Guion Miller Applications
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Commission to the Five Civilize Tribes

Spavinaw, I. T., May 1, 1902

In the matter of the application of NAKIE KINGFISHER for the enrollment of herself as a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.

Polly Kingfisher, being first duly sworn, and being examined testified as follows: Through sworn interpreter, James P. Butler:


Q. What is your name? A. Polly Kingfisher

Q. How old are you? A. Fifty-one

Q. What is your post office address? A. Peggs

Q. Who do you want to enroll? A. Nakie Kingfisher

Q. What is her post office address? A. Peggs

Q. She lives in Saline District, does she? A. Yes, sir

Q. Does she live with anybody now? A. Could not tell

Q. What family does she live with most of the time? A. Stays at Joe Kingfisher's house most of the time.

Q. Who is Nakie Kingfisher's mother? A. Cha-go-hi

Q. Who is her father? A. John Kingfisher

Q. Are they both Cherokees by blood? A. Yes, sir

Q. This child, Nakie, is she a full blood Cherokee Indian? A. Yes

Q. Did Nakie's mother once live with a man named Cabin Miller? A. They never lived together, they were just together awhile.

Q. Did Nakie's mother live in Saline District about 1880? A. Yes, sir

Q. What is the name of the child that Nakie's mother had by Cabin Miller? A. Nail Miller

1880 authenticated roll of citizens of the Cherokee Nation examined and applicant identified as follows:

Page 624, # 271, Cho-gah-ni Cabin-Saline District, age 23

1896 census roll of citizens of the Cherokee Nation examined and applicant identified as follows:

Page 1001, # 646, Na-kie Kingfisher, Saline District, age 12

Q. Did you know that this child, Nakie, is living at this time A. Yes, I know it just from Tom.

Q. When did you see her last? A. Not since last January. She has been away from quite a while, while I have been at the Orphan Asylum.

Nakie Kingfisher will be listed for enrollment upon straight card.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of May 1902.


Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes

Cherokee Land Office

Tahlequah, I. T., November 18, 1903

In the matter of the application for the enrollment of NAKIE KINGFISHER as a citizen by blood of the Cherokee Nation.


Tom Kingfisher, being duly sworn and examined by the Commission, testified as follows: (Through official interpreter, Simon R. Walkingstick.)

Q. What is your name? A. Tom Kingfisher

Q. How old are you? A. About 28

Q. What is your post office address? A. Peggs

Q. Are you a full blood Cherokee? A. Yes, sir

Q. Do you know Nakie Kingfisher? A. She's my aunt

Q. She's younger than you are, isn't she? A. Yes, Nakie is younger than I am, but she's my father's sister, nevertheless.

Q. How old is she? A. She's about 16 or 17.

Q. What is her post office address? A. Peggs, I think; she lives near there

Q. Was she born in the Cherokee Nation? A. Yes sir

Q. Has she lived in the Cherokee Nation all her life? A. Yes, sir

Q. Has she lived living there now, is she? A. Yes, sir

Q. Is she married? A. Not that I know of; I haven't seen her for some time.

Stenographer information.............Mabel J. Maxwell

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of December, 1903.

Samuel Foreman

Notary Public


Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes

Cherokee Land Office

Tahlequah, I. T., June 1, 1904

In the matter of the application for the enrollment of NAKIE KINGFISHER as a citizen by blood of the Cherokee Nation


Isaac Sourjohn, being duly sworn and examined by the Commission, testified, through official interpreter, Simon R, Walkingstick, as follows:

Q. What is your name? A. Isaac Sourjohn

Q. How old are you? A. 24

Q. What is your post office address? A. Moodys

Q. Are you a citizen of the Cherokee Nation? A. Yes, sir

Q. Are you married? A. Yes

Q. When were you married? A. the 12th of January, this year

Q. Whom were you married to? A. Nakie Kingfisher

Q. Are you and she living together now? A. Yes,sir

Q. Has she got any children? A. Yes, she has one child

Q. What it the child's name? A. Lizzie Dirteater

Q. When was that child born? A. the 26th of last March.

Stenographer Information.......Mabel Maxwell

Subscribed and sworn to before me on 1st day of June, 1904

Simon R. Walkingstick

Notary Public


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