The First Eight Months of Oklahoma City.


Mr. T. N. Lamport, of the Union Lumber Mills, and other prominent lumbermen of the city were largely instrumental in organizing the OKLAHOMA RETAIL LUMBER DEALERS ASSOCIATION. On Saturday evening, November 15; in the Bone & McKinnon building, representatives from all the principle lumber companies in the territory assembled and the association formed. There were present as delegates: M. L. Best. Arkansas City Lumber Co., city; F. L. Parker, Parker Lmb'r Co., Guthrie; H. Braden, South-western Lumber Co., Guthrie; L. Bealen, Arkansas Lumber Co., Guthrie; J. C. Hall, Arkansas Lumber Co., Guthrie, Mr. Tissington, Rathbun, Rhinehart & Co., this city; S. W. Sawyer, Sawyer Lumber Co., El Reno; A. B. Alexander, Union Lumber Mills, Guthrie; T. D. Lamport, Union Lumber Mills, this city; W. L. Sharpe, Huttig Bros. & Co., Wichita; Mr. Graham, Oklahoma Mercantile Co.. Guthrie; Mr. Lumpkin, Iowa Lumber Co., Guthrie; Mr. Blincle, Guthrie; Mr. Martin, Fort Scott Lumber Co., this city; M. Wells, South Texas Lumber Co., Purcell;

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Mr. Regan, Davidson & Case, this city; A. S. Parks, Kansas Sash and Door Co., Wichita; D. G. Saunders, E. P. Cowen Lumber Co., Kansas City; H. B. Bullen, Still-water; James Brown, Brown & Co., Edmond; Mr. Chit-wood, Santa Fe Lumber Co., this city; I. N. Lund, Carey Lombard Lumber Co., this city; Mr. Coombs, Seymore & Coombs, Reno City; B. H. Ward, Ward & Co., Kingfisher; Mr. Hoover, Hoover & Co., Hennessey; Mr. Russell, Frisco Lumber Co., Frisco; Geo. Todd, Jones & Richard-son, Guthrie; Mr. Gault, Vanderberg, Gault & Co., this city; A. Miller, Darlington & Miller Lumber Co., Guthrie; Mr. Choat, Oklahoma Lumber Co., Norman; T. M. Richardson, Jones & Richardson, this city; Ben Cray-croft, Reno Avenue Lumber Co., this city.

The officers of the association for the ensuing year are:
    T. V. Lamport, president,     M. L. Best, secretary.
    F. L. Parker, vice-president   T. M. Richardson, treas.

Directors in addition to the above gentlemen are:
    B. H. Ward, Kingfisher,         Mr. Wells, Purcell.
    W. S. Sawyer, El Reno,         Mr. Choat, Norman.
                    Mr. Darlington, Guthrie.

The lumbermen of the city were tendered a vote of thanks for the hospital reception given the visiting delegates. The meeting was one of much pleasure and profit to all parties concerned.

At a meeting of the association March 15, 1889, the following directors were present: T. B. Lamport, J. R. Wells, W. L. Choat, Evans R. Darlington, T. M. Richard-son. The meeting was called together by the president, T. V. Lamport. On motion of Mr. Choat, T. M. Richard-son was selected as secretary pro tem. The president stated the object of the meeting was to elect two directors to fill the vacancies caused by the death of our brother secretary, M. S. Best, and the resignation of the president. After some discussion the meeting was declared open for business and the resignation of the president was accepted after which they proceeded to the election of directors. Ben Craycroft and Frank O. Miller were declared elected. The directors now called for an election of officers where upon Ben Craycroft was elected president and Frank O. Miller secretary to fill the unexpired term. After the newly elected president was escorted to the chair the following business was transacted:

WHEREAS: It has pleased Almighty God to remove from earth our brother, M. S. Best, and circumstances have been such with our brother president as to cause his resignation, be it

RESOLVED, That in the death of our brother, M. S.

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Best, and the resignation of our brother president, T. V. Lamport, the Retail Lumber Dealers association of the Indian territory have incurred a loss of two of its most worthy and active official members, of which we all feel we have sustained an irreparable loss. 

Be it further RESOLVED, That these resolutions be printed in the city papers and a copy be mailed to Mrs. M: S. Best, wife of our deceased brother.

BEN CRAYCROFT, president.
FRANK O. MILLER, secretary.
T. M. RICHARDSON treasurer.
W. L. CHOAT,                      }
J. R. WELLS,                        } Directors.
EVANS RICHARDSON,            }