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March 10, 1850

The Session of Mt. Pleasant Church met at the usual place of worship. Opened with prayer.

Present Rev C. Kingsbury, Modr.

Isaac Folsom
N. Cochnauer
C. C. Copeland

Amanda Dana appeared before the Session and requested a letter of dismission from this church that she might become united to the Baptist church. Resolved that her request be granted.

Emily Smith presented herself as a candidate for admission to this church. After some conversation with her, Resolved that the decision in her case be deferred till some future time.

Closed with prayer.

C. C. Copeland, Clk of Session

May 25, 1850

The Session me at the usual place of worship, and was opened with prayer.

Present Rev C. Kingsbury, Modr.

I. Folsom
N. Cochnauer

James McIntosh presented himself before the Session as a candidate for admission to the church. After examining, Resolved, that he be received. Closed with prayer.

May 26, 1850

The session met and was opened with prayer.

Catherine Jones, a member of this church, appeared before the Session, and confessed that she had sinned, in talking improperly abut her neighbors; in neglecting to pray, and to attend on the word and ordinances of God; and requested to be restored to the confidence and fellowship of the church. She appeared truly penitent, and the Session Resolved that she be restored.

Amanda Dana, who had received a letter of dismission from this church, appeared, returned the letter, and requested to be received again to the fellowship of the church. Resolved, that her request be granted.

Lorice Battice appeared, and confessed that she had greatly sinned in a  difficulty with the family, with which she lived, and by improper conversation. She appeared penitent, and requested to be restored to the fellowship of the church. After admonition and caution, Resolved that she be restore.

Emily Smith and Jenny Cole appeared before the Session as candidates for admission to the church fellowship. After examination, Resolved that they be received.

Imahetona having received a dismission from the Bennington church and recommendation to the Mt. Pleasant Church, requested to be received as a member of this church. Resolved that her request be granted.

Closed with prayer.

C. C. Copeland, Modr.

Tomahuski, June 29, 1850

The session of the Mt. Pleasant Church met and was opened with prayer.

Present Rev C. Kingsbury, Modr.

I. Folsom
N. Cochnauer

Jonas Frazier and his wife Lucy Frazier having received a letter of dismission from the Mayhew Church and of recommendation to this church, appeared before the session and requested to be received as members of this church. Resolved that their request be granted.

Jackson Frazier, Vina Frazier, Nancy Frazier, Nancy Homma and Yoki appeared before the session to be examined as candidates for admission to the church. After conversing with them, the session deferred a decision till they could converse with them more fully.

Closed with Prayer.

June 30, 1850

The session met and was opened with prayer. Present as above.

The above candidate, together with Tonika, Shahbichi, Joseph Frazier, Koniatobi, Shema and Sholli presented themselves to be examined as candidates for admission tothe church. After examination, the session unanimously resolved that Jackson Frazier, Vina Frazier, Nancy Frazier, Nancy Homma, Shema, Tonika, and Shahbichi be received. Also that Joseph Frazier, Koniatobi, Sholli and Yoki be deferred till some future time.

Closed with prayer.

C. C. Copeland, Mod.

Mt. Pleasant, Aug 25, 1850

The session of the Mt. Pleasant Church met and was opened with prayer.

Present C. C. Copeland, Mod.

I. Folsom
N. Cochnauer

Joseph Frazier, Simon Mosely, Sholli and Ishtona appeared before the session, as candidates for admission to church fellowship. After examination, Resolved that they be received.

Henry Martyn appeared and presented a letter of recommendation from the Pastor of the Good Water Church, for himself, his wife, Koniatona and Ishtimahokit, with a request that they be received to the watch-care and fellowship of this church. Resolved that their request be granted.

Closed with prayer.

C. C. Copeland, Modr.

Sept 12, 1850

In Presbytery at Pine Ridge
Approved Cyrus Byington, Modr.

Tomahuski  Sept. 29, 1850

The session of Mt. Pleasant Church met and was opened with prayer.

Present  Rev. C. C. Copeland, Modr.

Isaac Folsom
Nicholas Cochnauer

Yoki (who had before conversed with the session), Bilsey Mosely, Onanchi and Saini Moseley presented themselves to be examined as candidates for admission to the church. After examination, Resolved that they be received.

Hapona who had been a member of the Methodist church, appeared and requested to be received to the care and fellowship of this church. But upon conversing with her, it appeared that she was still considered a member of that church. The session advised her to obtain a letter of dismission from the Methodist church and then present herself for admission to this church.

Jonas Frazier a member of this church appeared and confessed that he had sinned in getting angry. he appeared penitent, acknowledged his liability to err, and promised to be more watchful in future. The session on considering all the circumstances of the case, so far as they were acquainted with them, Resolved that after a public explanation of the circumstances of the case, and a settlement of some misunderstanding with his brothers; he be considered as restored to the fellowship and confidence of the church.

Sholli a member of this church was called before the session. It appeared that she had been forsaken by her husband and had been married to another man with out having obtained a divorce from her former husband. She had applied for a divorce and might have lawfully obtained it. The session thought best, after explaining to her the law in such a case, to continue her church relation as she had committed the error in ignorance.

Closed with prayer.

C. C. Copeland, Modr.

Dec. 8, 1850

Session met at the usual place of worship and was opened with prayer.

Present  Rev. C. C. Copeland, Modr.

I. Folsom
N. Cochnauer

It having appeared to the session, that Sally Ann Batiste, a member of this church, had for a long time practiced the sin of lying and that she has still persisted in her sinful conduct, therefore Resolved that she be suspended from all the privileges of the church, and that unless she manifest suitable repentance, her relation to this church must cease.

Betsey and Lasti presented themselves before the session as candidates for admission to the church but both of them were very young, after conversation with them and suitable encouragement, Resolved that their case be deferred till some further opportunity.

Closed with prayer.

C. C. Copeland, Modr.