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Volume 52 - 9 microfiche Microfiche #6016917
Name Address
LABADIE, Alice Miami, OK
LABOR, Elliston Belzoni, OK
LABOR, Henry  Miller, OK
LABOR, William * Octavia, OK
LABORS, Alexander Ethel, OK
LACASSE, Andrew Mangum, OK
LACY, Charles Miami, OK
LADY, J. M. (Jud) Ralston, OK
LAEL, C. E. Wynnewood, OK
LAEL, Celeste Caby (Froman) Wynnewood, OK
LAFFERTY, Lawson A. Garber, OK
LAFORCE, Claude Chickasha, OK
LAIRD, H. C. Pauls Valley, OK
LAMAR, Jennie Fairland, OK
LAMAR, L. B. Tulsa, OK
LAMAR, Sarah Fairland, OK
LAMB, Alvin B. Enid, OK
LAMB, Charles H. Tulsa, OK
LAMB, Hiram Lorenzo Muskogee, OK
LAMB, Lula Benn Tulsa, OK
LAMB, Ralph J. (Mrs.) Tulsa, OK
LAMBE, George Alexander El Reno, OK
LAMBERT, A. A. Chickasha, OK
LAMBERT, James Irwin Red Oak, OK
LAMBERT, Marion Morrison, OK
LAMINACK, Lettie B. Mangum, OK
LANCASTER, Stephen A. Douglas Alva, OK
LAND, L. L. Oklahoma City, OK
LANDRUM, Charles F. Vinita, OK
LANE, Allie Wall Stigler, OK
LANE, Eva Anadarko, OK
LANE, J. M. Fitshugh, OK
LANE, Rachel Miami, OK
LANFORD, John W. Mangum, OK
LANGFORD, K. W. Mangum, OK
LANGLEY, Andrew J. Westville, OK
LANGLEY, Jay Avery, OK
LANHAM, Perry Wynnewood, OK
LANNING, Daniel Kinsley Tahlequah, OK
LANTS, Pearl Gilliam Tulsa, OK
LARNEY, Willie Seminole, OK
LARSON, Chris Renfrow, OK
LARUE, William L. McAlester, OK
LASLEY, Mose Vernon, OK
LATIMER, James S. Wilburton, OK
LATIMER, Josephine Usray Oklahoma City, OK
LAUGHLIN, G. K. Cushing, OK
LAW, Eldorus, Sr. (Mrs.) Geary, OK
LAW, Mount (Mrs.) Anadarko, OK
LAWHON, T. M. Sentinel, OK
LAWHORN, Florence Elk City, OK
LAWHORN, Martha C. Cordell, OK
LAWLEY, Claude H. Sentinel, OK
LAWRANCE, Oscar K. Sulphur, OK
LAWRENCE, Bell Whinery Dyer Okmulgee, OK
LAWRENCE, J. B. Clinton, OK
LAWRENCE, W. A. (Mrs.) Sayre, OK
LAWSON, Loss Oklahoma City, OK
LAWSON, Robert Campbell Tulsa, OK
LAWTON, Grace Arapaho, OK
LAYNE, James B. Tahlequah, OK
LAYNE, William J. Hartshorne, OK
Volume 53 - 10 microfiche Microfiche #6016918
Name Address
LEACH, Lee Oklahoma City, OK
LEACH, Lendal T. Oklahoma City, OK
LEADER, Barney Holdenville, OK
LEAL, Celeste Caby (Froman) [Lael] Wynnewood, OK
LEARD, J. Norman Hugo, OK
LEAVITT, Anna Oklahoma City, OK
LEBRECHT, Ella Lawton, OK
LEDBETTER, Thomas Emmitt Lone Wolf, OK
LEE, Bertrica Rocky, OK
LEE, Crockett McAlester, OK
LEE, Elizabeth Miami, OK
LEE, Forest Chickasha, OK
LEE, Lelia C. Duncan, OK
LEE, Mary C. Enid, OK
LEE, Sarah Bartlesville, OK
LEE, T. M. Okemah, OK
LEE, Washington *  
LEECRAFT, Arthur Neel Durant, OK
LEEDOM, Phillip Geary, OK
LEFAVE, Charles Stigler, OK
LEFLORE, Bud Blocker, OK
LEFLORE, Charles * Atoka Co. OK
LEFLORE, Felix Spiro, OK
LEFLORE, Forbis Durant, OK
LEFLORE, Joe (Mrs.) Spiro, OK
LEFLORE, Louie (Miss) McAlester, OK
LEFLORE, Louis C. (Mrs.) Atoka, OK
LEFLORE, Mose Lane, OK
LEFLORE, Salina Garvin, OK
LEFORCE, Ras Vinita, OK
LEFORCE, Sarah Purcell Blackwell, OK
LEGRON, Gretelle Tulsa, OK
LEHEW, Ben Pawnee, OK
LEHMER, Robert H. Tulsa, OK
LEIERER, John E. Meno, OK
LEMMON, Ida V. El Reno, OK
LEMON, Bill Achille, OK
LEMON, Will E. Wakita, OK
LEMOND, Robert Thomas Lone Wolf, OK
LEMONS, Jennie Virginia Lyon El Reno, OK
LENA, Charley Wewoka, OK
LEONARD, Grover Indianapolis, OK
LEONARD, Morris (Mrs.) Anadarko, OK
LEOSER, Walter Tehlequah, OK
LERBLANCE, Willie Checotah, OK
LESKE, Ethel May (Olmstead) El Reno, OK
LESKE, Jake El Reno, OK
LEVERETT, Mary Jane Waurika, OK
LEVITE, Pete M. Apache, OK
LEVY, Christine Cain Perry, OK
LEWIS, (Mrs.) Washington, OK
LEWIS, A. P. (Mrs.) Sulphur, OK
LEWIS, Anna J. Oklahoma, OK
LEWIS, Charles Stewart Tushka, OK
LEWIS, Dave B. Henryetta, OK
LEWIS, David B. Eufaula, OK
LEWIS, Ed A. Cleveland, OK
LEWIS, Elsora Muskogee, OK
LEWIS, George W. Davis, OK
LEWIS, J. H. (Mrs.) Oklahoma City, OK
LEWIS, John E. Hartshorne, OK
LEWIS, Philip A. Muskogee, OK
LEWIS, Robert Adamson, OK
LEWIS, Stephen R. Tulsa, OK
LEWIS, Stewart Tushka, OK
LEWIS, Susan McAlester, OK
Volume 54 - 7 microfiche Microfiche #6016919
Name Address
LEWIS, Tom M. (Jr) Cleveland, OK
LEWIS, W. F. (Mrs.) Mill Creek, OK
LEWIS, Winey Henryetta, OK
LEY, Grace McAlester, OK
LEYERLE, W. A. Chickasha, OK
LIENEMAN, Peter T. May, OK
LIKOWSKI, John Weleetka, OK
LILLIE, Albert Pawnee, OK
LILLIE, Foress B. Guthrie, OK
LILLIE, Ida May LeGrange El Reno, OK
LILLIE, Thomas Kennedy El Reno, OK
LIMBAUGH, Pete Duncan, OK
LINDLEY, C. E. Henryetta, OK
LINDSEY, H. H. Wetumka, OK
LINDSAY, H. M. Anadarko, OK
LINDSAY, J. D. (Mrs.) Chickasha, OK
LINDSEY, Lilah Denton Tulsa, OK
LISTER, Annie Greenleaf El Reno, OK
LITSON, George Tulsa, OK
LITTLE, Anna B. Halett, OK
LITTLE, Blanche E. No Place Given
LITTLE, D. L. No Place Given
LITTLE, Frisco J. El Reno, OK
LITTLE, Helen Elchhoff El Reno, OK
LITTLE, Jason Kingfisher, OK
LITTLE, W. A. Arthur, OK
LITTLE, William R. Cushing, OK
LITTLECROW, Herman Red Rock, OK
LITTLEHEAD, Whiteman Bristow, OK
LIVERS, George No Place Given
LIVERS, John Stilwell, OK
LIVERS, Tom Sallisaw, OK
LIVERMORE, Georgia Altus, OK
LLOYD, Fred Brookfield, OK
LLOYD, W. W. (Mrs.) Altus, OK
LOCHRIDGE, William A. Boswell, OK
LOCKE, Mary E. Muskogee, OK
LOCKE, Victor M., Sr. Hugo, OK
LOCKE, Victor M. (Colonel) Oklahoma City, OK
LOCKE, Victor M., Jr. Antlers, OK
LOCKE, Wilson Hugo, OK
LOCKWOOD, Edd Chickasha, OK
LOFTIN, Charles W. Wister, OK
LOGSDON, Andy W. Cordell, OK
LOMAN, Peter Antlers, OK
LOMAN, Sam Broken Bow, OK
LONE MAN Greenfield, OK
LONEWOLF, Bruce Saddle Mountain, OK
LONG, Albert Chickasha, OK
LONG, Andrew J. No Place Given
LONG, Emma Miami, OK
LONG, Grover Oklahoma City, OK
LONG, H. A. Kingfisher, OK
LONG, Letitia McAlester, OK
LONG, Tishie McAlester, OK
LONG, William Commerce, OK
LONGBONE, Sarah Miami, OK
LONGTAIL, Jake Vinita, OK
LONIAN, Moses Vinita, OK
LOONEY, George Weleetka, OK
LOOP, George A. (Mrs.) Wakita, OK
LORENCE, O. I. Pauls Valley, OK
LORENSEN, Mary Barth Smith El Reno, OK
LORRIN, Nora L. (Smith) El Reno, OK
LOSIER, Walter S. Tahlequah, OK
LOUDERDALE, John J. Elk City, OK
LOUGH, Lucinda Geary, OK
LOUNSBURY, Smith Bartlesville, OK
LOUTHAN, M. B. Oklahoma City, OK
LOVE, Albert Byars, OK
LOVE, Emma Claremore, OK
LOVE, Grace Medford, OK
LOVE, Kissie Colbert, OK
LOVE, Overton Ardmore, OK
LOVE, Robert Muskogee, OK
LOVELDAY, Harve Okemah, OK
LOVELESS, Price Byars, OK
LOVELL, J. I. (Mrs.) Gage, OK
LOVELL, Nora B. Cloud Chief, OK
LOVETT, John J. Tahlequah, OK
Volume 55 - 8 microfiche Microfiche #6016920
LOCHRIDGE, William A. Boswell, OK
LOCKE, Mary E. Muskogee, OK
LOCKE, Susan Hampton Hugo, OK
LOCKE, Victor M., Sr. Hugo, OK
LOCKE, Victor M. (Colonel) Oklahoma City, OK
LOCKE, Victor M., Jr. Antlers, OK
LOCKE, Wilson Hugo, OK
LOCKWOOD, Edd Chickasha, OK
LOFTIN, Charles W. Wister, OK
LOFTIN, Charles W. Tulsa, OK
LOGSDON, Andy W. Cordell, OK
LOMAN, Peter Antlers, OK
LOMAN, Sam Broken Bow, OK
LONE MAN Greenfield, OK
LONE WOLF, Bruce Saddle Mountain, OK
LONG, Albert Chickasha, OK
LONG, Andrew J. no place given
LONG, Emma Miami, OK
LONG, Grover Oklahoma City, OK
LONG, H. A. Kingfisher, OK
LONG, Letitia McAlester, OK
LONG, Tishie McAlester, OK
LONG, William Commerce, OK
LONGBONE, Sarah Miami, OK
LONGTAIL, Jake Vinita, OK
LONIAN, Moses Vinita, OK
LOONEY, George Weleetka, OK
LOOP, George A. (Mrs.) Wakita, OK
LORENCE, O. I. Pauls Valley, OK
LORENSEN, Mary Barth Smith El Reno, OK
LORRIN, Nora L. (Smith) El Reno, OK
LOSIER, Walter S. Tahlequah, OK
LOUDERDALE, John J. Elk City, OK
LOUGH, Lucinda Geary, OK
LOUNSBURY, Smith Bartlesville, OK
LOUTHAN, M. B. Oklahoma City, OK
LOVE, Albert Byars, OK
LOVE, Emma Claremore, OK
LOVE, Grace Medford, OK
LOVE, Kizzie Colbert, OK
LOVE, Overton Ardmore, OK
LOVE, Robert Muskogee, OK
LOVELDAY, Harve Okemah, OK
LOVELESS, Price Byars, OK
LOVELL, J. I. (Mrs.) Gage, OK
LOVELL, Nora B. Cloud Chief, OK
LOVETT, John J. Tahlequah, OK
Volume 56 - 7 microfiche Microfiche #6016921
LOW, H.D. Davis, OK
LOWDERMILK, Graham E. Tulsa, OK
LOWE, Alex Weleetka, OK
LOWE, Conukey Wewoka, OK
LOWE, Howard Sentinel, OK
LOWE, Mahaley Schulter, OK
LOWMAN, A. T. Geary, OK
LOWMAN, Ollie Geary, OK
LOWRENCE, Martha Antlers, OK
LOWRY, J. H. Kingfisher, OK
LOWRY, Marion Tulsa, OK
LOWRY, W. O. Sentinel, OK
LOWTHER, Robert D. (Dr.) Norman, OK
LOYD, J. J. Paoli, OK
LOYD, Lillie Sulphur, OK
LUCAS, G. W. Ochelata, OK
LUCAS, George Mill Creek, OK
LUCAS, Lemuel Ervin Wilburton, OK
LUCAS, Orrington Wagoner, OK
LUCKSTED, John E. Newkirk, OK
LUCKY, Lewis E. Okmulgee, OK
LUCUS, Johnson; 
GARVIN, Louis; 
Caddo, OK
LUDLOW, Meton Henebia, OK
LUKER, William J. Dustin, OK
LUMKIN, C. M. Vinson, OK
LUMPMOUTH, Doughty (Mrs.) Geary, OK
LUSK, M. S. Nardin, OK
LUSTER, Sarah Ellen Mill Creek, OK
LUTMAN, P. W. (Mrs.) Edmond, OK
LYDA, Sylvester Elk City, OK
LYKINS, Willis Commerce, OK
LYLE, Frances M. Caddo, OK
LYMAN, George Sanford El Reno, OK
LYNCH, Aurelia Tulsa, OK
LYNCH, B. Tulsa, OK
LYNCH, C. B. Tulsa, OK
LYNCH, Charley Vinita, OK
LYNCH, Joseph Martin Stilwell, OK
LYNCH, Robert Muskogee, OK
LYNCH, William Dawson, OK
LYNCH, William Tulsa, OK
LYNN, G. R. Pauls Valley, OK
LYNN, E. S. Pauls Valley, OK
LYNN, Jess Lugert, OK
LYNN, Martha Campbell Lone Wolf, OK
LYON, Robert Anderson Alva, OK
LYONS, Jake Oklahoma City, OK
LYONS, Margarite El Reno, OK
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Updated:  08 Jan 2025