  Oklahoma Genealogy
   OKGenWeb Indian Pioneer Papers
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Transcribers who tirelessly submit Indian Pioneer Interviews for the benefit of other researchers: 

Lola Crane <coolbreze@cybertrails.com>

Catherine Widener <catz@kcisp.net>

Wanda Elliot <jwdre@intellex.com>

Gay Wall

Donald L. Sullivan <donald.l.sullivan@lmco.com>

Sharon DeLoache <deloache@intellex.com>

Brenda Choate

Peggy J. Horton <wphor@sbcglobal.net>

and countless researchers who have submitted interviews pertaining to their families.

[If you have submitted multiple interviews other than those for your family and your name is not listed, please let me know.  Thanks - Marti]


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Updated:  08 Jan 2025