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Volume 68 - 8 microfiche Microfiche #6016933
OAKES, Dan W. Soper, OK
OAKES, Harriet Gibbons Hugo, OK
OAKES, Joel E. Hugo, OK
OAKES, Lem W. Hugo, OK
OAKES, Margaret Atlas, OK
OBERDAHALHOFF, Will Greenfield, OK
ODELL, J. B. Sentinel, OK
ODOM, Eva Lena Copeland Washington, OK
ODOM, Sarah Muskogee, OK
OGDEN, Latta Davis Texanna, OK
OGLE, Henry Tabler, OK
O'GWIN, W. H.  Pauls Valley, OK
OHLER, William Henry Vinita, OK
O'KEEFE, James (father) Oklahoma City, OK
OLDHAM, Linzy Cache, OK
OLIVER, J. H. Blanchard, OK
OLMSTEAD, William H. Waynoka, OK
OLNEY, St. Claire Edmond, OK
OLDSMITH, Emma Guthrie, OK
OLSON, Lawerence H. Morrison, OK
OLVIE, W. J. Enid, OK
ONAN, Charles Muskogee, OK
ONAN, Tempah Elisabeth Duke, OK
ONCO, Robert Hobart, OK
O'NEIL, Mary C. Randlett, OK
ONSTATT, Charles Blanchard, OK
OOLEY, Loren Shattuck, OK
ORENDORFF, S. H. (Mrs.) Mangum, OK
ORGAN, Scott Chickasha, OK
ORME, Giles Crane (Mrs.) Healdton, OK
ORNDOFF, Mary Cunningham Mangum, OK
ORRINGTON, Lucas * Guthrie, OK
OSBIRN, Jane Sulphur, OK
OSBORN, Charley Maysville, OK
OSBORN, George B. Oklahoma City, OK
OSBORN, Mattie K. Jones Morrison, OK
OSBORNE, Edna Hunt Fort Towson, OK
OSBORNE, John R. Maysville, OK
OVERBECK, George Henry Woodward, OK
OVERFIELD, George Bartlesville, OK
OVERFIELD, N. F. Pawhuska, OK
OVERLEES, Frank M. Bartlesville, OK
OVERSTREET, Emma Jean Ross Durant, OK
OVERTON, Lee Martin (Dr.) Tulsa, OK
OWEN, J. D. E. Morrison, OK
Owens, Alfred Sulphur, OK
Owens, Bendy (Lewis) Sulphur, OK
OWENS, Georgia Sentinel, OK
OWENS, J. J. Chickasha, OK
OWENS, Lafayette (Mrs.) Sulphur, OK
OWENS, Laura Tulsa, OK
OWENS, Leona Eufaula, OK
OWSLEY, Robert F. Hominy, OK
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Updated:  08 Jan 2025