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VOLUME 69 - 10 microfiche Microfiche #6016934
PADEN, Clif No address given
PADGETT, James R. Stilwell, OK
PAGE, John E. Elk City, OK
PAGE, Mamie Oklahoma City, OK
PAGE, Montie S.  Poteau, OK
PAINKILLER, Watashe Kellyville, OK
PALMER, B. M. Muskogee, OK
PALMER, David B. Laverne, OK
PALMER, Eliza Okmulgee, OK
PALMER, Elizabeth Lindsey Miami, OK
PALMER, H. T. Miami, OK
PALMER, John Okmulgee, OK
PALMER, Ralph J. Hominy, OK
PALMER, Thomas Jefferson Davis, OK
PALMER, W. B. Blanchard, OK
PALONE, Fred Westville, OK
PALONE, Mary Starr No address given
PANGUIN, John Stringtown, OK
PANKRATZ, Isaac Cordell, OK
PANNELL, Caroline Muskogee, OK
PARISH, Elias Darwin, OK
PARK, Samuel McAlester, OK
PARKER, Alice Sulphur, OK
PARKER, Clyde Sulphur, OK
PARKER, Henry Scraper, OK
PARKER, J. W. Waurika, OK
PARKER, Mannie B. Oklahoma City, OK
PARKER, Mary E. No Address given
PARKER, Simon Marietta, OK
PARKER, Peter Mangum, OK
PARKINSON, Roxie Cardin, OK
PARKS, J. T. Tahlequah, OK
PARKS, John Pauls Valley, OK
PARKS, Minnie Lee Altus, OK
PARKS, Ruth Alluwe, OK
PARMAN, Julie A. Cordell, OK
PARNELL, Dora B. Henryetta, OK
PARNELL, L. T. Muskogee, OK
PARNELL, Z. O. No address given
PARRIS, Elva Tahlequah, OK
PARRIS, John F. Tahlequah, OK
PARRIS, Johnson Park Hill, OK
PARRIS, Margaret Gideon, OK
PARRIS, Ransom Watts, OK
PARRIS, Thomas Johnson Park Hill, OK
PARRIS, W. P. (Billy) Hominy, OK
PARRISH, William Durant, OK
PARSLEY, C. S. Paden, OK
PARSONS, Samuel James Lone Wolf, OK
PARTON, Leona Anadarko, OK
PARTRIDGE, Reuben No address given
PASLAY, M. F. (Mrs.) Sulphur, OK
PATCHELL, Lillian (Mrs.) Pauls Valley, OK
PATE, George Washington Panola, OK
PATILLA, W. A. Muskogee, OK
PATRICK, A. L. (Mrs.) Kiowa, OK
PATTEN, W. S. Edmond, OK
PATTEQUA, William Shawnee, OK
PATTERSON, J. W. Shattuck, OK
PATTERSON, John N. Velma, OK
PATTERSON, William McCleod Hugo, OK
PATTISON, A. B. Hominy, OK
PATTON, Dan W. Tulsa, OK
PATTON, G. N. Chickasha, OK
PATTON, J. A. Blackwell, OK
PATTON, Pauline R. Carselowey Vinita, OK
PATTY, Walter E. Chickasha, OK
Volume 70 - 8 microfiche Microfiche #6016935
PAUL, Victoria Pauls Valley, OK
PAULK, I. R. Calumet, OK
PAVY, Nellie B. El Reno, OK
PAXTON, Iona Gore Jester, OK
PAXTON, Wheeler Jester, OK
PAXTON, W. W. (Mrs.) Jester, OK
PAYNE, Bob Hobart, OK
PAYNE, Henry Clay Tulsa, OK
PAYNE, Mary Muskogee, OK
PAYNE, Mary E. Muskogee, OK
PAYNE, Robert A. Muskogee, OK
PAYNE, Sophia Hibben Hugo, OK
PAYNE, W. W. Sallisaw, OK
PAYTON, Bert (Mr. & Mrs.) Miami, OK
PEAN, Sarah Baxter Springs, Kansas
PEARCE, Annie Hutchinson El Reno, OK
PEARCE, T. D. Caddo, OK
PECK, Mattie Rocky, OK
PECK, Myrtle Oklahoma City, OK
PECK, P. H. Duncan, OK
PECKHAM, Edward Miami, OK
PEDFORD, John Henry Muskogee, OK
PEERY, Frank T. Cushing, OK
PEERY, Thomas Chickasha, OK
PEET, B. H. Lawton, OK
PELTIER, Ellen Norman, OK
PEMBERTON, Jennie H. Poteau, OK
PEMBERTON, Zeda Kingfisher, OK
PENDER, Beulah Eaton Tulsa, OK
PENDER, Sherman Grant Tulsa, OK
PENDER, Samuel Grant Tulsa, OK
PENDERGRASS, D. C. Henryetta, OK
PENDERGRASS, John Frederick, OK
PENDLETON, George D. Altus, OK
PENDLETON, Jack Oklahoma City, OK
PENDLEY, E. T. Oklahoma City, OK
PENIWELL, Lee Burcham Medford, OK
PENLEY, Sam Sentinel, OK
PENNER, J. E. El Reno, OK
PENNICK, Alford Filmore Oklahoma City, OK
PENNINGTON, Josephine Hulbert, OK
PENNINGTON, Peter Stigler, OK
PENOI, Mark Anadarko, OK
PENROD, Sarah A. El Reno, OK
PENSKOFER, Frank Cache, OK
PENWRIGHT, Louisa El Reno, OK
PENWRIGHT, William Henry El Reno, OK
PEPPER, James H. Edmond, OK
PERRYMAN, Daniel  
PERRYMAN, Henry W.  
PERRYMAN, John Frederic  
PERRYMAN, Thomas Ward  
PORTER, William  
Volume 71 - 10 microfiche Microfiche #6016936
PERCEWELL, Paris E. Chandler, OK
PERDASOPHY, Andrew Faxon, OK
PERKIN, Shelby Caney, OK
PERKINS, Buck Chickasha, OK
PERKINS, John Filmore, OK
PERKINS, Louie Caney, OK
PERKINS, Serena Caney, OK
PERKINS, Susan Pisachubbi Filmore, OK
PERRY, A. B. (Mrs.) Atoka, OK
PERRY, A. L. Duke, OK
PERRY, Alice No address given
PERRY, Dwight Joy Edmond, OK
PERRY, Eli Enid, OK
PERRY, Henry Belton Blanchard, OK
PERRY, J. C. Supulpa, OK
PERRY, James Atoka, OK
PERRY, Joe B. Paoli, OK
PERRY, Roderick Dhu Collinsville, OK
PERRY, Samuel Tulsa, OK
PERRYMAN, Silla Dewar, OK
PERRYMAN, T. W. (Rev.) No address given
PETER, Alexander Caney, OK
PETERS, Jennie Greenfield, OK
PETITTE, Mary Tahlequah, OK
PETTER, Bertha E. K. Lame Deer, Montana
PETTIGREW, J. J. Pauls Valley, OK
PETTIT, Phillis No address given
PETTY, James T. Sulphur, OK
PEWE, Wilbur Apache, OK
PFEIFFER, Ethel Daniel Duke, OK
PHARISS, J. E. Verden, OK
PHARISS, Walter Swink, OK
PHEIFER, Emily J. Savanna, OK
PHELPS, G. Lee Wetumka, OK
PHELPS, William David Bartlesville, OK
PHILLIPS, A. Newkirk, OK
PHILLIPS, Julia Ardmore, OK
PHILLIPS, Lola Sentinel, OK
PHILLIPS, Martha Murphy, OK
PHILLIPS, Sarah Scott Artussee, OK
PHILLIPS, Thomas E. Sulphur, OK
PHILLIPS, Warfield Tulsa, OK
PHILPS, Mary A. Elk City, OK
PHIPPS, Joe Okay, OK
PICAMAN, John Claremore, OK
PICKARD, Cap Anadarko, OK
PICKENS, Clayburn McMillan, OK
PICKERING, Levi Henryetta, OK
PICKETT, Joe Okmulgee, OK
PICKLE, Freeman O. * Red Oak, OK
PICKLE, Robert J. Red Oak, OK
PIERCE, Louis Atoka, OK
PIERCE, Nannie Braggs, OK
PIERCE, Richard Westville, OK
PIERCE, Walter Henryetta, OK
PIERSON, Elsie Borger, Texas
PIERSON, William Muskogee, OK
PIGEON, Millie Barber, OK
PIGG, Bradley (Mrs.) Mangum, OK
PIKE, B. M. (Mrs.) Frederick, OK
PILBURN, Effie Tonkawa, OK
PINEHILL, Leo Bristow, OK
PINEHILL, Sally Bristow, OK
PINKERSTON, Georgia Emma Elk City, OK
PINSON, J. C. (Judge) Coweta, OK
PIPKIN, Inez Farr Antlers, OK
PIPPIN, Martha (Goins) Braggs, OK
PISTOKCHA, Cornelia Hotema Hugo, OK
PITCHLYNN, Everett E. Caddo, OK
PITMAN, Laurel Muskogee, OK
PITMAN, Carrie Marshall Wewoka, OK
PITMAN, Maud Sentinel, OK
PITTENGER, Mary Alice Crosby Medford, OK
PITTMAN, L. J. (Mrs.) Elk City, OK
PITTS, Robert D. Tulsa, OK
Volume 72 - 9 microfiche Microfiche #6016937
PLATT, Mattie Anadarko, OK
PLUMB, A. B. Tonkawa, OK
PLUMLEY, Isaac Lahoma, OK
PLUMMER, Bertha Brewer Tonkawa, OK
PLUMMER, George Oklahoma City, OK
POAHWAY, Johnson Cache, OK
POE, John Wilburton, OK
POLECAT, Walter Long, OK
PALING, Alonzo Wilburton, OK
POLING, Hattie Dewees Wellston, OK
POLK, Lawrence Pauls Valley, OK
POLLARD, G. H. Chickasha, OK
POLLARD, Sara E. Sentinel, OK
POLLOCK, Samuel Austin Woodward, OK
POLSON, Greenbury (Bud) Ramona, OK
PONDER, W. P. Mangum, OK
PONDS, Charles W. Muskogee, OK
PONTIOUS, Matilda Guthrie, OK
POOLEY, Emma Plemley El Reno, OK
POORBOY, Thomas Muskogee, OK
POPLIN, George Washington Adair, OK
PORCH, Bob Stigler, OK
PORE, Ellalee Bartlesville, OK
PORTER, Mary Israel El Reno, OK
PORTER, Nancy Susan Dacoma, OK
PORTER, Susan Breedlove Atoka, OK
PORTER, W. J. Tonkawa, OK
PORTER, William Bixby, OK
PORTER, William A. Tulsa, OK
POST, Jim J. Wewoka, OK
POSTLETHWAIT, Nancy (Mrs.) Medford, OK
POSTOAK, Lincoln  Red Fork, OK
POSTON, George Lloyd Tulsa, OK
POSTON, J. T. Antlers, OK
POTEET, John William Guthrie, OK
POTES, Ira Sulphur, OK
POTTS, Artie (Mrs.) Talihina, OK
POTTS, J.B. Colbert, OK
POTTS, Joe Colbert, OK
POTTS, Joe Durant, OK
POTTS, Judy King (Mrs.) Talihina, OK
POWDERFACE, Grace Calumet, OK
POWELL, A. J. Sentinel, OK
POWELL, Addie Smith Hobart, OK
POWELL, Arthur Lee Hobart, OK
POWELL, Shea Chickasha, OK
POWELL, Susan Gregory Bokoshe, OK
POWELL, W. A. Calumet, OK
POWELL, W. H. (Dr.) Sulphur, OK
POWELL, William Banner, OK
POWERS, Ida May Sentinel, OK
POWERS, J. A. (Mrs.) Mangum, OK
POWERS, Jim T. Sentinel, OK
POWERS, Mike Baxter Springs, Kansas
POWERS, Persy Mangum, OK
POYNTER, Pink (Mrs.) Henryetta, OK
PRATHER, Warren Merrimac, OK
PRATT, Charles H. Anadarko, OK
PRATT, Laura McAlester, OK
Volume 73 - 8 microfiche Microfiche #6016938
PRENTISS, James Monroe Sentinel, OK
PRENTISS, Nora Sentinel, OK
PRESLEY, J. C. Chickasha, OK
PRESSLEY, Charlotte Tahlequah, OK
PRESTON, Alice Rentfro El Reno, OK
PRESTON, Louis E. El Reno, OK
PRICE, Eva Quapaw, OK
PRICE, James C. Henryetta, OK
PRICE, Leo Amber, OK
PRICE, T. W. Lawton, OK
PRICE, William Stewart Blanchard, OK
PRIGMORE, Pink Blanchard, OK
PRIM, Hugh Silas Checotah, OK
PRITCHARD, Cora Sentinel, OK
PRITCHARD, L. D. (Mrs.) Altus, OK
PRITCHARD, Louis Garnett Monahans, Texas
PROCTOR, Ezekiel Proctor, OK
PROCTOR, Ezekiel, Jr. Proctor, OK
PROCTOR, Harry Hanna, OK
PROCTOR, Hoi-Tha Dustin, OK
PROCTOR, Huethla Hanna, OK
PROCTOR, Hully Hanna, OK
PROCTOR, Lumber Dustin, OK
PROCTOR, Sarah Jane Alice Elk City, OK
PROCTOR, Susan Okmulgee, OK
PROCTOR, Susie Okmulgee, OK
PROCTOR, Zeke Proctor, OK
PROVOST, Katherine Oklahoma City, OK
PRUITT, Nancy E. Shulter, OK
PRUITT, Lucretia C. Tulsa, OK
PRUSA, Joseph Perry, OK
PRYOR, Elsie Hugo, OK
PRYOR, Mary Elizabeth Medford, OK
PRYOR, Samuel T. Tahlequah, OK
PUCKETT, Jones Louis Vinita, OK
PUCKETT, Louis Vinita, OK
PULIS, W. R. (Mrs.) Anadarko, OK
PULLEN, George W. Davis, OK
PULLEN, J. H. Durant, OK
PULSEY, Lyman McAlester, OK
PURCELL, Joe Anadarko, OK
PURDUM, Perry V. Dewey, OK
PURLEE, Vernon (Mrs.) Tulsa, OK
PUSLEY, Limon McAlester, OK
PUTMAN, W. F. Antlers, OK
PYBAS, B. (B?y) Washington, OK
PYLAND, A.J. Talihina, OK
PYLE, B. F. Elk City, OK
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Updated:  08 Jan 2025