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Washita County, Oklahoma

LookUp Volunteers

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Washita County Lookup Volunteers

Pamela Miller
The current information I have centers around the Sentinel, Retrop, and Port areas. I have documented the Retrop Cemetery, part of the Port Cemetery, and have abstracted obits and marriages from 20 years worth of the "Sentinel Leader" newspaper, along with two other smaller Sentinel papers which ran for only a few years.

  1. "Sentinel Newsboy" 11/19/1904 to 2/4/1910 - Marriages & obituaries

  2. "Sentinel Sword of Truth" 11/13/1912 to 12/30/1914 - Marriages & obituaries

  3. "Sentinel Leader" 2/11/1910 to 12/29/1932 - Marriages & obituaries

  4. "Star Community Cemetery" and it is referred to as the "Feeser Family Cemetery", although I think the Star name is more appropriate or official.

  5. "Retrop Cemetery"

  6. The dates listed for the "Newsboy" and the "Sword of Truth" were also the dates of publication of the papers. The "Leader" replaced the "Newsboy" as the paper in Sentinel and is still published today.

Books: Wagon Tracks - Washita Historical Committee 1892 - 1976 (or 67)
Red Bluff Book - A collection of letters from people who lived in the Red Bluff area of Washita Co. Contact: Frederick Dittmar


Copyright © 1996-2025 by OKGenWeb ~
Washita Co.
Coordinator - Susan Bradford (Nov 2003 - 2023)
Updated:  03/06/25 January 08, 2025
