Bloomfield Academy
aka Bloomfield Seminary
south of Achille, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory
moved to Ardmore, Carter Co. Oklahoma
renamed Carter Seminary




Original Buildings of Bloomfield Academy
[burned January 24, 1914] |
Instructors at Bloomfield c1896 |
Mrs. Annie Ream Addington, Superintendent
when school burned in 1914. |

Bloomfield Academy was established in
1852 for the benefit of the Chickasaw children and was
located south of Durant near Achille, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory.
When Bloomfield Academy burned in
1914 the school was relocated to Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, in
the Hargrove College building. The school was renamed Carter Seminary in 1934 in honor of Charles D.
Carter. Today it is a dormitory and serves as home to American Indian students
from many different tribes.
Bloomfield Academy was listed
on the National Register of Historic Place, as south of Achille off
Oklahoma Highway 78, Site #72001055.
Bloomfield Seminary for
Indian Girls is enumerated in Morgan Twp. and Bloomfield Academy is
enumerated in Ardmore City, Ward 1, Carter Co., Oklahoma 1930 Federal

In the
spring of 1852, The Indian Mission Conference appointed John
Harpole Carr to oversee the construction of buildings later known as
Bloomfield Academy. He was afterward appointed superintendent of the
school. He, with others, selected the site which was surrounded by
prairies of green and with wild flowers of all hues and kinds. There, with
his own axe he struck the first blow toward the establishment of the first
missionary boarding school for girls among the Chickasaws. The school
received its name when Carr, attempting to give directions, mentioned the
site was situated in a beautiful field filled with blooming wild flowers -
Bloomfield was adopted as the official designation of the school.
A neighborhood
school was opened for boys and girls continuing through the winter and
spring until the buildings of Bloomfield were completed. Three names
recalled by Mrs. Carr as attending were Simon Kemp, Martin Allen and Levi
The Bloomfield
boarding school opened in the fall of 1853 as a boarding school for girls, with twenty-five pupils. Mrs.
Carr was matron and Miss S. J. Johnson was teacher. The curriculum
included English language and alphabet; spelling, reading,
writing and arithmetic, both mental and written. As the students advanced,
natural philosophy, grammar, "Watts on the Mind," botany and
United States history of the United States were added. The opening
morning session was at half past eight and continued with a recess until
half past twelve. The older pupils studied from five to six in the
afternoon. Before this, in the afternoon they were taught to cut, make and
mend their own clothes. They were also taught how to do all the ordinary
house work, cooking excepted. The older pupils were taught each Saturday
in the pastry department Instruction in all these domestic duties was
required by the contract. The division of labor was after the plan adopted
at Mt. Holyoke Seminary. In the afternoon they were taught
needle, wax, worsted and coral work, also drawing, painting and vocal
music. In the
Sabbath School, Mrs. Carr taught the advanced class by Bible topics; Mr.
Carr preached in the school house Sabbath mornings, and in an arbor near
the branch, in the summer time. A vivid description of the school days is
described in the Elizabeth
Kemp Mead Interview.
The school closed in 1861 with the onset of the Civil War.
During the Civil War a private school was kept three hours
during the morning, free to all who chose to attend. In the early part of the war the Chickasaw Battalion had
orders to occupy the buildings at Bloomfield in which case the family
would have had to move out, but the buildings were not large enough to
accommodate all so the main body of soldiers encamped in the prairie only
making use of the small building in the yard for the Doctor’s office and the girls’ sitting
room for commissary stores. The school house was used for a hospital.
Rev. John H. Carr,
the founder, and his family, left
Bloomfield, in 1867. While records are incomplete, it is known that the first
school session after their departure was conducted by Captain Frederic
Young. At that time, the school was conducted as a co-educational
institution, boys as well as girls being admitted as pupils. Among the boys thus enrolled, was Douglas H. Johnston, destined, many years later, to serve as
superintendent of Bloomfield Seminary and, still later, to serve the
people of the Chickasaw Nation as their chief executive or governor.
In 1867, the
Chickasaw Nation adopted a new constitution which stated quality
education should be provided for their young. A number of educators directed the affairs of Bloomfield. Captain Young was succeeded, in 1868, by Dr. and Mrs. H.
F. Murray, who had charge of the school for two years. Mrs. Murray was a native of Mississippi, a member of a
prominent Chickasaw family. Following was Professor Robert Cole from 1870
to 1875 who was succeeded by Professor J. E. Wharton.
In 1876, the Chickasaw National Legislature
enacted a law providing for a female seminary at Bloomfield Academy and a
male school at the Chickasaw Manual Labor
Academy. The plan for both schools called for forty-five students
between the ages of nine and eighteen who were able to read well in
McGuffey's Fifth Readers, spell well, and read in the New Testament, and
be of good moral character. Only one child from a family would be
received and no pupil would be allowed to remain longer than five years.
Professor Wharton continued until 1880, when he
was succeeded by Robert Boyd, of Tishomingo, who was a citizen of the
Chickasaw Nation by birth. Two years later, Mr. Boyd resigned and was
succeeded by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Johnston, who were to fill out the
other three years of the five-year period. Mrs. Johnston died during the
last year of this contract term. Mr. Johnston was given a new contract for
another five-year period, in 1885. Three years later, he married Miss
Betty Harper, one of the teachers in the Seminary and who was also a former
pupil. Her mother, Serena Factor, had
likewise been educated at Bloomfield and was the first pupil of the
institution to become one of its teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston remained
in active charge of Bloomfield Seminary for ten years after their
marriage. Then, Mr. Johnston was elected as governor of the Chickasaw
Nation, thus terminating sixteen years of faithful and efficient service
as superintendent.
Governor Johnston was succeeded by Professor Elihu B. Hinshaw, who
had been actively associated with him as the principal of the Seminary,
for eleven years. During those years, a modern frame building was
erected, superceding the original log school building. Both the original
building and the new one were destroyed by fire, however, and a third
building was erected.
While Governor Johnston was superintendent, he was greatly interested in
popularizing education among the Chickasaw people, especially those of
full Indian blood. As the result of his efforts, the Chickasaw
Legislature was induced to make a grant of ten dollars per month for the
maintenance of each pupil, whether living at home or boarding at the
Seminary. This action was the cause of many families moving and settling
in the immediate vicinity of Bloomfield.
Professor Hinshaw worked out a course of study for Bloomfield
Seminary which was submitted to the Chickasaw Legislature for approval.
The Legislature not only approved the course of study but issued a
charter to the Seminary, authorizing it to confer diplomas on those of
its students who had completed the course for graduation. The Seminary
was the only school in the Chickasaw Nation which was thus honored.
Professor Hinshaw also developed a summer school of normal
training for teachers prior to statehood. It is said that practically every child
of school age in the Chickasaw Nation could read, write and speak English when the
time came to organize the public school system under the state
In 1899, the Federal Government assumed control of all
tribal schools in the Indian Territory. Professor Hinshaw was continued
as superintendent of Bloomfield Seminary for seven years longer. In 1906, he was succeeded by Mr. J. R. Hendricks, who, in turn
was succeeded by Mrs. Annie Ream Addington, a member of the well known
Guy family of the Chickasaw Nation. She remained in charge until the
school buildings were again destroyed by fire, January 24th, 1914. The
school was not rebuilt but moved to Ardmore, where the old
Hargrove College property was
purchased and where school has since been conducted.
Students, Teachers
and others associated with Bloomfield Academy |
Source |
Addington, Anna
(Guy) superintendent of Bloomfield Academy. |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Allen, Emily |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Boyd, Robert |
This page |
Burney, Rebecca
daughter of a deacon of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Bynum, Ramona
graduated 1904 |
The Golden Age of Bloomfield Academy In the Chickasaw Nation |
Cobb, Ida Mae Pratt |
Indian Times Online |
Colbert, Elvirn and
Elzira daughters of Lemuel Colbert and Carter Elzira Hoyt. |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Colbert, Mary
Ann daughter of Morgan Colbert, deacon in Cumberland
Presbyterian Church. |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Colbert, Rebecca
sister of Frank Colbert who build the bridge across Red River. |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Cole, Robert
(Professor) |
This page |
Sarah student |
Kemp Mead Interview, Indian Pioneer Papers |
Conner, Myrtle
graduated 1904 |
The Golden Age of Bloomfield Academy In the Chickasaw Nation |
Downs, Miss Ellen
I. of Champlain, New York taught from 1856-1861 |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Factor, Serena &
Lorna twins daughters of full blood Indians. Serena
later became a teacher at the school. |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Mildred |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Frazier, Newton
Galloway educated at Bloomfield Academy |
Gideon |
Charlotte graduated 1904 |
The Golden Age of Bloomfield Academy In the Chickasaw Nation |
Harper, Betty
student and later teacher; married Douglas Johnston, President
& Superintendent of Bloomfield |
H. C. Johnston |
Hendricks, J. R. |
This page |
Hinshaw, Elihu
Bennett Director of Bloomfield Academy in the
Chickasaw Nation |
Bennett Hinshaw; Douglas
H. C. Johnston |
Hosmer, Angelina
teacher and wife of John H. Carr |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Johnson, Susan
Jane came to Chickasaw nation in 1852;
educator at Bloomfield for 12 years |
of the Battle of Adobe Walls. |
Douglas President & Superintendent of Bloomfield |
H. C. Johnston |
Kemp, Amelia and
Lucy daughters of Jackson Kemp |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Kemp. Elizabeth
"Fannie" daughter of Joel Kemp |
Kemp Mead Interview, Indian Pioneer Papers |
Kemp, Mary and Frances
, daughters of Joel Kemp, who owned the ferry |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Lambert, Jeanette |
Ardmoreite Online |
Martin , Miss Eliza
from Collin County, Texas in 1855 taught for one year |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Maytubby, Sophia
daughter of Edward Everett Pitchlynn and Sudie Maytubby |
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, June 1996 Obits |
Murray, Dr. & Mrs.
H.F. |
This page |
Newberry, Jane
graduated 1904 |
The Golden Age of Bloomfield Academy In the Chickasaw Nation |
Pritchett , Miss
Rebecca of Virginia Point, Texas taught 1860 |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Reynolds, Mary
whose parents resided in the neighborhood. |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Shecho, Sallie |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Smith, Helen
Birdie daughter of Woodford T. Smith and Syrena
Cheadle Smith; graduated in 1904 |
The Golden Age of Bloomfield Academy In the Chickasaw Nation |
Warner, Alice daughter
of Dr. Warner; married Captain Welch, of the Confederate
army. |
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder |
Webb, John M.
one of the committee appointed to superintend the building of
Bloomfield Academy. |
Little Corner of the Web |
Wharton, J. E.
(Professor) |
This page |
White, O.D.
freighter and general help. |
D. White Interview, Indian Pioneer History Project of Oklahoma |
Young, Frederic
(Captain) |
This page |
Young, Lucy
graduated 1904 |
The Golden Age of Bloomfield Academy In the Chickasaw Nation |
Names of
1892-1909 graduates can be found at Bloomfield
Seminary Notes and will be incorporated into this page as soon
as I receive a copy of the documents. |
John Harpole Carr son of Thomas and Mary Carr born in
Lebanon, Wilson county, Tennessee on April 16, 1812. Licensed to preach
in the Methodist Episcopal Church in 1835. In 1836 he married Miss
Harriet Newell Nail who died in 1847 at her sisters home in Arkansas. In
1845 he became a member of the Indian Mission Conference. In 1852 he
married Miss Angelina Hosmer, of Bedford, Massachusetts who died in
September 1864 and was buried in the cemetery north of the school house.
Two little daughters are also buried there. In August 1865, he married
Miss S. J. Johnson. John Carr died December 29, 1876 in Paris, Texas.

Bryce, J. Y.
Notes of Interest Concerning Early Day Operations In Indian Territory By
Methodist Church South. The OSU Library Electronic Publishing Center, Digital Collections,
Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 4, No. 3, September, 1926: 233-241.
Jun 2002
Carr, S. J. (Mrs.).
Bloomfield Academy and Its Founder. The OSU Library Electronic Publishing Center, Digital Collections,
Chronicles of Oklahoma, Volume 2, No. 4, December, 1924: 379.
Jun 2002
Carter Seminary
July 2002
The Chickasaw Nation
Press, September 8 2000. Calling
Bloomfield Academy Graduates. Jul 2002
The Chickasaw Nation
Press, May 18, 2001. Carter
Seminary Reunion Scheduled. Jul 2002
Foreman, Carolyn
Thomas. Chickasaw Manual Labor Academy, Chronicles of Oklahoma,
Vol. XXIII, No. 4, Winter 1945-46.
Irene B. and Ida Belle Renken. The Golden Age of Bloomfield Academy In the Chickasaw Nation,
Chronicles of Oklahoma, Vol. XLIX, No. 4, Winter 1971-72.
National Register of Historic Places, Oklahoma, Bryan
County, Site #72001055, south of Achille (Bryan Co.) off Highway 78. Jul 2002
The Spur of Phoenix, the Newsletter of Clan Johnston/e
in America, Vol. IV, June 1980, #2, Governor Douglas Hancock Cooper Johnston Of The Oklahoma Indian Territory.
Jul 2002
Steacy, Stephen. The
Chickasaw Nation on the Eve of the Civil War. Chronicles of
Oklahoma, Vol. XLIX, No. 1, Spring 1971, p. 56
Other sources which may
contain information on this subject:
Cobb, Amanda J. Listening
to Our Grandmothers' Stories: The Bloomfield Academy for Chickasaw
Females, 1852-1949. Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 2000,
ISBN: 0803215096.