Atoka County, Oklahoma Genealogy
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Armstrong Cemetery
Atoka County, Oklahoma
Location - Directions:
This cemetery established in 1904 by Mr. Pomroy, is located about nine miles east of Stringtown on property now owned by the Williams family. Is rather difficult to get to and is best to stop at Fugate Lumber Company about a mile west of the Williams House and ask directions. It was canvassed in 1981.
Off Site Links: Armstrong Cemetery

Do you know of someone buried in this cemetery that is not listed? Do you have a photo of this cemetery or a photo of a tombstone in this cemetery? We would love to add it to this site. See the "how to submit" page for more information.

names added to master index

Pomroy, Baby Girl

© 1996-2024 by J. M. Felihkatubbe, OKGenWeb ~ Atoka Co. Coordinator

State Coordinator: Linda Simpson Asst. State Coordinator: Mel Owings