The First Eight Months of Oklahoma City.


A. C. Bailey, of Kansas,   Alex Shields,  of  Kansas,
W. L. Harvey,      "       J. E. Bell,          "
Horace B. Calef,   "       H. S. Heap,          "
G. G. McGregor,    "       James Geary,         "
M. C. Gharst,      "       J. H. Barry,         "
Taylor Logan,      "       H. W. Kirtland,      "
H. M. Drake,       "       Sam'l H. Radebaugh,  "
James Cunningham,  "       W. H. Crater,        "
A. C. Scott,       "       S. Linn Biedler of Illinois
Fred H. Reed,    Ohio.     J. S. Shields,     New York
J. M. Steade,    Ind. Ter. David W. Gibbs,    Ohio
Dr. A. J. Beale, Kentucky  John A. Keys,      Ind. Ter.
W. F. Penehouse  Ind. Ter. G. A. Wickline,    Texas
M. L. Holloway,  Penn.     Robert W. Beatty,  W. Va.
J. B. Westbrook, Ohio.     G. W. Thomas,      Ind. Ter.
Alex. Logan,     Illinois. Edmund G. Hudson,  Ill.
Lamed Oleson,    N. B.     Richard Poplin,    Montana
H. Arronsmith,   Tenn.     W. P. Shaw,        Mo
M. V. Sullivan,  Ohio.     L. H. Goodrich,    Arizona.
                    L.B. Baird, Kentucky
Regular weekly meetings of the members of the order were held until their organization under a dispensation on the 23d of September, 1889. The Grand Lodge at its annual meeting in Purcell, I. T., granted the North Canadian Lodge No. 36, a charter on November 6, 1889. The North Canadian Lodge is a branch of the Eastern Star Lodge of the Indian Territory. The charter members of the North Canadian Lodge No. 36, numbered twenty-three and the total number of members at its organization was twenty-nine. Its first meeting and election of officers under a charter was held December 13th, 1889, and the following were the officers elected:
C. M. Keller,      W. M. Major   J. E. Bell,    Secretary
Dr. C. F. Waldon,  S. W.         W. P. Stork,    S. D.
Maj. W. A. Monroe, J. W.         Taylor Logan,   J. D.
David W. Gibbs,    Treasurer.    L. H. Graham,   Tyler
On the 7th of November, 1889, the grand officers of the Grand Lodge of the Indian Territory, were escorted to Oklahoma City by General and Mrs. Cramer from Purcell, I. T., where the regular meeting of the Grand Lodge had been held. They were Rev. Joseph Murrow, of Muskogee, Mr. Rennie, E. H. Boyle, W. H. Boyle, W. A. McBride W. P. Lieper, Wm. Noble and J. J. McAllister, for whom the town of McAllister, I. T., was named. They were driven over the city and tendered a reception in the afternoon at the Masonic hall. The North Canadian Lodge is in good working order and is the oldest lodge in the Oklahoma Territory and at present has the greatest membership.

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