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Mt. Pleasant

April 12, 1947

The Session of Mt. Pleasant Church met at Mount Pleasant.

Was opened with prayer.

Present  Rev. C. Kingsbury

N. Cochnauer
I. Folsom
D. Perkins
J. Potter

The following person[s] presented themselves for examination as candidates for church membership.

Peter Jackson John Wade Winny Jackson
Lerice Boutice Cornelius McGee Tennessee McGee

After examination, Resolved, that they be received.

Closed with prayer.

(Signed) C. Kingsbury, Moderator

May 9, 1847

The session met at Mount Pleasant. Was opened with prayer.

Present  Rev. A. Wright

N. Cochnauer
I. Folsom
J. Potter

Mrs. Sucky Folsom presented herself for examination as a candidate for church membership.

After examination, Resolved that she be received.

Had a recess.

After recess Session met.

Present  Rev. C. Kingsbury

N. Cochnauer
I. Folsom
D. Perkins
J. Potter

Resolved that J. Potter be appointed Clerk of the Session of Mount Pleasant Church.

The following persons presented themselves for examination as candidates for church membership.

Mrs. Elisa Folsom Elsy Wade Amanda Dana

After examination, Resolved that they be received.

Thomas Wheeler and Leonisa Folsom having been recommended by the Pastor of the Wheelock Church as members in good standing in that Church were received as members of this church.

Closed with prayer.

J. Potter, Clk of Session

Nov. 21, 1847

The Session met at Mt. Pleasant. Was opened with prayer.

Present  Rev. J. Potter

Col. I. Folsom
N. Cochnauer
D. Perkins

Brs. T. B. Turnbull and Peter Jackson appeared before the Session and acknowledged that they had, for some months past, kept up an unfriendly epistolary correspondence with each other. They acknowledged their guilt, appeared penitent, and professed mutual forgiveness; after which they were admonished by the session.

Closed with prayer.

J. Potter, Modr.