Welcome to Delaware County, Oklahoma
 part of the OKGenWeb and USGenWeb Project

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This is dedicated to Delaware County's past, it's families and towns. If you have pictures of family or old pictures of Delaware Co. past and would like to have them added to this page, please contact me, the coordinator.

How to Submit Photos

1. Send e-mail to jameshcarroll@bellsouth.net

2.  In Subject Line of email type: "Delaware Co. Photos"

3. All photos must be saved as jpg or gif files

4. Add as much information about the photo as you can.

5. If photo is of family please send names of persons, listed from left to right in the photo.  Pictures that you do not know the names of persons, but do know that the persons were of Delaware Co. are allowable; maybe someone will see it and know who they are.

6. Don't forget that we also accept old town, school, church photos. Photos that pertain to Delaware Co. and it's past.

Families of Delaware Co. Delaware Counties Past

click image for larger view

inlow_thomas_henry.JPG (41506 bytes)
William Henry Inlow (1868 - 1952)
Thomas J. Inlow (1861 - 1930)
Sons of Sylvester Inlow and Julia Susan Paden
Submitted by Paula Schuler

beckmill.jpg (72657 bytes)

Hilderbrand Mill

sailboat2.jpg (23027 bytes)
Submitted by Paula Schuler
Sailboat Bridge in Grove, Delaware Co. Date unknown. Taken from a distance before the bridge was completed or the lake had not formed.

hickory_school.JPG (28176 bytes)

Brief history of Hickory School
Submitted by Sherlyn Greaves

sailboat1.jpg (29040 bytes)
 Submitted by Paula Schuler

Sailboat Bridge in Grove, Delaware Co. Date unknown. Harold "Joe" Keene and Beulah Rogues Keen (right and some unknown friends of theirs taken standing under the bridge before it was completed.

bashear_children.JPG (17712 bytes)

Submitted by Ray Smith

Brashear Children
Virginia Leona, Catherine and Earl Brashear Jr., taken at Twin Oaks, 1945


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Submitted by Carol Bayless

Back of the photo has "ATA  Meeting at Piney in Delaware Co., Okla"    No names or date.  The man third from right, standing in the second row is William D. Bayless (1875-1968).   The picture had to be taken between 1911 and 195?.   

Also see photos for Delaware County in
 OKGenWeb's Photo Gallery



©1998- 2025

OKGenWeb State Coordinator: Linda Simpson Assistant State Coordinator: Mel Owings

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