she was going to be “with her people”.  My grandfather told me his mother was “Indian” but would not tell us more.  My mom saw a picture Joseph Barley in full NA dress in a portrait but whoever has it would not tell and probably who has it doesn’t know who he is. Mary was born in 1825 in Alabama and as my some of my grandfather’s uncles and aunts moved to OK possibly she went to OK.  There is a possibility of her last name being Wall, Waller or Walling.  Robert Barley was Joseph’s brother and they were from TN.  My Crawford family was from OK and in Texas by 1835 before the Trail of Tears.  By Dna, he was a descendant of James Crawford. 

Any help in this regard would be apprecialted.  I’m researching only for family reasons, no more. To much paper work, too little available documentation.  My mom’s family goes back to John Chisum and Margaret Cooke.

Submitted on 10Nov2012 at:
Cherokee evangelist for the Assemblies of God, Watt Walker, settled in Collinsville in about June 1924 and possibly became a pastor of a local church. I am not related but would like to have an obituary or other information on him
Submitted on 14Aug2012 by: Angela Duncan
Looking to verify relatives who lived in this area. My grandfather was Richard Kenneth Martin who married Betty Twinn and later divorced. My great grandfather was John Hercules Martin. Now here's where I get stuck my grandmother was either Vina, vinnie or Vera. So I'm stuck there as far as finding evidence of the Martin family. My father is name Richard Kenneth Martin Jr.
Manard School

Submitted on 14May2012 by Mike Manard
Saw picture of the Manard School in history of Tahlequah. Can anyone tell me who the school was named for? And if the Manard family might have been Cherokee? My last name is Manard, spelled Maynard, Mainard, and am having a time trying to track my family. I know that my granddad and wife, moved to Cherokee Co, in late 1890's and had their first child there. grand pa Mainard was born in Franklin Co, Ark. any info would be appreciated.
Submitted on 1May2012 by: brandy perkins

My Mother- Ginger Hamilton Renaker, My Grandfather- Roy L. Hamilton, My Great-Grandfather- James Porter Hamilton, My Great-Great-Grandmother- Alice Victoria Layne Hamilton (Cherokee) sister to Easter Jane Layne Hamilton (Cherokee), they married brothers. From my understanding of the family stories, they were full blooded Cherokee. (missing a step with their parents because of misunderstanding this paperwork), Alice's and Easter's Grandfather is Andrew J. Smith b. 1763 d.1898 buried at Blue Springs Cemetery. Sec.26, R21E,T18N, the paper with the map of where he is buried says that it was recorded in 1970. He is burial plot #75. Can anyone please help figure out this crucial missing step?

Submitted on 25Feb2012 by Gloria Burgess
Looking for information on a Mary Eagle who passed away May 29, 1938. I do not know anything other than that on her. Not her birth date or even her birth place. I purchased a bible in a flea market in Tahlequah and in the cover was written “Mary’s bible, she died May 29, 1938 and was buried June 1st, 1938. The name Mary Eagle was written in the bible also. I am simply the type of person who likes to know the history behind things like this, if you could help me in any way it would be greatly appreciated

Submitted on 2Aug2011 at: http://boards.ancestry.com/localities.northam.usa.states.oklahoma.counties.cherokee/1206/mb.ashx
See Query Document (Post a reply to above link)
Submitted 25Jul2011 by: Katherine Trent
I am trying to find information regarding my great grandfather, Charles C Butler. Our family Bible shows he married my great grandmother, Clara Mae Ramsey, in 1915. They had 3 children. I found him on the Dawes rolls with his family, Aaron and Nora Butler, card #1801. (big question right now is whether the Charles Carroll Butler that is my great grandpa is the Charles C. Butler on card 1801.) We don't know his parents names and so I've had to stop that part of the tree at him and am not sure how to find out more. We have never received any Indian benefits and do not have a CDIB, however, I am very interested in our heritage as I have 4 children and want them to learn. My grandma, who is 1/2 Indian, both Cherokee and Choctaw (on her Father's side) has a tomahawk from the Cherokee side that belonged to her great grandfather, who by family lore was an Indian chief. It has etchings in it that my grandma was told was for recording scalping. My children have been checking out books at the library about Cherokee Indians. I am wanting to bring them to Tahlequah to teach them more about our heritage, and would like to learn more about my own family. My grandma remembers visiting extended family in dugouts and teepees, and was told stories of her great grandma coming to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears.

McLEOD, regain
Submitted on 19Jul2011 by: Carole Cook

I would like to make contact with any descendants or spouses of descendants of David Merl (Mac) McLeod and Willie Nelson McArtor Ragain McLeod.  They lived near Welling, Oklahoma beginning in 1948.  David Merl McLeod died in 1985; Willie McLeod died in 2001.  
Their known children are George Douglas McLeod, Peggy Gray, and Pat Kremen.  
Willie McLeod had two sons from her first marriage: Jim Ragain and Robert Ragain.
David Merl (Mac) MacLeod, Willie McLeod, and George Douglas McLeod are all buried in the Tahlequah Cemetery.

Submitted on 14Jul2011 by:  Nan Vandergriff

My Mothers family reunion is coming up March 2012. Her name was Thelma Leona Brown Maynard King Stringer Truelove.  She is buried at the Molly Fields.... I am interested in any information that anyone might have on Elmer Brown (grandfather) and Della Boston (grandmother) Family stories have Grandpa being  a descendent from a Cherokee mother ...and there were rumors of grandmother too. But any information that you might have would be good from either grandparent. They are both buried in Molly Fields Cemetery and lived for years out on loop route north of Tahlequah. I used to ride in the back of grandpas truck into town, where he would sit at the courthouse with the men there whittling and 'chawin' tobacco...while my cousins and I scooted from the dime store to the various store fronts 'gawkin'.

Submitted on 8Jul2011 by: Jason Cabral

I have been trying to find out information about my Great Grandfather regarding him being Cherokee Indian. It has been a pretty long search because we didn’t know where he was born. But finally my family came across some paperwork that says he was born in Cherokee County, OK, Joseph Barreras, birthday January 14, 1882, with that, is there a Hall of Records or somewhere I can track down his birth certificate, it would mean a lot to my family to prove that we are Cherokee?


Submitted on 7Feb2011 by: Roy Edgar
Does anyone remember the name and address of the Chevrolet Dealership that existed in Tahlequah in 1947?
Submitted on 13Dec2010 by: Cherokee Lady
I am trying to find info on my family that came from Georgia during the "March". They are on my mother's side. I have found some in Oklahoma but the name is spelled different. My family was "Sawnee" in OK they are spelling theirs "Sawney". Can someone help me with this?
Submitted on 11Aug2010 by Debbie Shaver

I am looking for John Parker Buster who lived in Tahlequah.  He was a lawyer and is listed in the city directory under Buster-McBride office over bank...I was always told that he was an Indian Agent???? Could you tell me where I could look to find out a list of agents. I have that he died in 1900.

Submitted on 26July2010 by John Furlow
Seeking information on how I might obtain a copy of a Cherokee County old age pension for John Allen Furlow. I recently obtained a copy of  a letter from the Cherokee Court Clerk dated Nov 9, 1936 requesting a certified marriage license from a county in Arkansas so John Allen and his wife Annie Pollard might be granted this pension. I was told by the OK Historical Society these county pensions were not archived at the state level but were maintained only at the county. Thanks in advance

Submitted on 1Jul2010 by Karen McEntire

My great  grandparents parents came from  North and South Carolina and then to Arkansas.  Some of my relatives look like we could have Indian heritage.  Old pictures ---Dark Hair Olive skin?  Is their a blood test?  I wish I knew.  Always a theory or rumor. 
Thanks  for your help Karen  San Diego, CA

Submitted by Marty Myers on 23Apr2010
I am looking for a obituary for Carl Everret Smith. He is listed as buried in New Home Cemetery in Cherokee County. Born 13 August 1887 Died 18 March 1958, Father Joseph T. Smith Mother Sarah Evelyn (Lipsay) Smith. Wife Ona Mertie (Myers) Smith. Any information on this family will be greataly appreciated.
Submitted by CHARLOTTE MORRIS on 27Sep2009
I am trying to find my great grandfathers grave site.  His name was David JR. DOWNING. He went by Dave Downing. He was born @ Peggs , OK. 1851. Wife Polly Downing. children- Samuel & Sissie. Not sure but I heard David died @ Locust Grove 1920.  THANKS  for any  information you can give me  about my family.
Submitted by Pat Foster on 20Aug2009

I have been told by a cousin that another cousin, Earl Green, taught school for a while at Robbins, Oklahoma. Are there any records of this? Would you advise me where to continue my search about this. I understand Robbins community was near Tahlequah?

Submitted on 7May2009 by

I'm trying to locate family of Susan C Woods who was a Cherokee born in Dardenelle, Ark 22 Jun 1855.  She move to Texas and married Alexander Barnard Perkins 30 Aug 1873 in Gatesville, TX.  She had 11 children and passed away in 1899 in Texas.  My grandmother was born in 1898.  I know several of the Perkins family moved to Oklahoma.  I hope you can help me trace her family.  My grandmother told us that Susan's parents were killed and she was raised by a white family.

Submitted by Anna in Colorado on 6Apr2009
I am looking for information about Ralph Weber: b. Nov 14, 1908 Messer Russia, d. Dec 1, 1982 
He married Emma Geis (b. March 30, 1891  in Marion CO, KS d. Nov 27, 1950 in Cherokee, OK) Jan 27, 1891 in Marion CO, KS (Immanuel Baptist Church) Emma was my grandfather's (Ralph Geis that lived Gering, Nebraska) sister I found an article about one of theirs son's wedding:  Fabien married LaVaughn Payne July 30, 1939.Where are they buried and did they have any children? I found an SS record for the other son...Ralph...b. Nov 14, 1908 d. Jan 1966 in OK Could anyone verify these dates?? Ralph married Frances ?? and they had 2 children: Janis (married Tom Bernard) and Falph Neil married Linda ??
If anyone has any info about Henry and Emm'a family, I sure would love to hear from you. Thanks a lot, Anna in Colorado

Submitted by Linda Annette Spaul on 5Apr2009
s there any information you have regarding Edna Sells and her ancestors?
Edna Sells (Cherokee)
, daughter of Frank Sells of Oklahoma, married Isaac Edwards

children- Daisy Mae Edwards, b 9/8/1900, (married John Clevand Bruce), Ollie Edwards, Fannie Edwards, Gavin Edwards, Frank

children- James Marion Bruce b. 7/28/1920, (married Virgie Viola Butler); Robert Bruce, John P Bruce

children: James Dale Bruce, Kenneth Allen Bruce, Ronald Wayne Bruce, Linda Annette Bruce (married Walter H Spaul)

Submitted on 2Mar2009 by Elizabeth Chambers

I am looking for photographs documentation etc, on Henry Chambers, Asst Chief in 1891 elected in Nov and died in Dec along with Chief Mayes. I would appreciate any information, I am here in Tulsa on business for a week. Any help would be great. Elizabeth Chambers, 831-673-1700-

Submitted by Sandy Breeze on 28Jan2009


Submitted by Vickey Hahn on 13Aug2008

Looking for any information on Glenn Evans and/or Leo Ross. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Please Email me at


This page updated on 12/07/14

   Cherokee Co

Cherokee Co. Oklahoma

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