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OKGenWeb Tulsa County Coordinator
Tim Connor

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Linda Simpson
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   From August to December 2000       

I invite you to enter a query for your Tulsa Co. ancestors. Please give me your email address, your name and your query in that order. Thanks
Email OKGenWeb Tulsa County Coordinator Tim Connor with a new Query

Note: Your query MUST have a Tulsa County connection or it will not be posted here.
I will NOT post queries that are in regard to Birth Parents, lost friends or that are vague in nature.


HELMSTETTER Posted by Bob on 3Aug2000

Can anyone get the information from the obituaries from the following two people?

Mayme Helmstetter b. April 15 1898 - d. Aug. 1 1994 in Tulsa.
Leo Helmstetter b. May 5 1893 - d. Dec. 30 1985 in Tulsa.
Posted by Debra Lamb on 10Aug2000

Looking for my biological sister born in about 1958 in Tulsa county at the Salvation Army home for unwed mothers? Mothers name is Joyce  Ann Carnes if father is listed maybe Marion Randolf Behee.  Baby may have been adopted or something . IF I cannot contact her please tell me how to go about letting her contact me. if you have some ideas . I was 5 at the time and my name is Randie Jo Behee and the people I named above are my mother and father. I was born in 1953. My grandmother finished raising me after this time  My mother and I have lost contact she was born 6-5-1933 I was born 6-21-53  I do know I have a sister . If you cannot release this information let me know . I have no family left and would like to find her. thank you Randi Behee  Please leave this e-mail with my friend at
Posted by on 15Aug2000

Looking for the Gardner family ,Henry Gardner, wife J. A. Gardner, 2 children Melissa & Rachel.
I was told, the Gardner's had a Trading Post in Chouteau, & traded with the five tribes. Daughter Rachel
& husband, William Henry Moore, ran the store in the 1900s,for the family. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by GwenB <> on Tue, 22 Aug 2000

I am searching for information on the ROBERTSON family's of Tulsa, Okla. I am related to William Henry ROBERTSON of Tulsa, My G-father, and his father was Robert Robertson b.Ohio.abt.1865. Need to know if anyone has any information about any Robert Robertson's that may have been married to a Nora OLDFIELD, b. Ill. 1865, in later 1800's. Their first child, a girl, was born I. T. in 1882 and the boy in Parsons, Ks. in 1886. Robert and Nora lived in the Vinita area for a while, and also in Parson's when Wm. was born. Sometime between 1886 and 1890 Robert abandoned his family and they never seen him again. If anyone has any info, maybe a sibling to Robert or Nora either one, I would be grateful for any information, and I would be glad to share what info I have also. 
HUNT Posted by Sheri Rosol <> on Fri, 25 Aug 2000

Can anyone tell me how to locate information on the mayors of Tulsa? I have a picture of one of my ancestors (Oliver David Hunt) that states that he was the mayor of Tulsa at one time. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
SEARS Posted by Desiree <> on Sun, 27 Aug 2000

WILLIAM RAY SEARS, b. May 8, 1897 and d. November 1970. Served in Navy around 1940's. I would appreciate any info on him, such as parents, siblings, spouse and children.
SNYDER Posted by Randy Beck <> on 27 Aug 2000

I am seeking information on my wife's Snyder line and would greatly appreciate anyone who can help me! 
My wife's great-great-grandfather was Steven (Stefan) Joseph Schneider. He was born July 20, 1828 in the city 
of Bassenheim, Prussia (now Rheinland-Pfalz). He died Aug. 1, 1908 in Tulsa, Tulsa Co., OK. After arriving in the United States 
he changed his last name to "Snyder". His parents were Peter Schneider and Luzia Beck.
He emigrated to the U.S. in 1849 and settled near or in the city of St. Joseph, Buchanon Co., MO. He married 
Mary Ann Berryhill July 22, 1867 in Buchanan Co., MO. They had the following 13 children:

John Louis Snyder, b. July 5, 1868, St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., MO. d. Nov. 11, 1929.
Peter, b. Oct. 25, 1869
Frederick "Fred", b. Sep. 24, 1871 d. July 30, 1944 in Coachella, CA; m. Ida May Hammond
Christina, b. May 17, 1874; d. ? m. ? Child - Pearl Francis?
Mary Ann, b. Aug 6, 1876
Theodore, b. May 22, 1878
Elizabeth "Lizzie", b. July 29, 1880
Franklin "Frank", b. Apr. 28, 1882
Henry Schneider, b. Sep. 16, 1884
Katherine "Kate", b. Sep 28, 1886
Emma, b. Aug 16, 1889
Nellie, b. Mar 15, 1891
Joseph, b. Mar 28, 1893 
CUSHING  Posted by Nancy C. Sieck <> on Mon, 28 Aug 2000

Seeking information on W. Chester CUSHING who according to family tradition died in Bristow, Creek Co., OK sometime between 1937 and 1942. He and his wife, Jeanette are enumerated on the 1920 census of Tulsa, Tulsa Co., OK residing at 1225 Carson St. He and his descendants (if there were any) belong in a genealogy consisting of ALL the descendants of his immigrant grandfather, Maurice/Morris CUSHING.
GERHARD Posted by Brenda Ericsson <> on Mon, 28 Aug 2000

Looking for any information on Mrs. Clyde Gerhard, who in 1970 lived at 4336 Chas. Page Blvd, Tulsa, Tulsa Co., OK. I am trying to find what relationship she had to the family of John Schoonover who d. in 1970 in Borger, TX. Mrs. Gerhard was listed on his funeral home worksheets.

A sister of John's, Nell Schoonover, b. abt 1887, did live in Tulsa at one time. Her married name at the time she lived there (I would guess the early 1900s) was probably Miller, and they had a son Donald Miller. She next married George Stadler.

If there is any information on the above people available in city directories, obituaries or people's research, I would certainly appreciate it. Thanks.
BROOKINS Posted by J. Russell <> on Wed, 30 Aug 2000 Surname: Maddox, Anderson, Brookins

Looking for the family raised by Lenna Brookins. Last known to live in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
GRANT Posted by Josephine McVae <> on Thu, 31 Aug 2000

I am looking for information on when William W. Grant who Died several years before his wife did. he was married to Martha E. Grant and they moved from Peoria Illinois to Tulsa, Oklahoma they had two daughters Martha Irene Grant and Sarah Janet grant Martha E. Grant died in 1945 and Martha Irene Grant died in 1975 she was a teacher in Tulsa. and Sarah Janet Grant died in 1952 in Los Angeles. I do not know what his occupation was he is my great uncle. any information would be greatly appreciated.
MORGAN Posted by Judith Jones <> on Mon, 04 Sep 2000

My great great grandfather Aaron Morgan, a civil war vet, died in an old soldier home in Tulsa, Oklahoma May 16,1905. Does anyone know the name of the place or where I could write to information? Thanks
NICHOLS Posted by Corie Delashaw <> on Wed, 06 Sep 2000

Cora Walker Nichols died in 1950 in Sapulpa, Oklahoma It is hoped that someone in Tulsa County knew her. She had two daughters, Lorraine Nichols Bronston and Eula Mae Nichols Andrews.
ANDERSON Posted by Jane Berry Ourso <> on Fri, 08 Sep 2000

My great grandparents, Cleon Berry and Nancy Anderson appear on the 1900 Indian Territory Census (in Tulsa County) with my grand father, Cover Cleon Berry listed. Nancy died in Nebraska in 1906, but I have no record of where Cleon died, and I would like to find out this information. Cover was born in Tennessee in 1886 as were both Nancy Anderson and Cleon. Cover married Susie Mamie Hufford, daughter of William Lafayette Hufford and Malinda Jane Hogue, all of Sperry. If any of these names sound familiar, please respond! Thanks, Jane
CANTRELL Posted by JoAnn Cantrell <> on Sat, 09 Sep 2000

Would like to correspond with descendents of Silas CANTRELL b. 1876 KY to John & Elizabeth MANNING Cantrell. Silas mar. Judian GOOLSBY or GODSBY in 1894 Jackson co. TN. They were the parents of Clure CANTRELL b. 1895 TN; Versa Lee CANTRELL b. 1898 TN who mar. John FLETCHER; Maude CANTRELL b. 1900 TN who mar. Esker FLETCHER and was mother of Irene who mar. Russell GREEN & Frances who mar. Jerial WILIAMSON; Rosie Lem CANTRELL b. 1909 AR who mar. John C. JONES and died in Broken Arrow, OK in 1985; and Clara CANTRELL who mar. a STEPHENS and died in 1935. Silas CANTRELL died in 1950 Broken Arrow, OK, and Judian died in 1962 Broken Arrow, OK. Both are bur. in Park Grove Cem. in Broken Arrow, Tulsa Co., OK. Thanks, JoAnn Cantrell, P.O. Box 1516, Krebs, OK 74554
RESPONSE Posted by Donna <> on Mon, 11 Sep 2000, in response to Cantrell, Silas son of John & Elizabeth, posted by JoAnn Cantrell on Sat, 09 Sep 2000

I am interested in your Cantrell Line, I had just started on this line, but I am getting quite a bit of information
would love to visit.
RESPONSE Posted by JoAnn Cantrell <> on Mon, 11 Sep 2000, in response to Cantrell, posted by Donna on Mon, 11 Sep 2000

Donna, We are having a reception for the descendents of John and Elizabeth MANNING Cantrell at 2 P.M. on Saturday, 30 Sept., 2000 at the VFW building west of Stigler, OK on highway # 9. Would love to meet you. The reception is very informal. We will be having desserts, finger foods, and soft drinks. I will sent to you direct more information on the family ancestors of Silas. Almost all of the information I have on Silas, himself, I put in the posting. My husband, Derryl CANTRELL, is a grandson of Levi CANTELL, brother to Silas.
RESPONSE Posted by Marlin Cantrell <> on Fri, 15 Sep 2000, in response to Silas Cantrell, posted by JoAnn Cantrell on Mon, 11 Sep 2000

We are looking for information on Silas Cantrell married to Elizabeth Ann Adams. Parents of John Phillip Cantrell Sr. married to Elizabeth Mattico James. John Phillip Cantrell Jr.(1877 Kansas-1939 Conway, Arkansas) married Arlecia Amanda Houston(1887-1981)They were all from Georgia, Kansas, Arkansas and South Carolina. Elizabeth Ann Adams died in 1924 in Ocean Springs, MS
SIMPSON Posted by edna kimball gracey <> on Tue, 12 Sep 2000

Hi! My name is Edna Kimball Gracey I am looking for info on my great grandma Edna Catherine Simpson [1870's-1962] she married Richard Kimball they lived in Lexington, KY my great grand mother was supposedly born in Tulsa Co. she came to Kentucky [clay co.?] when she was 2yrs old she had a sister Elizabeth that moved back to Tulsa, according to my aunt Catherine my grandfather was born in Tulsa my father says not so I am lost his name is Otho Kimball any help would be appreciated.
BURTON Posted by MabelWardrobe <> on Tue, 12 Sep 2000

I have been trying to find the date of my g-grandpa John B. (Jack) Burton. He was born 1856 in Ark. wife was Elva "Baker" Burton. 
I was 6 or 7 yrs. old when he and his Grandson George Burton died in a house fire somewhere in Tulsa, about 1933-34. I believe
they were buried in Tulsa, I remember going to the funeral with my parents, but not where. I am also looking for any of his other 
descendants. I think there are some still living in Tulsa Area.
GREEN Posted by Mabel Wardrobe <> on Tue, 12 Sep 2000

I am trying to connect with cousins from my grandpa's family John Henry Green, I grew up knowing several of his sisters
and brothers and their children. All the old folks are gone but there are some of the second generation still living and
many 3rd generation (mine). Would like to hear from anyone who is connected to this family?
Sisters were Rosie Green Palmer, Rena Green Wagnon, Nettie Green Peevyhouse, also Ed Green wife Louvina.
RESPONSE Posted by Becky Cannon Wilson <> on Tue, 12 Sep 2000, in response to Looking for cousins, posted by Mabel Wardrobe on Tue, 12 Sep 2000   Surname: Cannon, Brooks, Pritchard, Harrison

I subscribe to this Tulsa list as all my family grew up and lived in the Broken Arrow area. I could not help notice the Peevyhouse name. My Dad's brother James Ted Cannon married a Eunice Peevyhouse in 1942. She was quite a bit younger than Ted. Eunice is still living in Tennessee. I correspond with her granddaughter in law in Tennessee. Let me know if this is somehow related to your Peevyhouse and I will give you the granddaughter's name.
SEARS Posted by Desiree <> on Fri, 15 Sep 2000

Looking for information such as mother's name on Vernon Ray SEARS. Born October 23, 1918 and died February 1980. Would like info on siblings, children, etc. Father's name was Ray William Sears (May 1897 - Nov. 1970).
ROGERS Posted by Janet Walters <> on Sat, 16 Sep 2000

Martha Rogers was living in Tulsa, not sure which county, in 1938 when her father died. She was the daughter of John and Sarah Brownlee of Warsaw, Hancock co., Ill. I don't know what her husband's name was or if they had any children. 
HUGHES Posted by Carl Wuth <> on Sat, 16 Sep 2000

Looking for info on James Henry Hughes,ca1886-1945,and Richard Brashear,ca1870?-??,and info on the name Wuth in Tulsa Co
Posted by Dianna Souza <> on Sat, 16 Sep 2000

I am looking for cemetery listing for a person named Hiram Stephens. 
Posted by Barb Thomas <> on 16Sep2000

If anyone is researching Oneida DAVIS 1898-1970 Tulsa Co. or her family, please email me. 
Was her maiden name MCCARTNEY?
Whitaker Posted by Dennis Whitaker <> on 20Sep2000

My name is Robert Whitaker My Grandmother Sarah Frances Mercer died around
1940 [ not exactly sure of date ] is buried in the Clinton Oaks [Red Fork ]
cemetery Is there a chance the names on the tombstones will be put on internet
I'm doing Geneslogy on my family and need the info.
I would appreciate hearing hearing from you on this matter.

WALKER Posted by Sharon McKinney Funk <> on Thu, 21 Sep 2000

1900 Cherokee Census for Tulsa County. John W. Walker, looks like John W. Walker in census, w/wife Mary Jane, 
3 boarders living with them one looks like Brazo, am sure this is Braziel, any information would be helpful.
LAMB Posted by Brenda <> on 24Sep2000

Hello, I'm trying to track down information on my great-grandfather. But all I have is a name and that he died in Tulsa in 
the year 1933. Charles (E.) Lamb. Could you direct me on where I could find where he was buried and what funeral 
home was used. His wife was buried in Ponca City. We understand he was visiting someone there when he died and he 
had worked for the railroad there. He might have been taken care of through them. I would appreciate any help you can give. 
DRAGG  Posted by Floyd Howard, Sidney, NewYork <> on Mon, 25 Sep 2000

Looking for information on my aunt & Uncle Anna Howard & H. Warren Dragg.
GARDNER Posted by Lovey Dovie <> on 26Sep2000

The Families lived in the Tulsa area in the 1860s
J. A. Shelton, Henry Gardner,
Melissa Gardner married a Andrew John Archer,
Rachel Gardner Married William Henry Moore. Annie Alma married Albert Forbus
McCain, I no for sure they were in Tulsa in 1959 & earlier, her mom Rachel lived with them.
Tennie Moore married George Kline both buried in OKpitts 1904.
Melissa's second marriage was to Hendrix. My dad Bert Mores first wife Emma Deshizer .N.A. 
Stockton was Rachel's Second Husband.
Childress Lilie Archer married a Childress & Melissa Pearl Childress married
a Wiley. I was told they all lived there in the 1900s, no other inf.
CARNES Posted by ANNA NELSON <ABN1215@MSN.COM> on Fri, 29 Sep 2000

ABBOTT Posted by Tracy <> on Sat, 30 Sep 2000

I'm looking for a lead on a Beulah Smiley whom married first Caleb Abbott then a Mr. Archer. She lived in Tulsa Co, OK for many years before passing away in 1984.
ROOSEVELT SCHOOL Posted by Bob Brown <> on Tue, 03 Oct 2000

My dad, Carl Brown, attended Roosevelt School in Tulsa from approximately 1914-1921. I would like to find class pictures for the school for this time period.
KELTS Posted by J. Longley <> on Thu, 05 Oct 2000

Seek info on family of WILL KELTS who d. probably in Tulsa, OK in 1920s.
His son BURT MONROE KELTS d. in Tulsa in 1937 and was survived by sister MRS. DOSSIE GREEN of Tulsa.
WILL KELTS married ADDIE MONROE probably about 1887 in Tioga Co., PA. He was of Harrison Valley, Potter Co., PA in3/1895; Union Twp., Tioga Co., PA in 1896; of Glade Twp., Warren Co., PA in 1900; of West Virginia in 1904; possibly of South Bend, IN in 1911; and "of Oklahoma" in 1920.
Will and Addie's children included SADIE KELTS, b. in the late 1880's; LOREN HORACE KELTS, b. about December 1887; BURT MONROE KELTS (1890-1937); KATHRYN NEOLA KELTS or NEOLA K. KELTS, b. in Feb. 1900, possibly the wife of DOSSIE GREEN of Tulsa who was named in Burt's obituary.
MAYS/THURBER/GIVENS/LOGAN/CARTER/VAIL Posted by Lynda Kelley <> on 5Oct2000
Seeking information on the following families: Mays, Thurber, Givens,
Logan (originally out of Adair, Sequoyah, or Cherokee counties) and any
Carter, or Vail (Originally from Pittsburgh, McIntosh, & Sequoyah
counties. I'm trying to update the lineage from the 1920's to the
present. Any information is helpful.
HUDELSON Posted by Pearl Thomas <> on Mon, 09 Oct 2000

I am looking for my great grandpa.I have located some of his children in Tulsa county,in Collinsville in the 1920s.If anyone has any information on David Hudelson who was married to Anna Icenogle,
BRUNER (1858-1897) Posted by Daryl Bruner <> on Tue, 10 Oct 2000


I'm looking for descendants and any additional information. Family from Tulsa Co., OK.
STONE Posted by Viki Simpson <> on Fri, 13 Oct 2000

Looking for a Glennis Paulette Stone, born in Shawnee, Oklahoma, in early 1940's.
ROWE Posted by Patricia Schrader <> on Sat, 14 Oct 2000

My great-aunt Caroline Rowe MacArthur and my great-uncle Ernest Rowe were both long time residents of Tulsa. I last saw them in 1954 or 1955. I should like any information concerning their deaths/burials. I believe Ernest Rowe's wife was named Alma or Alta. I believe they had at least one child. Ernest was, I believe, a geologist.
TRUNK Posted by William Howard Pixley <> on Mon, 16 Oct 2000

I am intereted in the family of Jacob Sidney and Violet Fix Thatcher, originally from Ontario, Canada. They had two daughters, Maggie May Thatcher and Emma Thatcher Trunk. Emma Trunk (possibly born in 1880's) was of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma in the 1930's.
Jacob Thatcher had a sister, Alzura Thatcher Early, living in Washunga, Kaw, Oklahoma, at this time.
oakwood Sanitarium Posted by Dianna Souza <> on Fri, 20 Oct 2000

I am trying to find out if the was Oakwood Sanitarium in Tulsa Co.? It would be around 1934. Any info would be appreciated. 
SEXTON Posted by Julie Oliver <> on Sat, 21 Oct 2000

I am looking for descendants of Thomas Daniel Sexton. He was b. circa 1860 in Boone Co, MO son of Solomon and Sarah Hunter Sexton. He had 6 brothers and sisters. He m. according to his obit a Sarah Ettie ? - don't know when and had at least 3 children: son Ira who m. Cindy Ulry b. 1894, Martha Ann who m. a Williams and Carrie who m. a Skinner. Ira and Cindy had 2 children before she d. when the children were small. They were Orville and Cleo. Ira rem. - don't know when. I don't much more about the family. Any info at all appreciated.
Bradley Posted by Kim(Downey)Barden <Kimba4JC> on Sun,22 Oct 2000
I have searched high and low for my ancestors, John Franklin Bradley and his wife, Nancy Ann Rucker Bradley. They may have been born around 1850, possibly in the state of
Missouri .
The only thing my grandparents told me before they passed away is that both of them were buried in
Tulsa , Oklahoma . I did find a record that they were married in 1878 in Missouri . I also know my great grandmother was born 1881 in Missouri . So, sometime after that, they moved to Oklahoma and died there. Can you give me some idea of where to go from here? I've searched all the search engines known to man on the internet. I can't find a trace of them. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated!

keifer Posted by Laura Lee Judd <> on Sun, 22 Oct 2000 McCreary County, KY. GenWeb

I am searching for Descendants Of My father, He was Lee Edwend Keifer, Birth: 25 Jun 1941 Oklahoma, Death:15 Apr. 1990 Tulsa, Oklahoma, His Mother was Catherine Elvetla Lee, Father was Don Keifer. He marr:My Mother Bitsey Bailey in California in 1960, She was 16, He was in the USMC, Then he Marr: Sharon Grooms of Fontana, California, I was told that they had Two Boys, My Brothers.I'm trying to find out any INFO!! information on Ancestry of the Keifer and Lee lines.if you can help I'd be very grateful  Laura Lee Keifer Judd
Posted by Meg Greenwood <> on Mon, 05 Feb 2001,  

Laura - your old addy is out of date, hope you see this message and contact me. Found only one short obit for Lee :
Keifer, Lee, 48, former Law Enforcement Officer, Thursday, Moore's Memory. Tulsa World, April 6, 1990. No other obits were published, searched April entirely. You could contact The Tulsa Police Department and ask for assistance. Surely there is a department for this. - Meg Greenwood / Obit volunteer, Tulsa, OK
HOGUE/HUFFORD/BERRY Posted by Jane Berry Ourso <> on Mon, 23 Oct 2000

BROOKS Posted by Barbara Lusk <> on Mon, 23 Oct 2000

My mother's brother, John Brooks b. 1910 in Calhoun Co FL moved to Tulsa County about 1930 & lived on a cattle ranch on a reservation. His wife was Harriet & they had one daughter Johnnie Cee Vee; they are all deceased now; but I would like to find out the dates when they died & their descendants. I know Johnnie Cee Vee marr (first name unknown) Foster & they had two children: Josh Brooks Foster & Ashley Foster. If you can help or see a any connection to these names email: 
hiett Posted by Pamela <> on Mon, 23 Oct 2000

Looking for any information on the family of Gerald J. Hiett, of Bixby, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Gerald Hiett died in April 1981, and his Wife, Arlie died in July 1967. I'm hoping someone can tell me where they are buried and/or possible look up their obituaries. I believe Gerald was one of five brothers to my Grandfather Major McKinley Hiett.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact me at
POSTOAK Posted by Daryl Bruner <> on Wed, 25 Oct 2000

Looking for descendants and any additional information on the following family. Taylor is buried in the Postoak Cemetery, Sand Springs, OK. Thanks.
TAYLOR POSTOAK (1812 - 21 Oct 1891) & SALLIE
1. AGGIE POSTOAK (1842/1847 - ) & AMOS FISHER (1844 - 1923)
2. SALINA POSTOAK (1855 - 12 Feb 1892) & ELI BRUNER (3 May 1858 - 17 Feb 1897)
RICKENBRODE Posted by brian <> on Fri, 27 Oct 2000

I am looking for a professional genealogist who will check for three obits in Tulsa newspapers, as well as one marriage record at courthouse. Blanche Rickenbrode was married first to Charles Dickson. He died in Tulsa and she married Rev. William T. Green in Tulsa. Blanche and first husband are buried at Rose Hill Memorial Park. If interested, please email me for further information about death dates. 
RESPONSE Posted by Bernie Moore-Knowles <> on Sat, 28 Oct 2000, in response to research, posted by brian on Fri, 27 Oct 2000

I saw your post to the Tulsa Co. Page and wanted to jot you a quick note. I grew up in Tulsa for the most part, actually in the nieghborhood bordering the north side of Rosehill Cemetery. My family is buried there, also.
Anyway.......Rosehill should have the name of the funeral home that directed the services of your ancestors in their records. The obituaries were/are provided to the area newspapers by the funeral homes. So, the funeral home should have record of the obituaries in their files. Note that if the deceased were a female, the obituary, should you go the route of researching for it in The Tulsa World records (morning newspaper)......her obituary would be filed under her husband;s name. Odd thing for me, the liberal female to digest. But, none the less.....true. I have a dear friend that has been an editor for The Tulsa World for years and she enlightened me to this method of the newspaper's record keeping.
You do not mention the era that you are researching in Tulsa. But, with that information, may be that I could direct you a bit more. Just let me know........

Bernie Moore-Knowles
Phoenix, Arizona

"I have Indian blood in me. I have just enough White blood for you to
question my honesty." : Will Rogers
response Posted by Meg Greenwood <> on Tue, 31 Oct 2000, in response to research, posted by brian on Fri, 27 Oct 2000

I am an Obit Lookup Volunteer for 2 Oklahoma Counties. I can easily check the Obits from the Newspapers on microfilm for the Tulsa World or Tulsa Tribune newspapers at the Main public Library downtown, providing you have the date of death, or date of interment, and the Death was in Tulsa County. Have never done a marriage check at the Courthouse, it seems a good time to learn! There is no charge, except for copies - 10 cents, or whatever the Courthouse has for a fee - if any. Contact me personally at:
CRABTREE Posted by Patty Mancinelli <> on Sat, 28 Oct 2000

I am looking for information on a J. Crabtree, whom I believe died in Tulsa in Feb. 1978. The J. Crabtree I am looking for is the son of Bertha Upton Crabtree and the brother of Helen and Doris. Any information would be greatly appreciated. You can contact me directly at Thank you.
BURRUSS Posted by M. Davidson <> on Sun, 29 Oct 2000

Seeking info/ances/desc of [General] George Washington Burruss, b 29 June c.1885,uncertain about year and place of birth; died 10 April 1950, Tulsa, Tulsa Co, OK; buried Rose Hill Cemetery, Tulsa, Tulsa County, OK. S/o Adaline Eulalah/ Eula Burruss(1857-1896) and Solomon Carnes (1856-1945). Married-1 1907, GA, Beuna Vesta "Bunie" PORTER(1889,GA-1949,GA)at least four children; divorced 1919. Married-2 Adeline (mnu), one child. Married-3 1926,Tulsa, Tulsa Co, OK, Nettie Edna CUMMINGS-PROCTOR (1896,IA - 1978, Tulsa, OK).

Although there are documents indicating that GW Burruss was born 1891-1892, Danville, Pittsylvania Co, VA, it is believed that he was actually born c.1885, probably in GA or SC. His family in GA indicate that he was born General Washington Burruss, and when he left GA he changed his name to George Washington Burruss. He also used the spelling Burris.

Known children: By Bunie: Theodore Robert Burruss,1907, GA - d 1909; William Rex Burruss 1909, GA - 1972, GA; Clara Belle Burruss (Singleton) 1911, GA-unk; Wynelle Burruss, 1912,GA - ; Marie Burruss (Story), 1914, GA - 2000, GA.
By Laura Roberts Connard: Anne/Anna "Annie" Roberts Burruss, 1910,VA - 1994,VA.
By Zona Abbott: Zona Burruss, c.1912, GA - unk.
By Adeline (mnu): Mary Christine (Myers---Franks)c.1915/16-.
Nettie: Murle Harry 1917, OK - 1959,Tulsa, OK.

General George Washington Burruss was g/s/o John H. Burruss (1826-1865 [CSA]) and Sarah 'Jane'Elizabeth Rives/Rieves/Reeves -Waller-McKinney (1835/38-1904).
Known places of residence: GA, AR, OK, and possibly TN. He settled in OK about 1916.
Would appreciate ANY information. M. Davidson,
YARBROUGH Posted by Jeanette Martin <> on Sun, 29 Oct 2000

WALTER ELIAS YARBROUGH , b 22 Jan 1895 died Mar 1977, and his wife VERGIE b 10 Apr 1903, died 1 Mar 1999, were residents of Sand Springs, Tulsa County, OK according to family lore. They probably lived there in the 1960s and 1970s. We know Walter's last residence [SSDI] was listed as Choteau, OK, and Vergie's as Mannford, OK. However, both Walter and Vergie may have been buried in the Sand Springs cemetery. Are there any obituaries or cemetery records available? Appreciate your help.
walker Posted by Sharon J. Funk <> on Sun, 29 Oct 2000

Need information on a John W. Walker living in the Tulsa
County area probably Collinsville, around 1900. He married a
Masters, any information will be appreciate
pyeatt Posted by Marianne Pyeatt <> on Tue, 31 Oct 2000

Diana Hornsby Pyeatt filed a confederate widow's pension application in March of 1922 from Tulsa, OK. She was the widow of William Pyeatt and had been in Tulsa about 2 years. I did not find her on the 1920 soundex for OK. I imagine that she lived with a married daughter, Nancy Pyeatt ?, as Diana was about 85 years old in 1922 (b: 1837 MS). Does anyone have access to Tulsa city directories or an obituary index who could try to find Diana for me? Thank you for any assistance. Marianne in Mountain Home, AR Pyeatt Genealogy Research
LOE Posted by Tammie Ford <> on Thu, 02 Nov 2000

I am looking for any info on Bessie Loe , died 25 March 1979 in Tulsa, Tulsa, OK. Her maiden name was Stuckey, born in PA. She was married first to Cyrus P. Ford, and then to Daniel H. Loe. She had one son - Frank R. Ford, whom at one time had been married to Laura G. McCain. Info on any of these people would be greatly appreciated.
KLEMKE Posted by Theresa Raby <> on Sun, 05 Nov 2000

Looking for family, Charles A KLEMKE died April 1970 Tulsa, Ok He was my great-uncle. Have information on great-grandfather. Would like to exchange information with any relation.
ROY Posted by Clarence C.Roy <> on Mon, 06 Nov 2000

My grandfather Dr.Emile Roy died in Tulsa October 13,1941 His obituary was listed in the Oct.14,1941 issue of the Tulsa Oklahoma Tribune.Does this newspaper still exist? How would I go about obtaining a copy of the obituary?
RESPONSE Posted by Sharon Cairns <> on Mon, 06 Nov 2000, in response to Obituary lookup, posted by Clarence C.Roy on Mon, 06 Nov 2000

The Tulsa Tribune no longer exits in Tulsa (Tulsa Co.), OK. You might check with the Tulsa City/County Library, 918-596-7977.
NEAL Posted by Wylie J. Neal <> on Thu, 09 Nov 2000

Is there a cemetery at Wekiwa, If so where and if not has it been moved? Family records indicate my ggrandfather, George Neal was buried there in 1895-1905. Thanks
RESPONSE Posted by JBerly <> on Thu, 09 Nov 2000, in response to Wekiwa Cemetery, posted by Wylie J. Neal on Thu, 09 Nov 2000

My husband and I do not think there is a cemetery at Wekiwa because there is a cemetery and a small church only a few miles (maybe 2 miles) away at Tanglewood. Neither of us remember one at Wekiwa. This church served the Wekiwa area.
RESPONSE Posted by Wylie Neal <> on Fri, 10 Nov 2000, in response to Wekiwa Cemetery, posted by JBerly on Thu, 09 Nov 2000

Could you direct me to the Tanglewood cemetery from the location of Wekiwa? I have not been on the West side of Sand Springs in years. I grew up at Bruner Station and remember going through where Wekiwa was on old highway 64.
RESPONSE Posted by Jaye Berly <> on Fri, 10 Nov 2000, in response to Tanglewood Cemetery, posted by Wylie Neal on Fri, 10 Nov 2000

Get on 64 hiway going west toward the Cimarron turnpike. About 1 mile outside of Sand Springs there is a sign pointing to the church. I was by there today and meant to stop and look for you, but I had a senior moment and sickled past there so fast I was 10 miles down the road before I remembered I meant to stop. The hour was getting so late I would not go back. I will be gong that way on Wed. and IF I can remember and provided my husband does not protest, I will stop by.
BUTCHER Posted by Earl M. McDaniel <> on Fri, 10 Nov 2000

Clarence Butcher was born on 3 Jul 1908 and died in March 1986 in Tulsa, Tulsa Co., OK. Clarence's father was George Butcher. His mother's first name was either Allia or Nellie. I am descended from Clarence's paternal grandfather who returned to and died in Kentucky - his name was Jonas Harvey Black. Several of the KY descendents are very interesting in meeting are OK cousins. I look forward to hearing from them.
TEDFORD/ENYART/WILSON/CARTANA Posted by Thelmarie Alexander Curtis <> on Fri, 10 Nov 2000

Researching my Grandmother, Zetta Dee TEDFORD ENYART who married husband #2 - John Dixon WILSON abt 1910-11 in Tulsa. Would appreciate someone doing a "lookup" for me for their marriage date and place of marriage, witnesses, etc.. They lived in an old area of Tulsa on "Stove Pipe Hill/Stand Pipe Hill" (Is this familiar to anyone)?

My Mother, Lilly Lee Wilson was born in Tulsa Jul 06, 1918. She attended elementary school somewhere in Tulsa from abt 1924-1926. Her baby sister, BEATRICE WILSON, was born and died in abt 1920 in Tulsa. Would appreciate someone doing a "lookup" for me for Beatrice Wilson's date of death and place of burial.

In abt 1925 Zetta Dee Tedford Enyart Wilson and John Dixon WILSON were divorced, I believe, in Tulsa. Would like someone to do a "lookup" for me for their date of divorce.

In abt 1925-26 Zetta Dee Tedford Enyart Wilson married again to husband #3, WILLIAM CARL CARTANA, I believe in Tulsa or Oklahoma City. Would like for someone to do a "lookup" for me for their wedding date, witnesses, etc..

If any of these names sound familiar to you, please contact me.

If you know of an Oklahoma web site where I might search for Births - Deaths - Marriages - Divorces please contact me.
MILLS Posted by Judy Reustle <> on Sat, 11 Nov 2000

Letter postmarked 18 Jun 1943 Sand Springs, Okla, cancelled 3 cent stamp. From: E W Mills, 601 1/2 McKinly St., Sand Springs, Okla. To: Mr. W. H. Gimson, Frisco R.R. company, Tulsa, Okla.

"Dear Sir:
I am sorry, Jack cannot report for work at this time. He left for selective service this week.
He would like to work for you when he git back.
Mrs. E W Mills"

Descendants/relatives are welcome to have the original letter and envelope.
HARDY/TEMPLETON Posted by Betseylee Browning <> on Sat, 11 Nov 2000

Looking for Edward Templeton born abt 1870, native American, md. Flora Ester Hardy. She went by Ester. They lived abt 1938 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ester was Caucasian. Willing to share all the information I have.
GARDNER Posted by Shaun Carson <> on Tue, 14 Nov 2000

Seeking information on the These Gardner Brothers: Teddie T. born about 1906 married Goldie Kehler about 1934; Kingsley E. born about 1883 died about 1940 married Lettie Gray and Lela (?); Ben born about 1889 died about 1938 married Tilla Lafever; Charles Harlow born about1891; William Swisher born about 1894; and Henry Bennett Gardner.
All these brother were believed to be born in Missouri. Lived in Tulsa, Tulsa Co., Ok. in the 1920's.
Would like any data on them.
BALL/MANNING/WASSON Posted by Margy Ball Miles <> on Tue, 21 Nov 2000

I am looking for any inf. on my BALL family who lived in and around Broken Arrow in Tulsa County through 1910. The names are, DR. BENJAMIN BALL and his wife, Susannah. Their children were James, George, and Jacob.
I would also be interested in any inf. on the MANNING or WASSON surnames in the same time period.
I would appreciate hearing from anyone who might have come across these names in the area.McCreary County, KY. GenWeb
SHIPLEY/HUBBARD Posted by Chris Shipley <> on Sun, 26 Nov 2000

Alexander SHIPLEY and wife Lydia HUBBARD SHIPLEY, and sister Nancy HUBBARD. They came to OK for the land rush in 1898/9. On the 1900/1910 census they lived in Pottatomie Co., Ok, but in 1920 they lived in Skiatook, Tulsa Co., Ok and then dissappear after that. I am trying to trace this Great Great Uncle and family. I have data to share on this line.
COLLINS, Jack Norman,Posted by Curt Lerner <> on Mon, 27 Nov 2000

With no success, I have been searching for my birth father for many years. Recently, I have discovered that he was originally from Skiatook in the Tulsa area. Where he was born specifically, I don't know, but I do know he was 34 in 1962, making him born approx 1934.
He was reportedly married to my mother, Nancy Holsteen in the late 1950s
He would be approx 66 now.

ROGERS Posted by Robert Mulvehill <> on Mon, 27 Nov 2000

I am searching for any one thats doing the family tree on the ROGERS family, from the Tulsa, Ok. area. I have a ROBERT
EDWARD ROGERS who was married to Martina (Reisner) ROGERS.
I believe he died in Ca. on 10-11-1985. His wife was from
E. Orange, N.J.
There daughter was Sarah Rose Rogers. b. in Ok.
Q/ were there any other children???????????
McHENRY Posted by Jim <> on Wed, 29 Nov 2000

Trying to get info MINNIE McHENRY, Borm 1985 died 1965
Buried Memorial Park Cemetery, Tulsa.
RESPONSE Posted by Meg Greenwood <> on Fri, 01 Dec 2000, in response to Minnie McHENRY, posted by Jim on Wed, 29 Nov 2000

Jim - I am a lookup volunteer for Tulsa, OK. Called Memorial Park Cemetery today, and they said they absolutely don't have a Minnie McHenry anywhere. They do their searches by computer now, as it is a HUGE place, and I will add that if there is any anomaly in spelling, it will not pick up a match. Meaning - if McHenry was spelled Mc Henry, with a SPACE between the Mc and the Henry, it would not have been picked up unless that space was included. OR, it might have been McHenrey.

I suggest you check your sources again, and if they still say she is there, call them yourself and see what the glitch is. They DID have a Lovey V McHenry who died in 1985, and an Archie Lee McHenry in 1985 also. The phone number there is 918-627-0220. Nice staff to work with, if they are not busy with services, you will get undivided attention.

I have to suppose you had a typo in your message - she surely didn't die in 1965, and born in 1985. Do you mean 1885 for a birth year ? They have NO Minnie McHenrys there for ANY death year. Sorry, but the Death Index for Tulsa Obits at the main Library only covers 1968 - 90. That might have been a good way to find out, except for the years covered.

Please re-post details as they develop - Meg Greenwood / Lookup volunteer, Tulsa and Washington Counties
sharpe  RESPONSE Posted by Carol Ross <> on Sat, 02 Dec 2000, in response to SHARP, posted by sharon cordell on Sat, 17 Apr 1999

Would your George Sharp be related to a Robert Sharp, born 1865, married Louisa Nancy Bashaw 1891 in Indian Territory. They had four children, Estras, Myrtle, Clarence Richard and Theodore. Louisa died in childbirth-1901. Robert died either 1912 or 1913.
ARREST RECORDS Posted by Lynn Brown <> on Sun, 03 Dec 2000

Looking for any of the old arrest records, for petty crimes, gambling, drinking, fighting that may be on line.
Years of 1880 - 1919. My understanding is they were sent to Ft. Smith across the state line to appear in court. I found this once and for some reason did not mark it. My family may not even be in it but I am just looking.
LAWRENCE Posted by Wm. Lawrence <> on Mon, 04 Dec 2000

I'm looking for information on Edward Lawrence b. 1895 AR.
d. 1979, Edward lived in Tulsa at the time of his death.

MCNEAL (First posted 27Feb2000) Posted by Dave Dinham <> on Sun, 27 Feb 2000, in response to MC NEAL, WM.City Directory Info, posted by W. E. Sharp on Sun, 27 Feb 2000

I have a William H. McNeal in my tree, brother of John McNeal born in 1830 from whom my mother was a descendent. We know John went to Tulsa and possibly started another family, however we have come to a dead end on this. Possibly a link can be developed somewhere on this. Although this is nearly a century earlier, I wanted to reply in case someone has something on this. We have nothing further on this particular William H. McNeal, however have a lot on John's known family. Possibly your William is from John's new family in Tulsa?????? Dave Dinham
Posted by W.E.Sharp <> on Sun, 27 Feb 2000, in response to McNeal family in Tulsa, posted by Dave Dinham on Sun, 27 Feb 2000

Thanks for the post. Our William Cicero McNeal was born in GA or AL in 1864. There are a lot of family stories and I thought I had found his family but did not. He went from AL>AR>OK>NB where he died in 1928. I am trying to see if anything in Jenks Town would give us a clue of his family. It's like he appeared at my grandmother's doorstep one day in 1882 in AL, married her and they went on their travels having 10 children-6 who survived to adulthood.
Posted by mcneal <> on Mon, 04 Dec 2000, in response to McNeal family in Tulsa, posted by Dave Dinham on Sun, 27 Feb 2000

There is a couple of William Henry Mcneal's in our branch of the family in Alleghany County- Pittsburgh,Pa. area.

ROBERTSON/RUTLEDGE Posted by Gwen <> on Mon, 04 Dec 2000

I need to find info on either of these two people if possible. William H.ROBERTSON b. 1-2-1886 Parson's, Ks. and Lillie Mae RUTLEDGE b.3-23-1896 Fannin Co., Texas. These were my Grandparent's and they were married and lived in Tulsa co. for many years of the 50 years that they were married. Both died , and are buried in Tulsa. My Grandfather worked for the city of Tulsa's Water Dept. for over 40 years,until ill health forced him to retire. If anyone knows anything of this family, please e-mail me, I would be very grateful.
HIGGINS Posted by Gerry Avera <> on Fri, 08 Dec 2000

Looking for info on a Robert Higgins, Married to a Clara Ware. Children Olie, Ora, Goldia, Sylvia, Jessie, Fred & King.
Shea Posted by Gerry Avera < >on 9Dec2000
Hi, I am needing an obituary on a Ms, Sylvia Shea. She passed away
July 29, 1993 in Tulsa . Is there a place I can find this on her
Thank you, Happy Holidays. 

BURGESS, DITCH, HENSROTH, HOWERTON, KOBISKIE, THEM or THIM  Posted by Michelle Remele <> on Sat, 09 Dec 2000

HI! I am wanting information on my family members in Tulsa, OK by the surnames of Burgess, Ditch, Hensroth, Howerton, Kobiskie, Them or Thim. Thank you for any and all help. Michelle

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