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   OKGenWeb Indian Pioneer Papers
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Volume 66 - 9 microfiche Microfiche #6016931
NABORS, T. M. Hickory, OK
NABORS, V. C. Pauls Valley, OK
NAGLE, Patrick S. (Mrs.) Oklahoma City, OK
NAIL, Edward Durant, OK
NAIL, George L. Hartshorne, OK
NAIL, J. P. Chickasha, OK
NAIL, William Poteau, OK
NALLY, Jim F. Sulphur, OK
NANCE, R. Y. Westville, OK
NANCE, James T. Altus, OK
NANCE, John Haskell, OK
NARHARKEY, Sammie Tulsa, OK
NASH, Burell Roff, OK
NASH, John William Hobart, OK
NASH, Sally (Love) Rentieville, OK
NATION, Lottie Altus, OK
NAVE, John Calvin Muskogee, OK
NAVE, Mary Elisabeth Edmond, OK
NEAD, Sophronia Wilburton, OK
NEAL, George E. Hobart, OK
NEAL, James P. No address given
NEAL, R. D. (Mrs.) Oklahoma City, OK
NEAL, W. J. Mangum, OK
NEELEY, Alice Cordell, OK
NEELEY, George C. Cordell, OK
NEELEY, Rachel Cordell, OK
NEELLY, John B. No address given
NEELY, Nemrod Kingfisher, OK
NEFF, Lily M. Sentinel, OK
NEHKA, Noel Sobol, OK
NEIGHBORS, Lula Hartshorne, OK
NELMS, William McAlester, OK
NELSON, A. N. Pawnee, OK
NELSON, Ella Mae Elk City, OK
NELSON, Ellen P. Antlers, OK
NELSON, Hattie Pierce Soper, OK
NELSON, Implin (Mrs.) Finley, OK
NELSON, James L. Breckinridge, OK
NELSON, Richard Antlers, OK
NELSON, Sam Pawnee, OK
NELSON, Solomon Antlers, OK
NELSON, Theresa Ashford Soper, OK
NETHERTON, T. G. Oklahoma City, OK
NEVINS, Mary No address given
NEVINS, Nero Tulsa, OK
NEWBERRY, Guy Wilburton, OK
NEWELL, Mary El Reno, OK
NEWLAND, J. L. Frederick, OK
NEWMAN, Arthur H. El Reno, OK
NEWMAN, Cornelia El Reno, OK
NEWMAN, Hannah L. Commerce, OK
NEWMAN, Lee Miami, OK
NEWMAN, Luella Hugo, OK
NEWSOM, J. A. (Rev.) Alva, OK
NEWSOME, Thomas Oscar Mill Creek, OK
NEWSOME, William Jhue El Reno, OK
NEWTON, Emma Washington, OK
NEWTON, Ida Muskogee, OK
Volume 67 - 8 microfiche Microfiche #6016931
NICHOLAS, E. L. Mangum, OK
NICHOLAS, John M. Morrison, OK
NICHOLS, Eva Spicer Whitetree Miami, OK
NICHOLS, H. W. McAlester, OK
NICHOLS, J. B. Hartshorne, OK
NICHOLS, R. L. Pauls Valley, OK
NICHOLS, Wade Ardmore, OK
NICHOLS, William B. Duncan, OK
NICHOLSON, George Lee Bartlesville, OK
NICHOLSON, H. C. (Mrs.) Perry, OK
NICHOLSON, Ike Bartlesville, OK
NICKERSON, Frank Shattuck, OK
NICKLES, Alice Kingfisher, OK
NICKLES, W. H. Kingfisher, OK
NIEMAN, W. H. Blanchard, OK
NILES, Margaret R. Foley El Reno, OK
NILES, Van A. El Reno, OK
NIXON, Lula Antlers, OK
NOAH, Elmer Ellsworth Hobart, OK
NOAH, Frances Antlers, OK
NOAH, Sarah Atoka, OK
NOBLE, Annie V. Checotah, OK
NOBLE, Frank Hominy, OK
NOBLE, John Henry Meeker, OK
NOBLE, William Oklahoma City, OK
NOEL, J. F. Cherokee, OK
NOEL, Sara (Sallie) Antlers, OK
NORDSTROM, Gust Edmond, OK
NORMAN, Lynn W. no address given
NORRIS, A. G. Lawton, OK
NORRIS, Elsie A. no address given
NORRIS, Emily Daisy, OK
NORRIS, G. W. Blanchard, OK
NORRIS, Maud Parshall Lawton, OK
NORTH, C. V. Oklahoma City, OK
NORTHCUTT, Rebekah Sentinel, OK
NORTHRIP, J. E. Antlers, OK
NORTHRIP, M. A. Clinton, OK
NORTHUP, Don Dover, OK
NORTON, Kitty Chickasha, OK
NORWOOD, Ben A. Hugo, OK
NORWOOD, Marshall Clay Durant, OK
NOTTINGHAM, William Jasper Tahlequah, OK
NULL, O. E., et al Arnett, OK
NUNLEY, Riley Poteau, OK
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Updated:  08 Jan 2025