Welcome to Delaware County, Oklahoma
 part of the OKGenWeb and USGenWeb Project

Home > Cemeteries > Lookups > Maps > Obits > Photos > Queries > Resources > Surnames


Do you have reference material for Delaware County that you would like to share with others? If so and you would like to become a Lookup Volunteer please contact me with the information about the Reference material that you have. Please provide Title, by whom, who published it and copyright date. Please let me know what type of lookups you are willing to do.

Volunteers are needed who have good material to share with others.

To request a lookup please follow these guidelines:

1. In the subject line "Delaware County Lookup" this is a must. Most volunteers to lookups in more then one state and county, and sometimes in more then one book for a county or state.

2. Put the name of the reference material that you are wanting a lookup from in the first line of the message, followed by the names you are wanted checked.

3. Request no more the two names, unless it is a very common name such as Smith, Johnson, Jones, etc. Then please only request one surname preferably with given name included.

4. Please don't forget to thank your volunteer!

USGenWeb will not tolerate any copyright violations. Lookup request should be limited to one name, or perhaps two if it's a married couple, or uncommon names. Information given will be minimal, for example: if it's a cemetery lookup, the information will be the name of the cemetery and the dates on the headstone. Please do not ask for "everybody listed with X surname" or entire family groups. Please do not ask our volunteers for hardcopies of the material.

Scanned copies of materials are volunteer options.

Reference Material


1920 Delaware Census Moseley Precinct 16 twp 2 Terry Shields
1910 Census by Alma Hutchins published 1988 Annette Crafton Corbell
Cemeteries and Burial Places of Delaware County Oklahoma, Volume II. Delaware County Cemetery Readers, Gregath Publishing Company 1995 Annette Crafton Corbell
Index to the 1920 Census Delaware County, Oklahoma. By Rose Stauber and Joanne Fix, Stauber Books, published 2000 Annette Crafton Corbell
1996 Property Plat Book
Must have exact name or Legal description
Terry Shields


©1998- 2025

OKGenWeb State Coordinator: Linda Simpson Assistant State Coordinator: Mel Owings

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This message must appear on all copied material. All commercial use requires permission of the author.