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Indian Pioneer Papers - Index

Indian Pioneer History Project for Oklahoma
Name: N. Franks
Post Office: 
Duncan, Oklahoma
Residence Address:   
Date of Birth:  
Place of Birth:  
Place of Birth:  
Information on father:
Place of birth:   
Information on mother:
Field Worker: 

Interview #

I came into Oklahoma in 1894 and settled on Mud Creek and leased land from a man name Lowery. 

Mr. Tidwell and I were together and had put in forty acres of corn. It was growing fine but we lost every bit of it. We were on an Indian lease and were paying Lowery the fees. He pretended to have charge of this Indian land. A man by the name of Florence, who had married and Indian came out and told us we would have to move. We told him we were paying fees on it and showed him our papers. We went to court and Fort Smith , Arkansas, and got our lawyer, who told us he would handle our case but we would lose. He was honest about it . We did lose and had to move. Florence was nice about it, though. He told us we could move outside the fence and farm and he wouldn't charge us a thing. We lost all our corn, though. 

[Submitter note: Nim Franks was born June 10, 1861, in Arkansas. He lived in Duncan, Oklahoma from 1894 until he died in 1938.]

Submitted to OKGenWeb by Beverly Franks, August 2001.