Oaklawn Cemetery Ledger
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1903 - 1966
'Q' Surnames


Name - Age - Sex - Nationality - Cause of Death - Lot - Block - Grave - Name of Purchaser - Purchase Price (sometimes location of lot) - Date Deed Issued (sometimes cost of space) - Where Died - Attending Physician (later Funeral Home) - Date of Death - Permit No. - Date of Internment -  Body Moved - By Whom Moved (later grave digging fee) - Where Moved to (later grave digging fee)

Quin, No Name, blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 96, 1160, H.H. Quinn, all lot 1(?), blank, Laundner(?), blank, March 30, 1958, blank, March 30, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

Quinn, Homer, 23y 5m 20d, blank, blank, Brights Disease, blank, 96, 793, blank, blank, blank, Ward 3 WW, F.W. Shannon DO, Dec 2, 1921, 269, Dec 3, 1921, April 1922 to 196, blank, blank

Quinn, J.J., 66, M, blank, Cancer, 1, 96, 1733, J.J. Quinn, owned, blank, Okla City, blank, March 27, 1939, 53768, March 27, 1939, blank, 4.50, blank

Quinn, Neva Lee, blank, F, W, blank, 2, 96, 1011, H.H. Quinn, blank, Oct 30, 1951, blank, blank, Oct 30, 1951, blank, Oct 30, 1951, blank, blank, 12.00

Quinn, Robert, 73, M, W, blank, 2, 163, 15059, Gillis (Robert Quinn marked through here), SE lot 2, blank, blank, blank, July 6, 1966, blank, July 8, 1966, blank, blank, PD 25.00

Oaklawn Cemetery Ledger

This material is donated by people who want to communicate with and help others. Every effort is made to give credit and protect all copyrights. Presentation here does not extend any permissions to the public. This material can not be included in any compilation, publication, collection, or other reproduction for profit without permission.

1903 - 1966
'R' Surnames


Name - Age - Sex - Nationality - Cause of Death - Lot - Block - Grave - Name of Purchaser - Purchase Price (sometimes location of lot) - Date Deed Issued (sometimes cost of space) - Where Died - Attending Physician (later Funeral Home) - Date of Death - Permit No. - Date of Internment -  Body Moved - By Whom Moved (later grave digging fee) - Where Moved to (later grave digging fee)

Rader, Allie, 66, FE, W, Brain tumor, 1, 47A, 3008, L.M. Rader 1/4, 18.00, June 13, 1948, WW, Baker, June 13, 1948, 80702, June 13, 1948, blank, 7.50, blank

Rader, Luther M., 80, M, W, Heart Disease, 1, 47A, 1009, L.M. Rader, 18.00, Oct 14, 1951, blank, blank, Oct 14, 1951, 43, Oct 14, 1951, blank, blank, 10.00

Rainbolt, Q.J., 30, M, W, abcess of lung, 2, 63, 1581, Q.J. Rainbolt, owned, grave space, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Oct 12, 1935, 1026, Oct 13, 1935, blank, Free grave, 25251

Randolph, John , 53, M, W, Pneumonia, 2, 36, 1266, blank, blank, blank, New Orleans LA, D.H. Eyers, Nov 12, 1928, 780, Nov 13, 1928, blank, 4.50, 25251

Randolph, Marthey Cruell(?), 76y 11m 14d, blank, blank, Dilation heart, 2, 136, 1255, C.F. Coonrod, 26.00 Grave fee 6.00, blank, Wynnewood, Wirt Randolph-Son, Marhc 14, 1926, 534, March 16, 1926, blank, 534, 25251

Randolph, Wirt, 78, M, W, Corcinoma of stomach, 2, 136, 4004, Wirt Randolph, blank, Feb 9, 1949, blank, blank, Feb 9, 1949, 8, Feb 9, 1949, blank, 10.00, blank

Ratliff, E.B., 68, blank, blank, nephritis Uramic convulsions, blank, 43, 605, Ratliff, D.A., 11.00, Jan 1916, near Wynnewood, John Darst, Dec 22, 1916, 605, Dec 22, 1916, 4.50, blank, blank

Ray, James C., 90, M, W, blank, blank, 101, 1072, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, March 26, 1956, blank, March 26, 1956, blank, blank, 12.50

Ray, James L., blank, M, W, World War II, 1, 47A, 1011, blank, blank, April 21, 1949, over sea, J.W. Baker FH, April 21, 1949, 17, April 21, 1949, blank, 10.00, blank

Ray, Tinie B., 60, F, W, Cebro Hemorhage, 2, 103, 1440, Tinie B. Ray, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Sept 19, 1932, 906, Sept 19, 1932, blank, Free grave, 25251

Rayburn, Bush Redendl(?), 78, M, W, Apoplexy, 2, 22?, 2086, Mrs. B.R. Rayburn, 12.00, June 20(6?), 1947, Okmulgee, Davis Fun Hom, June 20, 1947, 87, June 20, 1947, blank, 7.50, blank

Readenour, Gwenda Kay, 2m, F, F, Unknown, 1, 52A, 1046, 1, 50A, 1046, Carl Readenour, 18.00, Jan 15, 1953, Vernal Utah, BFH, Jan 15, 1953, 1, Jan 15, 1953, blank, blank, 5.00

Readenour, Martha, 68, F, W, Cerbral Hemerage, 1, 50A, 1050, T.G. Readenour, 18.00, Feb 22, 1953, blank, blank, Feb 22, 1953, 7, Feb 22, 1953, blank, blank, 15.00

Readenour, Thomas T., blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 50A, 1058, Thomas Readenour, blank, blank, blank, blank, July 5, 1953, 27, July 5, 1953, blank, blank, 15.00

Reading, ???oy(torn), 0, M, W, Stillborn, Potterfield, blank, 1101, blank, torn, torn, blank, blank, July 31, 1951, 31, July 31, 1951, blank, blank, 5.00

Readnour, Thomas Allen, 2 days, boy, W, Stillborn, 2, 168, 2026, Thomas H. Readnour, 18.00, blank, Elmore City, U.U.(?) Vaughn Fun Hom, Spet 14, 1945, 26, Sept 14, 1945, blank, 3.00, 2525

Redman, Rilda(?), 65, F, W, Carcenoma of, 1, 58A, 1053, Roy Redman 1/4 lot, 35.00, May 10, 1950, WW, WWFH, May 10, 1950, 19, May 10, 1950, blank, blank, 7.50

Reeder, Child of John, 3y, blank, blank, Fever, 1, 138, 167, blank, blank, blank, Oct 17, 1906, 166, Oct 19, 1906, blank, blank, blank (date changed from 25th)

Reeves, Cecil, 2m, M, blank, Infam-bowels infantile jaundice, 1, 70, 374, J.A. reeves, 7.50, Sept 29, 1910, Murray Co, Jno Darst, Sept 26, 1910, 374, Sept 27, 1910, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Reichert, William, 81, M, blank, Acute Shanlsos(?), 1, 53, 1731, William Reichert, 5.00, grave space not pd, Wynnewood, blank, March 15, 1939, 3, March 15, 1939, blank, 4.50, blank

Reynolds, John S., 83, m, W, Opailexy(?), 2, 82, 1384, John S. Reynolds, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, April 12, 1931, 887, April 12, 1931, blank, 4.50, 25251

Reynolds, Mahoho(Mahala?), 81, F, W, Heart Disease, 2, 82, 1451, Mahaho(?) Reynolds, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, May 15, 1933, 934, May 15, 1933, blank, 4.50, 25251

Reynolds, Roxy, 19, F, White, Lung trouble, W1, 82, 27, blank, blank, blank, Feb 6, 1904, 27, Feb 7, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Reynolds, Stillborn Dau F.E., blank, blank, blank, Stillborn, blank, 76, 808, blank, blank, blank, 4 1/2 W 1mi S WW, M.E. Robberson, May 22, 1922, 297, May 23, 1922, blank, blank, blank

Rhinehart, Elvey, 1, blank, blank, Pneumonia measles, blank, 118, 619, blank, 5.00, blank, Iona, R.L. Baker, April 24, 1917, 619, April 25, 1917, blank, blank, 2.50

Rhodes, Georgia, 4, F, blank, Drowned near K???(R???), 1, 90, 316, blank, blank, blank, This child drowned on train which ran into washout, R.L. Jackson Huttenfix?, July 7, 1909, 317, July 15, 1909, blank, 4.50 pd, 4.50

Rhody, Callie, 4m 26d, F, blank, Cenebro? Spinal Mening, Congestive bowels, NW Cor, 5, 414, blank, blank, blank, Katie, C.P. Mitchell, June 8, 1911, 414, June 9, 1911, blank, 2.50, blank

Rhody, Mrs. A.B., 25, F, White, Child Birth, W2, 66, 7, blank, blank, blank, Sept 26, 1903, 7, Sept 27, 1903, blank, blank, blank

Rice, Infant of F.G., blank, blank, blank, Born dead, 2, 146, 138, blank, blank, blank, Jan 20, 1906, 138, Jan 20, 1906, blank, blank, blank

Rice, Infant of F.G., blank, blank, blank, Stillborn, 2, 146, 86, blank, blank, blank, March 2, 1905, 86, March 2, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Rice, Lewis H., 54, M, W, blank, 1, 42, 1067, J.L. Wilson, 36.00, blank, (torn) Valley, Stufflebean FH, Nov 23, 1953, blank, Nov 23, 1953, blank, blank, 15.00

Richard, Elizabeth, 86, F, W, Pneumonia, 2, 46, 1314, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonron, Jan 25, 1930, 826, Jan 26, 1930, blank, 4.50, 25251

Richardson, Child of C.S., 7d, F, blank, blank, 2, 59, 215, blank, blank, blank, June 3, 1907, 215, June 4, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Richardson, Child of D(S?)P., 8m, F, blank, Bowel trouble, 1, 39, 240, blank, blank, blank, Oct 29, 1907, 240, Oct 30, 1907, blank, 2.50, blank

Richardson, Claude D., 59, M, W, Heart Disease, 1, 19, 1784, Claude Richardson, owned, blank, Pauls Valley, Yeary & Vaughn, March 31, 1940, 2, March 31, 1940, 3.50, 25250

Richardson, Delbert, 20, blank, blank, blank, 1, 17A, 1158, Eva Richerdson Family, 35.00, 1/2, blank, blank, March 18, 1958, blank, March 18, 1958, blank, blank, 15.00

Richardson, Infant child (son) Walter, blank, blank, blank, Failed to breathe, blank, blank, 662, blank, blank, blank, West Wynnewood, M.E. Robberson, June 14, 1918, 662, June 14, 1918, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Richardson, Infant of Walter, blank, blank, blank, Premature birth, blank, 59, 634, blank, blank, blank, Brady, M.E. Robberson, Sept 3, 1917, 634, Sept 4, 1917, blank, blank, grave fee 2.50

Richardson, Lucy, 79, F, W, Uremia, 1, 71, 1858, Lucy Richardson, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Nov 19, 1941, 47, Nov 19, 1941, blank, 5.50, 25251

Richardson, Mary E., 38, W, W, Sucided, 1, 167, 1974, Landcaster, 18.00, Sept 1, 1944, Okla City, C.F. Coonrod, Sept 1, 1944, 69083, Sept 1, 1944, blank, 7.50, 25250

Richardson, Raymond D., 25, blank, blank, blank, 1, 71, 1188, Boyd C.A., blank, blank, blank, blank, Nov 11, 1958, blank, Nov 11, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

Richardson, S.O., 83, M, W, Cenlebrity & Compatin, 1, 162, 1809, S.O. Richardson, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, Oct 24, 1940, 46, Oct 24, 1940, blank, 5.50, 25251

Richardson, Sam Oliver, 46, M, W, Melastate, 1, 48A, 1020, one grave sp, W.M. Bolander Richardson, 35.00, July 9, 1949, blank, blank, July 9, 1949, 32, July 9, 1949, blank, 10.00, blank

Richardson, Stella Ann, 13 days, F, blank, Forma Ovale, 1, 22, 1719, Stella Ann Richardson, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 20, 1938, 42, Dec 20, 1938, blank, Free, blank

Richardson, Thomas M., 45, M, White, Cerebral Hemorrhage, 1, 71, 1816, Thomas M. Richardson, owned, blank, Little Rock Ark, Owens & Co., Dec 15, 1940, 165, Dec 15, 1940, blank, Free, 528

Richerdson, Baby, 0, blank, blank, blank, 1, 17A, 1313, Eva Richerdson, 1/2 lot, 35.00, Tex, blank, Feb 23, 1961, blank, Feb 23, 1961, blank, blank, 10.00

Richerdson, D.P., 77, M, W, blank, 1, 39, 1366, D.P. Richerdson, NE 1/4, 39, blank, blank, Aug 15, 1962, blank, Aug 15, 1962, blank, blank, 25.00

Richerdson, Levi, blank, M, W, blank, 1, 8A, 1315, Mrs. Levi Richerdson, 1/4 lot, 18.00 blank, blank, March 3, 1961, blank, March 3, 1961, blank, blank, 20.00

Richerdson, Marvin, 71, blank, blank, blank, 1, 6A, 1300, Mrs. William A. Marrow, one 4, 6.00, PV, blank, Nov 14, 1960, blank, Nov 14, 1960, blank, 20.00

Richerdson, Mrs. C.D., blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 19, 1321, Mrs. C.D. Richerdson, blank, blank, blank, blank, 1961, blank, 1961, blank, blank, 20.00

Richerdson, Mrs., blank, F, W, blank, 1, 8A, 1490, Mrs. Levi Richerdson, 18.00, SW 1/4 lot 1, blank, blank, April 11, 1965, blank, April 11, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Richerson, Dara(?) Belle, 66, F, @, Carcinoma of Lungs, 1, 39, 1037, D.P. Richiedson(?), blank, blank, blank, blank, Sept 1, 1952, 20, Sept 1, 1952, blank, blank, 12.50

Richey, Ella, 76, F, W, Coronary Coccus, . 160, 2093, Mrs. S.A. Richey, 36.00, Dec 21, 194?, Pauls Valley, Stufflebean FH, Aug 26, 1947, blank, blank, blank, 7.50, blank

Richey, S.A., 76, M, White, Hypertension Myocarditis, 1, 160, 1817, S.A. Richey, owned, blank, Pauls Valley, Stufflebean, Dec 21, 1940, 220, Dec 21, 1940, blak, 4.50, 25250

Richey, Wilma M., 18 mo, F, White, Whooping Cough, 1, 49, 1691, Wilma M. Richey, 2.50, grave space paid, Wynnewood, blank, March 20, 1938, 19, March 20, 1938, blank, Free, blank

Riddle, Arthur Lee, 60, M, W, blank, 2, 72, 1047, J.B.L. Johnson, blank, blank, blank, blank, Feb 7, 1953, 4, Feb 7, 1953, blank, blank, 12.50

Riddle, Infant, blank, blank, blank, blank, ?, 10, 145, blank, blank, blank, blank, 145, blank, blank, blank, blank

Riddle, Robert Lee, blank, blank, blank, blank, 2, 65, 1354, Mrs. Riddle, SE 1/4 2, blank, blank, blank, June 14, 1962, blank June 14, 1962, blank, blank, 25.00

Riggan, S(D?)C., 39, M, blank, Pneumonia Deterium M??nen, 2, 32, 385, S.C. Riggan, blank, blank, WW, G.W. Roberts, Dec 9, 1910, 385, Dec 10, 1910, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Rigsby, 57, M, W, Fracture of skull, 1, 105, 1544, E.J. Rigsby, owned, blank, Ada, Criswells, Oct 6, 1934, blank, Oct 6, 1934, blank, 4.50, 62250

Rigsby, Allie A., 45, F, W, Pernicious Anemia, 1, 105, 1282, blank, blank, blank, Ada Okla, J.U. Criswell, May 27, 1929, 86, May 28, 1929, blank, 4.50, 25251

Riley, Annie Laurie, 6m, F, blank, Pneumonia, 1, 115, 507, A.R. Riley, 10.00, Feb 28, 1914, Chigley, J.C. Luster Davis, Feb 27, 1914, 507, Feb 27, 1914, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Riley, Infant Dau A.R., 8 d, F, blank, Premature birth, 2, 118, 427, blank, blank, blank, near WW, J.C. Luster (Davis), Jan 6, 1912, 427, Jan 7, 1912, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Riley, Mrs. Sarah, 68, F, blank, Pellagra-old age, 1, 118, 549, F.B. Frank free, blank, blank, near Wynnewood, Dr. H.P. Wilson, April 25, 1915, 549, April 26, 1915, blank, free, blank

Rinehart, J.B., 69, M, W, Applexy, torn, 164, 1279, C.F. Coonrod, blank, blank, W Wynnewood, Mr. Rinehart-Son, Aug 23, 1926, 4.50, Aug 24, 1926, blank, 552, 25251

Rinehart, Mrs., blank, F, W, blank, 2, 78, 1485, W.J. Rinehart, 40.00, NW 1/4 lot 2, blank, blank, April 7, 1965, blank, April 7, 1965, blak, blank, 25.00

Rinehart, William, 67, M, W, Diabetes with jangrene, 2, 19, 1806, William Rinehart, owned, blank, Oklahoma City, Hunter Fun'l Home, Oct 2, 1940, 57900, Oct 21, 1940, blank, 3.00, 55250

Roady, Anna Margaret, 3, blank, blank, Membranous croup, 1, 28, 538, Frank Rhody, Dec 17, 1914, 10.00, Brady, M.E. Robberson, Dec 15, 1914, 538, Dec 16, 1914, blank, 3.50, blank

Roady, Child Gip, 1y 17d, F, blank, Pneumonia & whooping cough, 1, 91, 353, blank, blank, blank, Farmer, M.E. Robertson, April 20, 1910, 353, April 21, 1910, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Roady, Child of J.R., 3, blank, blank, Spinal Meningitis, blank, 5, 102, blank, blank, blank, July 1, 1905, 102, July 2, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Roady, Frank Busby, 60, M, White, Uremia, 1, 28, 1846, Frank Busby Roady, owned, blank, Wynnewood, Dunn Fun'l Home, Aug 5, 1941, 31, Aug 5, 1941, blank, Free, 25251

Roady, John L., 66, M, W, Cancer of face, 1, 45, 1341, John L. Roady, blank, blank, Brady, C.F. Coonrod, June 17, 1930, 845, June 17, 1930, blank, Free Grave, 25251

Roady, L.A., 63, M, W, General Artericles??, 1, 5, 1493, L.A. Roady, owned, blank, Norman, Meyers & Meyers, Dec 11, 1933, 3812, Dec 11, 1933, blank, Free, 14250

Roady, Lucile, 19y 5m 8d, blank, blank, Septisemia, 1, 73, 844, Van Bales, blank, blank, Brady 1mi S & 6mi West, blank, March 29. 1923, 184, March 30, 1923, blank, blank, n gf

Roady, Maggie, 83, F, W, blank, 2, 5, 1389, Robert Roady, all 5, blank, Calf, blank, May 28, 1963, blank, May 28, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Roady, Mrs. Margett C., 81, blank, blank, Ciniality, 1, 5, 1259, C.F. Coonrod, blank, blank,7 mi W Wynnewood, Mr. Roady-Husband, march 27, 1926, 4.50, March 28, 1926, blank, 540, 25251

Roady, Oscar E., 76, blank, blank, blank, 2, 141, 1125 Ms Minnie Roady, 1/4, Aug 1, 1957, blank, blank, Aug 1, 1957, blank, Aug 1, 1957, blank, blank, 15.00

Roady, Robert Franklin, 61, M, White, Apoplexy, 1, 5, 1835, Robert Franklin Roady, owned, blank, Mangum, E.H. Greer, May 15, 1941, May 15, 1941, blank, Free, 28250

Roady, Rosa Etta, 86, F, W, blank, blank, 45, 1362, John L. Roady, 1/4, blank, blank, blank, Aug 28, 1962, blank, Aug 28, 1962, blank, blank, 25.00

Roady, Stillborn dau of J.A., blank, blank, blank, Stillborn, 1, 73, 841, Van Bales, blank, blank, Brady, blank, March 13, 1923, 178, March 14, 1923, blank, blank, no fee

Roady, Vera Joe, 6, F, W, Fell out of a truck, torn, 5, 1286, C.H. Yeary, blank, blank, Katie Okla, Mr. Roady-Father, Nov 5, 1926, 3.50, Nov 6, 1926, blank, 24, 2550

Roady, Vernettie (Ilen V.) (Dau of Geo R. Terrell), 37y 3m 9d, blank, blank, Influenza-Pneumonia, blank, 27, 712, blank, blank, blank, Brady, M.E. Robberson, Jan 5, 1919, 82, Jan 7, 1919, blank, blank, blank

Roady, Vora May, 1y 8m 2d, blank, blank, Manismus(?), blank, 5, 656, blank, blank, blank, near Katie, M.E. Robberson MD, March 18, 1918, 656, March 20, 1918, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Roady, W.S., 90, M, W, Semily(?), 1, 5, 1373, W.S. R oady, blank, blank, Pauls Valley, Stufflebean & Meyers, Jan 12, 1931, 19, Jan 12, 1931, blank, Free, 25251

Roark, Carra Louise, 37, F, W, Auto accident, A(?), 68, 1486, Carra Louise Roark, blank, blank, Okla City, C.F. Coonrod, 13(?)-31-33, 36716, 13(?)-31-33, blank, Free torn, torn

Robberson, Marvin Early, 73, M, W, blank, 1, 42A, 1052, Dr. M.E. Robberson, 18.00, June 7, 1953, blank, blank, June 7, 1953, 22, June 7, 1953, blank, blank, 15.00

Robberson, Rose B., 87, F, W, blank, blank, 60, 1244, Rose B. Robberson, blank, blank, OC, Street Draper FH, Nov 9, 1959, blank, Nov 9, 1959, blank, blank, 25.00

Robert, Mack, 84, M, W, blank, blank, 68, 1415, Mack Roberts, blank, blank, blank, blank, Oct 28, 1963, blank, Oct 28, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Roberts, Beach, blank, M, W, Corary occusl, torn, torn, 1096 torn, Mack Roberts, 6.00, July 11, 1951, blank, blank, July 11, 1951, 27, July 16, 1951, blank, blank, free

Roberts, Carl, 17, blank, blank, Pneumonia, blank, 95, 615, Mrs. Mary Roberts, 20.00, March 20, 1917, Sulphur Okla, L.H. Tiner shipping undertaker, March 1917, 615, March 19, 1917, blank, blank, 4.50

Roberts, Cecil A., 65, M, W, blank, 1, 6A, 1251, Mrs. C.A. Roberts, 18.00, Jan 7, 1960, Wynnewood Okla, blank, Jan 7, 1960, blank, Jan 7, 1960, blank, blank, 20.00

Roberts, Child J.C., 2y 6m, M, blank, Pneumonia, 1, 32, 256, blank, WW, blank, March 1, 1908, 256, March 2, 1908, blank, blank, 2.50

Roberts, Clyde, 1y 9m, M, blank, Agra coke? Malaria, 2, 75, 431, blank, blank, blank, Brady, M.E. Robberson (Brady), Feb 9, 1912, 431, Feb 10, 1912, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Roberts, Dr. George W., 79, M, W, Mas cula, 1, 48, 1535, Dr. George W. Roberts, owned, blank, Okla City, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 7, 1934, 4485, Aug 7, 1934, blank, 4.50, 55250

Roberts, F. Francis, 71, F, W, Cerebral Hemorrage, 2, 156, 1895, Fannie Francis Roberts, owned, blank, Wynnewood, Yeary, Nov 13, 1942, 38, Nov 13, 1942, blank, 5.50, 25251

Roberts, George Edward, 1m 6d, blank, blank, Congestive lungs, blank, blank, 760, Wayne Roberts, owes 18.00 lot 2.50 gf, blank, 2 E 4 N W of WW, M.E. Robberson, Sept 26, 1920, 192 & 186, Sept 26, 1920, blank, blank, blank

Roberts, Infant Joe, blank, blank, blank, Stillborn, blank, 95, 676, Un, blank, blank, 4 mi NE WW, E.E. Norvell, Oct 7, 1918, 33, Oct 8, 1918, blank, owes for lot, 2.50

Roberts, Infant Mack, 5d, M, blank, failure in closing valves of heart, 2, 75, 485, blank, blank, blank, Mexican Springs, W.E. Settle, July 9, 1913, 485, July 10, 1913, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Roberts, J.W., 81, M, W, Dropsey, 1, 72, 1314, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 4, 1927, 614, Aug 5, 1927, blank, none, 25251

Roberts, James R., 77, M, W, Nephritis, 1, 38, 1572, James Randolph Roberts, owned, blank, Okla City, Hahn Funeral Home, Aug 10, 1935, 40514, Aug 10, 1935, blank, 4.50, 55250

Roberts, John C., 58, M, W, Acute Indigestion & Duetion(?) of heart, 1, 32, 1375, John C. Roberts, blank, blank, Sulphur, Frier Und Co., Jan 18, 1931, 320, Jan 19, 1931, blank, 4.50, 50250

Roberts, Marvin P., 72, M, W, blank, 2, 7A, 1232, Mr. Mrs. J.H. Hamilton, 35.00, Sept 14, 1959, Sulphur OK, blank, Sept 11, 1959, blank, Sept 11, 1959, blank, blank, 20.00

Roberts, Mrs. May, 47, F, blank, Typhoid Relapse, 1, 38, 491, G.W. Roberts, blank, blank, Wynnewood, H.P. Wilson, Aug 28, 1913, 491, Aug 28, 1913, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Roberts, Mrs. N.C., 71, F, W, Carananit sigmoid, torn, 68, 1514, Mrs. N.C. Roberts, owned, blank, Pauls Valley, Stufflebean, May 12, 1935, 42, May 13, 1935, blank, Free grave, 5525?

Roberts, Robert J., 75, M, W, Cerebral Seliuny(?), 2, 156, 1936, owned, blank, blank, Elmore City, Yeary & Vaughn, Feb 2, 1944, blank, Feb 2, 1944, blank, 5.50, 25251

Roberts, Sarah Pearl, 71, W, W, Caridac maulfu, 1, 32, 4010, John C. Roberts, Norman Okla, Dunn F Home, April 12, 1949, 84, April 12, 1949, blank, 10.00, blank

Roberts, Wayne, Jr., 39, M, blank, Auto Accident, blank, 53A, 1134, Mrs. Monie Joe Roberts, 18.00, 1/4, blank, blank, Oct 23, 1957, blank, Oct 23, 1957, blank, blank, 15.00

Roberts, Wm Creed, 1yr 4mo, M, blank, Cholera Infantum, 1, 32, 67, Jno C. Roberts, blank, blank, Nov 11, 1904, 67, Nov 12, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Robertson, Child P.W., 1y 6m, M, blank, Brain Trouble, 2, 75, 274, blank, ???, blank, Sept 1, 1908, 274, Sept 2, 1908, blank, blank, 2.50

Robertson, Luther C., 3y 1m 7d, blank, blank, Gangrenous stomatitis, torn, blank, 777, pd lot 10.00 gf 2.50, blank, blank, Ward 3 Wynnewood, E.E. Norvell, March 15, 1921, 229, March 16, 1921, blank, blank, blank

Robertson, Mrs. T.A., 30, F, blank, Female trouble, 2, 30, 257, blank, Country, March 11, 1908, 257, March 12, 1908, blank, blank, 4.50

Robinson, Ray, 22, M, blank, Operation, 1, 37, 1705, Ray Robinson, 10.00, not pd, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 3, 1938, 29, Aug 3, 1938, blank, Free, 25251

Robinson, Robert D., blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 70A, 1329, W.R. Robinson, all lot 1, 70.00, blank, blank, Oct 20, 1961, blank, 1961, blank, blank, 25.00

Robison, Vinetta, 20m, F, blank, Cholera Infantum, 4, 115, 555, grave space, 5.00, blank, near Wynnewood Murray County, E.E. Norvell, June 28, 1915, 555, June 29, 1915, blank, blank, space 5

Rodgers, J.M., 46, M, blank, Heart Trouble, 2, 41, 1652, J.M. Rogers, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, June 23, 1937, blank, June 23, 1937, blank, Free, blank

Rodgers, James B., 64, M, W, blank, 1, 30A, 1079, Mrs. Lela Johnston, 35.00, July 19, 1956, Lindsey OK, Baker FH, July 17, 1956, blank, July 17, 1956, blank, blank, 12.50

Rodgers, Jim, 69, M, W, Aorita Tnsepincity, 1, 45, 1474, Jim Rodgers, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 15, 1933, 920, Jan 15, 1933, Free grave, 25251

Rodgers, Mary, 60, F, W, Pernitus(?), Potterfield, blank, 1487, Mary Rodgers, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 9, 1934, 954, Jan 9, 1934, blank, torn, torn

Rogers, Ada Melin, 67, F, W, Cerebral Hemo, 2, 56A, 1041, J.W. Rogers, 1/4 18.00, 1955, blank, blank, April 21, 1955, 15, April 21, 1955, blank, blank, 12.50

Rogers, Amos, 79, M, W, Semptray of prostrate?, Potterfield, blank, 1546, Amos Rogers, Potterfield, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Nov 20, 1934, Nov 20, 1934, 41234, Nov 20, 1934, blank, Free grave, 55250

Rogers, Bonnie, 2mo, F, White, Lung trouble, 2, 60, 28, blank, blank, blank, March 1, 1904, 28, March 2, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Rogers, Eula May, 2m, blank, blank, Broncho Pneumonia, blank, 76, 608, Majors lot, blank, blank, Murray Co, W.E. Settle, Jan 11, 1917, 608, Jan 11, 1917, blank, free, free

Rogers, Finis, 25, M, blank, blank, 2, 60, 173, blank, blank, blank, Nov 14, 1906, 173, Nov 15, 1906, blank, blank, blank

Rogers, George, 38, M, blank, Exhaustion, 3, 83, 408, blank, blank, blank, Fort Still Okla., blank, April ?, 1911, 408, April 12, 1911, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Rogers, Infant son L.E., blank, blank, blank, Still born, 2, 41, 772, E.B. & L.E. Rogers, blank, May 27, 1910, 4 mi S Wynnewood, M.E. Robberson, Jan 23, 1921, 218, Jan 24, 1921, blank, blank, blank

Rogers, John D., 78y 6m 27d, blank, blank, Acute Indigestion, blank, blank, 721, lookup infant son L.E. Pettigrew, 5/21-19 Certf No. 96, blank, 3 mi SE, W.E. Settle, May 27, 1919, 97, May 28, 1919, blank, blank, blank

Rogers, Leslie M., 35, M, W, Crushed head, 2 new addition, 23.A, 2077, W.M. Roger, 35.00, March 11, 1947, OK City Okla, Baller(Baker?) FH, March 11, 1947, 76759, March 11, 1947, blank, 7.50, blank

Rogers, Martha, 84, F, W, Apoplexy, 2, 152, 1575, Martha Rogers, owned, blank, blank, Frier Funeral Home, Sept 24, 1935, blank, Sept 25, 1935, blank, Free grave, blank

Rogers, Millie, 71, F, White, Septemia, 1, 45, 1773, Millie Rogers, owned, blank, Wynnewood, A.G. Dunn, Feb 20, 1940, 12, Feb 20, 1940, blank, Free, 25251

Rogers, Mrs. Jennie, 63, F, blank, blank, 2, 60, 148, blank, blank, blank, April 20, 1906, 148, April 22, 1906, blank, blank, blank

Rogers, W.M., 72, M, W, blank, 2, 23A, 15028, W.M. Rogers, N 1/2 lot 2, blank, California, Stufflebean, Dec 30, 1965, blank, Dec 30, 1965, blank, blank, 30.00

Rollow, Cecil B., 34, M, W, Suiside, 2, 84, 1463, Cecil B. Rollow, blank, blank, Okla City, C.F. Coonrod, April 21, 1933, 37028, April 21, 1933, blank, 4.50, 55250

Rollow, Eloise, 39, F, W, Pulmonary Tuberculosis, 2, 100, 1505, Eloise Rollow, owned, blank, Okla City, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 20, 1933, 38630, Dec 20, 1933, blank, 4.50, 55250

Rollow, Eva, 73, F, W, Cancer, torn, 84, 1550, Eva Rollow, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 28, 1935, 996, Jan 28, 1935, blank, 4.50, 25251

Rollow, G.P., 81, M, W, Vernie(?), 2, 100, 2078, G.P. Rollow, blank, March 12, 1947, WW, blank, March 12, 1947, 3, March 12, 1947, blank, 7.50, blank

Rollow, George W., 23, M, W, Chr(?) Plain acident, 2, 100, 1987, Geo P. Rollow, blank, Nov 18, 1944, blank, blank, Nov 18, 1944, 45, Nov 18, 1944, blank, 7.50, 25257

Rollow, Jeane Louise, 8d, blank, blank, Ichthrous, 2(?), 100, 1274, C.F. Coonrod, blank, blank, Wynnewood, A.S. Rollow-Father, July 25, 1926, blank, July 26, 1926, blank, 547, 25251

Rollow, John A., 78, M, W, blank, 1, 49A, Arch Rollow, 3/4 lot, blank, Huston Tex, blank, June 22, 1953, 13475, June 22, 1953, blank, blank, 15.00

Rollow, Minnie, 42, F, blank, Cancer of uterous, 2, 100, 543, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, E.E. Norvell, Jan 28, 1915, 543, Jan 29, 1915, blank, 4.50, blank, ???

Rollow, Mrs. Beulah C., 52, F, White, Carcinoma uterus, 2, 123, 1742, Mrs. Beulah C. Rollow, owned, blank, Oklahoma City, C.F. Coonrod, July 24, 1939, 54655, July 25, 1939, blank, 4.50, 55250

Rollow, Thomas Payne, 80, M, W, Cenility, 2, 84, 1250, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, June 11, 1928, 657, June 12, 1928, blank, 4.50, 25251

Romine, Myrtle E., 71, F, W, blank, 2, 28, 1099, E.O. Yeary, blank, blank, Elmore City, Yeary Vaughan, Jan 21, 1957, blank, Jan 21, 1957, blank, blank, 15.00

Rose, Lillie Mae, 54, F, W, blank, 2, 72A, 1408, Login L. Rose, NW 1/4 lot 2, 40.00, Texas, blank, Sept 28, 1963, blank, Sept 28, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Ross, James E?jos(?), 72, M, W, blank, blank, blank, 1030, blank, blank, Oct 28, 1949, PV Okl, H.L. Kimsey FH, Oct 2, 1940, 323, Oct 28, 1949, blank, blank, 5.50

Ross, Mary, 73, F, W, blank, 2, 19, 1600, E.E. McClard, SW 1/4 lot 2, blank, WW, Stufflebean, blank, blank, Dec 3, 1966, blank, blank, Pd 25.00

Roundtree, H., 75, M, W, Dropped dead, 1, 122, 1264, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Oct 31, 1928, 678, Nov 1, 1928, blank, 4.50, 25251

Rountree, Anna, 64, M(?), W, Cideo hemorage, 1, 122, 1242, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, March 21, 1928, 651, March 22, 1928, blank, 4.50, 25251

Rouse, Claud E., 58, M, W, Coronary Thrombosis, 1, 51A, 1048, Elvert Rouse, 18.00, Feb 11, 1953, blank, blank, Feb 12, 1953, 5, Feb 12, 1953, blank, blank, 12.50

Rouse, Rushie Lael, 73, F, W, blank, blank, 87, Lael lot, blank, blank, blank, blank, Dec 2, 1956, blank, Dec 2, 1956, blank, blank, 12.50

Row(?), Baby (Infant), blank, blank, W, Premature, 2, 112, 15090, Infant marked through, blank, blank, WW, Baker, blank, blank, Oct 14, 1966, blank, blank, Pd 10.00

Rowe, Mabel, 2, F, White, blank, 2, 99, 2, Lew Rowe, City, blank, July 21(?), 1903, 2, July 23, 1903, blank, blank, blank

Royal, Beulah Elizabeth, 34y 1m 23d, blank, blankInfluenza-Tuberculosis, blank, 151, 603, blank, blank, blank, 1st Ward WW, E.E. Norvell, Dec 10, 1918, 57, Dec 16, 1918, blank, blank, blank

Royal, Homer Elkins, 3y 4m, blank, blank, Pneumonia, blank, 151, 605, blank, blank, blank, 1st Ward WW, E.E. Norvell, Dec 19, 1918, 59, Dec 20, 1918, blank, blank, blank

Royal, Omega Belle, 9m 15d, blank, blank, Pneumonia, blank, 151, 606, blank, blank, blank, 1st Ward WW, E.E. Norvell, Dec 20, 1918, 60, Dec 20, 1918, blank, blank, blank

Ruggles, L.L., 76, M, W, blank, 1, 55A, 1435, L.L. - O.F. Ruggles, 1/2 lot, blank, WW, blank, March 30, 1964, blank, March 30, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Ruppe, C.W., 78, M, W, blank, 1, 26, 1421, C. W. Ruppe, 10x12, blank, blank, blank, Dec 8, 1963, blank, Dec 8, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Ruppe, Dawn, 15, M, W, blank, 2, 66, 1361, Mr. Rosie R. Ruppe, 66 SE 1/2 lot 2, blank, blank, blank, Aug 19, 1962, blank, Aug 19, 1962, blank, blank, 20.00

Ruppe, Mary Etta, 40, F, W, Cavernous sinus thrombosis, 1, 26, 1590, Mary Etta Ruppe, owned, 1 grave space, Okla City, blank, Feb 6, 1936, 44729, Feb 6, 1936, blank, Free grave, 55250

Russell, Albert, 7y 1m 17d, blank, blank, Appendicitis, blank, 53, 771, Stephen A. Russell, blank, blank, Ward 3 Wynnewood, H.P. Wilson, Jan 1, 1921, 214, Jan 2, 1921, blank, blank, blank

Russell, E.K., 64, M, White, High Blood Poison, 1, 47, 1669, E.K. Russell, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, Oct 3, 1937, 1114, Oct 3, 1937, blank, 4.50, blank

Russell, Emma V., 63, W, W, Cancer of stomach, 1, 23, 2048, S.A. Russell, blank, Feb 1, 1946, WW, C.F. Coonrod, Feb 1, 1946, 5, Feb 1, 1946

Russell, J.C. (baby), blank, F, W, Premature birth, 1, 53, 1322, J.C. Russell (baby), blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, March 23, 1930, 835, March 24, 1930, blank, Free Grave, 25251

Russell, J.E. Infant, o, M, W, Premature, torn, 54, 1405, J.E. Russell, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Nov 16, 1931, 869, Nov 16, 1931, blank, F, 25251

Russell, Mary Jane, 68, F, W, Coronary Thrombosis, 1, 47, 1859, Mary Jane Russell, owned, blank, Pauls Valley, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 2, 1941, 12, Dec 2, 1941, blank, Free, 25250

Russell, Milton J., blank, blank, blank, 38017095 War II Decesed, 1, 22A, 3025, V?ina Harrison one grave, 6.00, Dec 19, 1948, blank, blank, Dec 19, 1948, 25, Dec 19, 1948, blank, 10.00, blank

Russell, Otha Lee, 66, F, W, blank, 2, 68A, 1369, Delours Kimbro, all lot 2, blank, Stufflebean, PV, Nov 1, 1962, blank, Nov 1, 1962, blank, blank, 25.00

Russell, Steal A., 80, blank, blank, blank, blank, 53, 1153, S.A. Russell, blank, blank, blank, blank, March 4, 1958, blank, March 4, 1958, blank, blank, 15.00

Ruthledge, Walter, 44, M, W, Cerebral Hemorage, Potterfield, blank, 1892, Walter Ruthledge, owned, blank, Wynnewood, Winans, Oct 11, 1942, 33, Oct 11, 1942, blank, Free, blank

Ruthledge, William, blank, M, W, blank, 1, 73A, 1446, Wylie Ruthledge, blank, blank, blank, blank, June 1964, blank, June 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Rutledge, Bob, 70, M, blank, Pneumonia, 1, 141, 1724, Bob Rutledge, 5.00, grave space not paid, Sulphur, blank, Jan 20, 1939, blank, Jan 20, 1939, blank, Free, blank

Rutledge, Mary, 64, F, W, Dropsey, 1, 141, 1364, Mary Rutledge, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Oct 27, 1930, 866, Oct 28, 1930, blank, Free Grave, 25251

Oaklawn Cemetery Ledger

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1903 - 1966
'S' Surnames


Name - Age - Sex - Nationality - Cause of Death - Lot - Block - Grave - Name of Purchaser - Purchase Price (sometimes location of lot) - Date Deed Issued (sometimes cost of space) - Where Died - Attending Physician (later Funeral Home) - Date of Death - Permit No. - Date of Internment -  Body Moved - By Whom Moved (later grave digging fee) - Where Moved to (later grave digging fee)

Sadler, Henry A., 49y1m 29d, blank, blank, Acute dilatation of heart, blank, blank, 730, blank, blank, blank, Denver Colo, W.W. Ross Coroner Denver Colo, Dec 24, 1919, 127, Dec 26, 1919, blank, blank, blank

Sadler, Mrs. Maude, 66, F, W, Cancer of Tyhroid Gland, 2, 122, 1912, Mrs. Maude Sadler, owned, blank, Sulphur, Coonrod Fun Home, June 14, 1943, blank, June 14, 1943, blank, 5.50, 5025

Sam(Dan?) Norman, blank, blank, blank, blank, 3, 41, 174, blank (moved), blank, blank, blank, 174, Nov 6, 1906, blank, blank, blank

Sample, Child of E.A., 2y 2m, blank, blank, Typhoid, blank, blank, 165, blank, blank, blank, Oct 14, 1906, 165, Oct 15, 1906, blank, blank, blank (dates changed from 9-3 & 4)

Sampson, R .C., 68, M, W, Cerebal Hema, 2, 60A, 1077, R.O. Cowin, 35.00, Jan 11, 1951, blank, blank, Jan 11, 1951, 2, Jan 11, 1951, blank, blank, 7.50

Sanders(?) (says Mrs. Sanders sister), blank, F, W, blank, 2, 2A, 1486, W.M. Sanders, blank, blank, blank, blank, April 8, 1965, blank, April 8, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Sanders, Arnold, 59, M, blank, Droped dead, 1, 49, 1627, Arnold Sanders, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, Dec 26, 1936, 1080, Dec 26, 1936, blank, Free, 25251

Sanders, Mrs., blank, F, W, blank, 2, 2A, 1463, Mrs. Mrs. Sanders, blank, SE 1/4 lot 2, blank, blank, Oct 5, 1964, blank, Oct 5, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Sanders, William R., 72, M, W, blank, 2, 2A, 1426, W.M. Sanders 1/4, 18.00, blank, blank, blank, Jan 5, 1964, blank, Jan 5, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Sanders, William, blank, M, W, blank, 2, 2A, 1457, W.M. Sanders, blank, SE 1/4 lot 2, blank, blank, Sept 5, 1964, blank, Sept 5, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Sartin, Alf, 42, M, W, Cancer, blank, 78, 1300, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Feb 3, 1927, 599, Feb 4, 1927, blank, 4.50 paid, 25251

Sartin, Sidney Albert, 8y(?) 21d, blank, blank, Typhoid, blank, 78, 671, Alf Sartin, 10.00, blank, WW, W.E. S, Sept 18, 1918, 672, Sept 19, 1918, blank, 10.00, 2.50

Scott, Albert L., 67, M, W, Cancer of lung, 2, 48A, 1050, Mrs. A.L. Scott, 70.00, April 7, 1950, OC, Hunter FH, May 7, 1950, 1096, May 7, 1950, blank, blank, 7.50

Scott, Baby, 0, M, W, Stillborn, 2, 49, 1921, Baby Scott, owned, blank, Pauls Valley, None(Nowls?), Oct 13, 1943, 406, Oct 13, 1943, blank, Free, 25251

Scott, Jess, 74, blank, blank, blank, 2, 19A, 1301, J. C(G?) Scott, 1/4 lot, 18.00, blank, blank, Dec 2, 1960, blank, Dec 2, 1960, blank, blank, 25.00

Scott, Johnie A ., 62, F, W, Carconima of colen, torn, A torn, 1094, J.A. Scott 1/4, 18.00, June 14, 1951, blank, blank, June 14, 1951, 24, June 14, 1951, blank, blank, 10.00

Scott, Judie Isabell, 79, W, W, Cerebreal Hormorr, 2, 68A, 2079, Scott, blank, March 18, 1947, blank, blank, March 18, 1947, 4, March 18, 1947, blank, 7.50, blank

Scott, Laura, blank, F, W, blank, 2, 48A, 1436, Mrs. A.L. Scott, all lot 2, blank, blank, blank, Jan 27, 1964, blank, Jan 27, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Scott, Louie Emma, blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 69A, 1409, Mink - Scott, blank, blank, blank, blank, June 10, 1963, blank, June 10, 1963, blank, blank, 25.00

Scott, Mrs & Mrs. Preston, blank, blank, blank, blank, 1, 69, 1471, T.P(D?). Scott min??, blank, blank, Fox Okla, blank, Dec 28, 1964, blank, Dec 28, 1964, blank, blank, 50.00

Scott, Nancy A., 96, F, blank, Semiery(?), blank, 136, 1607, Nancy Armanda Scott, owned, blank, Paolia, blank, July 27, 1936, 65, July 27, 1936, blank, 4.50, blank

Scott, Stanley, 45, M, White, Cancer of stomach, 2, 68, 1670, Stanley Scott, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, Oct 13, 1937, 1117, Oct 13, 1937, blank, Free, blank

Scott, T.P., 81, M, W, blank, 1, 69, 15089, T.P. Scott, E 1.2 lot 1, 12 1/2 x 32, Pauls Valley OK, Baker, blank, blank, Oct 13, 1966, blank, blank, Pd 25.00

Scott, William, 72, M, W, Cancer, 2, 68, 1479, William Scott, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, April 21, 1933, 930, April 21, 1933, blank, 4.50, torn

Scroggins, Hugh L., 40, M, W, Wagon accident at Seminole, 2, 138, 1439, Hugh L. Scroggins, blank, blank, Seminole, J.C. Chabuick(?), Sept 27, 1932, blank, Sept 27, 1932, blank, 4.50, 67252

Scruggs, Albert H???, 77, blank, blank, blank, 1, 13A, 1206, F.E. Carmichael, 1/4 18.00, blank, blank, blank, March 3, 1959, blank, March 3, 1959, blank, blank, 20.00

Scruggs, Mattie, 83, F, W, Dysentery, A, 68, 1468, Mattie Scruggs, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, June 27, 1933, 936, June 27, 1933, blank, Free grave, 25251

Scruggs, William Lee, 92(72?), M, W, Cerelnel T??, 2, 166, 1023, Roy Collins, 18.00, July 24, 1949, Okla City, Hunter FH, July 24, 1949, 3?, July 24, 1949, blank, free, blank

Seaton, James, 88, M, blank, Cerebral Hemorage, 1, 102, 1677, James Seaton, owned, blank, Okmulgee, blank, Dec 16, 1937, 185, Dec 16, 1937, blank, 4.50, blank

Secrest, J.E., 73, M, blank, Age, 2, 39, 149, blank, blank, blank, April 24, 1906, 149, April 25, 1906, blank, blank, blank

Secrest, O.T.(Y?), 62, M, W, Adess Lungs, 1, 89, 2996, Sam Secrest, blank, Dec 16, 1944, blank, blank, Dec 16, 1944, 51, Dec 16, 1944, blank, 7.50, blank

Secrest, Sam, blank, M, W, blank, blank, blank, 1470, Sam Secrest, blank, blank, Texas, blank, Dec 17, 1964, blank, Dec 17, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Secrest, T.A., 75, M, White, Degeneration, 1, 89, 1654, T.A. Secrest, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, July 16, 1937, 1107, July 16, 1937, blank, 4.50, 25251

Secrest, Thomas Stanton, 22, M, blank, Septicemia, 1, 97, 489, Mrs. Judith Guthery sold to S.H. Secrest, blank, blank, Wynnewood, Geo W. Roberts, Aug 6, 1913, 489, Aug 7, 1913, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Seeton, Mrs. Amanda Lousia, 58, blank, blank, Dilatation of heart, blank, 102, 598, John A. Seeton, 33.50, blank, Wynnewood, John Darst, Sept 17, 1916, 598, Sept 18, 1916, 6.00, 6.00 (steel), blank

Self, Julia, 47, F, White, Gunshot, 2, 95, 1820, Julia Self, owned, blank, Shawnee, Gaskell, Dec 30, 1940, blank, Dec 30, 1940, blank, Free, 63250

Self, Lemuel Keever, 53, M, W, Pulmonary T.B., 2, 95, 1790, Lemuel Keever Self, owned, blank, Shawnee, Gaskill, June 12, 1940, blank, June 12, 1940, blank, 3.50, 63250

Self, Mrs. B.E., 69, F, W, Applexy, 2, 95, 1307, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood Okla, C.F. Coonrod, April 3, 1927, 606, April 4, 1927, blank, 4.50, 25251

Self, Sanford, blank, M, White, blank, 2, 95, 1665, Sanford Self, owned, blank, blank, blank, Sept 8, 1937, 258, Sept 8, 1937, blank, 4.50, blank

Settle, Clayton, 5mo, M, White, Hemor bowels, 3, 84, 25, blank, blank, blank, Jan 25, 1904, 25, Jan 26, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Settle, Dr. W.E., 69, M, W, Heart block, torn, 54, 1553, Dr. W.E. Settle, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, March 12, 1935, 1001, March 12, 1935, blank, 4.50, 2525?

Settle, Florence B., 61, F, W, Delatin of heart, 2, 83, 1371, Florence B. Settle, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 25, 1930, 876, Dec 25, 1930, blank, 4.50, 25251

Settle, F.M., 94, M, W, Old age, torn, 84, 1334, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod (Bettes Funeral Home Ardmore), Jan 11, 1928, 641, Jan 12, 1928, blank, 4.50, 25251

Settle, Mrs. F.M., 64, F, blank, blank, 3, 84, 147, blank, blank, blank, April 11, 1906, 147, April 12, 1906, blank, blank, blank

Sewell, Oliver R., 70, M, W, blank, 1, 15A, 1172, Joe Sewell, 35.00, June 23, 1958, Maud OK, FH, June 23, 1958, blank, June 23, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

Shanks, Claud, blank, M, W, blank, 2, 75(96?), 10057, Mrs. Mary Shanks, NW 1/4 2, 16x16, blank, blank, June 30, 1966, blank, June 30, 1966, blank, blank, blank

Shanks, Mary T., 77, F, W, blank, 2, 96, 1018, Mary Shanks, blank, blank, Okla City, blank, Nov 25, 1951, blank, Nov 25, 1951, blank, blank, 12.00

Shanks, R.H., 50y 2m 16d, blank, blank, Pulmonary Embolisem, 2, 96, 820, blank, blank, blank, Temple Texas, blank, Sept 25, 1922, 318, Sept 28, 1922, blank, blank, blank

Shannon, Mrs. Daisy Howell, 34, F, blank, Piviotonitis, 4, 64, 552, J.R Shannon, 25.00, Aug 31, 1915, Wynnewood, H.P. Wilson MD, June 16, 1915, 552, June 17, 1915, blank, 4.50, blank

Sharp, Edna M., 81, F, W, Cebral Hemrage, 1, 89, 1065, V. Sharp, blank, blank, blank, blank, Jan 13, 1956, 3, Jan 13, 1956, blank, blank, 12.50

Sharp, V., blank, M, W, blank, blank, 89, 1998, R.H. Crow V. Sharp, blank, Dec 3, 1944, blank, blank, Dec 3, 1944, 51, Dec 3, 1944, blank, 7.50, blank

Sharp, Vance, blank, M, W, blank, blank, 89, 1468, Sharp, blank, blank, blank, blank, Nov 28, 1964, blank, Nov 28, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Shawbell, Ann V., 4 mo, F, W, Diarhea & Entritis, 1, 160, 1795, Ann V. Shawbell, owned, blank, Wynnewood, Wynnewood Funeral Home, July 27, 1940, 30, July 27, 1940, blank, 2.50, 25251

Shelton, Joseph Benson, 74, M, White, Chronic Nephritis, 2, 140, 1765, Joseph Benson Shelton, owned, blank, Elmore City, Yeary & Vaughn, Jan 3, 1940, blank, Jan 3, 1940, blank, Free, 25252

Shelton, Julia(?), 77, W, W, Senality, 2, 40, 2055, J. ?., Shelton, blank, April 19, 1946, Elmor City, Year Vaughn FH, April 19, 1946, 74072, April 19, 1946, blank, 7.50, blank

Shelton, M.M., 58, M, W, Acute Appendiciti, 2, 19, 1794, M.M. Shelton, owned, blank, Pauls Valley, Coonrod Funeral Home, July 22, 1940, 5, July 22, 1940, blank, Free, 25250

Shelton, Marion C., blank, blank, blank, blank, 2, 10A, 1325, Mrs. Ruth E. Shelton, 10x12 1/2 lot, 12.00, blank, blank, Sept 4, 1961, blank, Sept 4, 1961, blank, blank, 20.00

Sheridan, O.J., 57, M, W., Acute heart disease, 2, 67, 1797, O.J. Sheridan, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Funeral Home, Aug 21, 1940, 34, Aug 21, 1940, blank, Free, 25251

Sherman, Anna V., 1 day, F, blank, Arter Regaylen, torn, 38, 1593, Annie V. Sherman, owned, blank, Wynnewood, blank, March 22, 1936, 1048, March 22, 1936, blank, Free grave, 25251

Sherman, Clara, 2, F, W, Bowel trouble, 2(22?), 139, 1428, Clara Sherman, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, May 23, 1932, 874, May 23, 1932, blank, Free grave, 25251

Sherman, Connie, 9m 15d, blank, blank, Pneumonia, blank, 32, 1262, C.F. Coonrod, blank, blank, Wynnewood 3 W, Mr. Sherman-Father, April 21, 1926, blank, April 22, 1926, blank, 546, 25251

Sherman, Nancy Jane, 56, F, W, Acute Indigestion, 2, 138, 1805, Nancy Jane Sherman, owned, blank, Wynnewood, WW Fun'l Home, Oct 13, 1940, 44, Oct 13, 1940, blank, 4.50, 25251

Sherman, Roy, 5m 14d, M, blank, Pertussis-Pneumonia, 1, 151, 383, for the poor, blank, blank, WW, G.W. Roberts, Dec 7, 1910, 383, Dec 7, 1910, blank, pauper, blank

Shipley, J.S., 73, M, W, Multiple m???, 2, 168, 1104, J.H. Shipley, 18.00, Jan 3, 1946, blank, blank, Aug 20, 1951, 351, Aug 20, 1951, blank, blank, 12.50

Shipley, Jesse Pinkley, 78y 4m, Male, blank, Labor Pneumonia, blank, blank, 728, relative of Jno B. Shipley, blank, blank, WW, M.E. Robberson, Dec 3, 1919, 124, Dec 4, 1919, blank, blank, blank

Shipley, Lory Hanah, 82, F, W, blank, 2, 55A, 1081, C.W. Shipley, 18.00, Aug 13, 1956, Texas, Baker FH, Aug 13, 1956, blank, Aug 13, 1956, blank, blank, 12.50

Shipley, Lula, 70, F, W, Peligry, 1, 147, 1290, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, July 19, 1929, 803, July 20, 1929, blank, 4.50, 25251

Shipley, M.J., blank, M, W, Cancer of stomach, 1, 147, 1411, M.J. Shipley, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Feb 2, 1932, 877, Feb 2, 1932, blank, Free grave, 25251

Shipley, Mrs. Emma, 44, blank, blank, Pneumonia, blank, 154, 650, blank, blank, blank, near WW, R.L. Baker, R.L. Baker, Jan 31, 1918, 650, Feb 1, 1918, blank, gf 5.00, blank

Shipley, Mrs. J.H., blank, F, W, 2, 168, 1437, Mrs. J.H. Shipley, 1/4 lot, blank, blank, blank, April 8, 1964, blank, April 8, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Shoemake, John C., 61, M, W, Killed by auto, 1, 68, 1268, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Nov 20, 1928, 780(781?), Nov 20, 1928, blank, 4.50, 25251

Shoemaker, Buren Leon, 37, M, White, Fractured skull, 2, 58, 1762, Buren Leon Shoemaker, owned, blank, Gladewater Tex(?), torn, Dec 25, 1939, blank, Dec 25, 1939, blank, 5.50, blank

Shoemaker, Frank(torn?) Lee, 48y 3m 4d, blank, blank, General Narcosis from unknown, torn, torn, 750, lot 25.00 gfee 21.50, blank, blank, 2nd Ward WW, M.E. Robberson, July 11, 1920, 167, July 12, 1920, blank, blank, blank

Shores, Oliver Lee, 6m, M, blank, Unknown, 1, 150, 458, blank, blank, blank, near Wynnewood, No physician attended him, Nov 18, 1912, 459, Nov 19, 1912, blank, 2.50, 2.50

Short, Grace Alva, 40, W, W, Brain Tumor, 1, 156A, 2019, N.J. Short, 18.00, blank, Pauls Valley, J.H. Stufflebean, June 15, 1945, 71470, June 15, 1945, blank, 7.50, 55250

Short, N.J., 64, blank, blank, blank, 2, 156, 1127, N.J. Short, 1/4, Aug 26, 1957, Pauls Valley, Stufflebean, Aug 26, 1957, blank, Aug 26, 1957, blank, blank, 15.00

Sikes, Baby, 0, blank, blank, blank, 2, 40A, 1395, R.O. Sikes, W 1/2 lot 1, blank, blank, blank, July 1963, blank, July 1963, blank, blank, 15.00

Sikes, Infant Com(?), blank, boy, W, Premature, blank, blank, 2024, blank, blank, blank, WW, blank, July 10, 1945, 21, July 10, 1945, blank, 4.00, blank

Sikes, Joe B., blank, M, W, Encepalap????, 2, 155, 1081, Jon(?) Peumell(Deumeu?), 18.00, blank, WW, blank, March 2, 1951, 8, March 2, 1951, blank, blank, 10.00

Simmons, Charles T., 91, M, W, Myradal D?gh, 1, 23A, 3007, R.M(?), Simmons 1/2, 35.00, June 8, 1948, Elmore City, Yeary-Vaugh, June 8, 1948, 14, June 8, 1948, blank, 7.50, blank

Simmons, Edward M., 65, M, W, Heart Attac, 1, 23A, 1053, A.M. Simons, blank, blank, Pauls Valley, Stufflebeans, Aug 29, 1955, blank, Aug 29, 1955, blank, blank, free grave

Simmons, Nettie, 86, F, W, blank, 2, 122, 15079, W.A. S immons, Block 122, Lot size 16x16, Davis, blank, blank, blank, Sept 8, 1966, blank, blank, paid 25.00

Simons, William A., 81, M, W, Heart Dis, blank, 122, 1037, W.A. Simons, 16.00, blank, Ringling OK, Collier Brothers, March 29, 1955, blank, March 29, 1955, blank, blank, 12.50

Sink, S.P., 69, M, blank, Tuberculosis, 2, 55, 201, blank, blank, blank, March 31, 1907, 201, March 31, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Sise, Mary V., 74, blank, blank, blank, blank, 173, 1164, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, May 3, 1958, blank, May 3, 1958, blank, blank, free

Sise, William G., 76, M, W, Caronary Oclu??, 2, 173, 1088, N. Slaten two grave spac, blank, May 29, 1951, blank, blank, May 27, 1951, 18, May 27, 1951, blank, blank, smeared

Sizemore, Alza, 26, F, W, Malaria, 2, 147, 1585, Alza Sizemore, owned, blank, Pauls Valley, blank, Nov 18, 1935, 91, Nov 18, 1935, blank, Free grave, blank

Skaggs, Billie W., 16 mo, M, White, Diphterita, blank, 122, 1767, Billie W. Skaggs, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 6, 1940, 40, Jan 6, 1940, blank, Free, 25251

Skaggs, Jewel Cheodosea, 6m 12d, blank, blank, Sudden death no special cause, blank, blank, 723, dau of Joe Skaggs, blank, blank, Brady, W.E. Settle, June 9, 1919, 101, Jue 9, 1919, blank, blank, blank

Skaggs, Joe Harvey, 74, M, W, Cancer of Face, 2, 158, 1915, Joe Harvey, 8.00 pd, July 26, 1943, Davis Okla, Coonrod Funeral Home, July 25, 1943, 89, July 26, 1943, blank, 5.50, 50251

Slack, Jt., 76, M, W, High Blood Pressure, 2, 42, 1397, Jt. Slack, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 31, 1931, 856, Aug 30, 1931, blank, F, 25251

Sloan, Baby, 0, M, W, Monstruisty(?), 2, 40A New Addition, 2090, E.O. and Delmar, 70.00, Oct 13, 1947, WW, Baker FH, Oct 13, 1947, 33, Oct 13, 1947, blank, 3.50, blank

Sloan, Carolyn, 7W(?), F, W, Hooping Cough, 1, 75, 1783, Carolyn Sloan, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, March 22, 1940, 18, March 22, 1940, blank, Free, 25251

Sloan, Child of Wm, blank, M, blank, Born dead, 1, 67, 230, blank, blank, blank, Sept 12, 1907, 230, Sept 13, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Sloan, Ruth L., 7d, F, W, Premature birth, 1, 75, 1238, blank, blank, blank, East Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Feb 14, 1928, 645, Feb 15, 1928, blank, None, 25251

Slone, Effie, 87, F, W, blank, blank, 2, 40A, 1398, E.D. - Delma Slone, blank, blank, blank, blank, Sept 13, 1963, blank, Sept 13, 1963, blank, blank, 10.00

Slover, Leona, 88, F, W, blank, blank, 105, 1025, Slover, blank, blank, Norman Okla, blank, Nov 4, 1954, blank, Nov 4, 1954, blank, blank, 12.50

Slover, S.P., 40, M, blank, Gangreen of lung & tyhoid fever & Pneumonia, 2, 105, 433, Mrs. Leona Slover, 18.00, blank, WW, R.L. Baker, Feb 27, 1912, 433, Feb 28, 1912, blank, 5.00, 5.00

Smith, Bob, blank, M, W, blank, 1, 79A, 1478, Mrs. Bob Smith, 1/4 SW lot 1, 40.00, blank, blank, March 3, 1965, blank, March 3, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Smith, Bonnie, 12m, F, blank, Dysentery, 1, 155, 445, blank, blank, blank, Carr Flat, R.L. Baker, July 17, 1922, 445, July 18, 1912, blank, public, blank, John Smith owes 2.50 grave open

Smith, Chas B., 52, M, blank, Anemia of brain, blank, 2, 484, Kendall, blank, blank, Kingville Texas, Clyde M. Allen undertaker embalmers permit #399, shipped July 7, 1913, 484, July 9, 1913, blank, 4.50, 4.50,

Smith, Chas F., 57, blank, blank, Cancer of bladder Hemorrage of same operation, 1-2, 99, 536, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood Bapt Hospital, H.P. Wilson, Nov 21, 1914, 536, Nov 11, 1914, blank, 4.50, blank

Smith, Child D(S?)A, blank, M, blank, Tonsilitis, 1, 151, 273, blank, ???, blank, Aug 28, 1908, 273, Aug 29, 1908, blank, blank, 2.50

Smith, Cordie, 23, F, blank, Typhoid -Intestinal hemorrage, 1, 42, 534, J.A. Smith, 10.00, Oct 3, 1914, near Brady, M.E. Robberson, Oct 31, 1914, 534, Nov 1, 1914, blank, 4.50, blank

Smith, Ella, 66, F, W, blank, 1, 22, 1224, Ed Smith, SW 1/4 Lot 1, blank, OC, Capital Hill FH, July 23, 1959, blank, July 23, 1959, blank, blank, 20.00

Smith, Elmer M., 31, M, blank, Carcisonine(?), 1, 143, 1664, Elmer M. Smith, owned, blank, Corpus Christi Texas, blank, Sept 5, 1937, blank, Sept 5, 1937, blank, 4.50, blank

Smith, Ester, blank, F, W, Cancer Redr, torn, torn, 1097 torn, W.D. Smith one space, 18.00, July 16, 1951, blank, blank, July 16, 1951, 28, June 16, 1951, blank, blank, 10.00

Smith, Frank, 47, M, W, Parilyces, torn, 4, 1562, Frank Smith, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, May 8, 1935, 1011, May 9, 1935, blank, Free grave, 25251

Smith, Freddy, 13, M, blank, Typhoid, 2, 108, 268, blank, ???, Aug 4, 1908, 268, Aug 5, 1908, blank, blank, 4.50

Smith, Infant of J.A., 1/3 yr, M, White, blank, W1, 151, 4, blank, blank, blank, Sept 30, 1904, 4, Sept 30, 1903, blank, blank, blank

Smith, J.W., 85, M, W, Infected Gall blader, 1, 22, 1333, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 6, 1928, 639, Jan 8, 1928, blank, 4.50, 25251

Smith, James Hugh, 32yrs 10mo, M, blank, Murdered, 2, 108, 64, blank, Shawnee Okla, blank, Oct 12, 1904, 64, Oct 14, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Smith, Jas. Robt, 10 days, M, W, Infections Diarehoea, 1, 53, 1926, Jas Robt Smith, owned, blank, Oklahoma City, Coonrod Funeral Home, Nov 30, 1943, 66675, Dec 1, 1943, blank, Free, 55250

Smith, John Alvis, 85, M, W, Mycardial Day(?), 1, 42, 2095, J.A. Smith, blank, blank, WW, Baker FH, Oct 5, 1947, 32, Oct 5, 1947, blank, 7.50, blank

Smith, Julis, 57, F, W, Brain Disease, 1, 2, 1355, Julis Smith, blank, blank, Norman, C.F. Coonrod, Sept 2, 1930, 858, Sept 2, 1930, blank, 4.50, 25251

Smith, Larry E., 0, M, White, Stillborn, 1, 39, 1764, Larry E. Smith, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 30, 1939, 35, Dec 30, 1939, blank, Free, 25251

Smith, Lizzie, 72, F, W, Cancer of face, 1, 53, 1304, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Oct 25, 1929, 818, Oct 24, 1929, blank, 4.50, 25251

Smith, Luge, 61, F, W, Cause-none, 1, 2, 1354, Lyge Smith, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Aug 27, 1930, 856, Aug 27, 1930, blank, 4.50, 25251

Smith, Maranda, 73(93?), F, W, Myocardial(?), 1, 2, 1966, blank, blank, blank, ?????, blank, June 23, 1944, 26, June 23, 1944, blank, blank, blank

Smith, Melvin, 69, M, W, blank, torn, torn, torn, torn in Smith, 1/4 18.00, blank, blank, blank, Jan 7, 1955, blank, Jan 7, 1955, blank, blank, 15.00

Smith, Mrs. A.J., 40y 7d, F, blank, Brights Disease, 2, 99, 221, C.F. Smith, blank, blank, Aug 1, 1907, 221, Aug 2, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Smith, Mrs. Mary, 63, F, blank, blank, Dysentery, 4, 115, 524, pd for grave space 5.00 12/15 1914, blank, blank, near Wynnewood, R.L. Baker, Sept 2, 1914, 524, Sept 3, 1914, blank, blank, blank

Smith, Mrs. Oscar, 81, blank, blank, blank, blank, 55, 1151, Oscar Smith, blank, blank, blank, blank, Feb 16, 1958, blank, Feb 16, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

Smith, N.S., 53, blank, blank, Pneumonia, blank, 104 SE cor, 648, Mrs. N.S. Smith 16x16, 25.00, Feb 1918, near WW, R.L. Baker MD, Jan 13, 1918, 648, Jan 14, 1918, blank, Lot 25, gf 4.50

Smith, no first name, 2, blank, blank, Measles Pneumonia, blank, 43, 616, Charley Smith, 11.00, April 3, 1917, Wynnewood, W.E. Settle, March 31, 1917, 616, April 1, 1917, blank, blank, 2.50

Smith, No Name, blank, M, W, blank, 1, 75A, 15006, Mrs. Wilma Smith, 10x12 1/2 ft, blank, blank, blank, May 10, 1965, blank, May 10, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Smith, Noah Samuel, 17, M, blank, Auto accident, 1, 53, 1632, Noah Samuel Smith, Pd, grave space, Sulphur, blank, Feb 4, 1937, blank, Feb 4, 1937, blank, 4.50, blank

Smith, Robert W., 68, blank, blank, Caroney Occlusin, torn, 47A, 1063, H.A. Jolley, 35.00, Oct 25, 1950, W, blank, torn, torn, torn, torn, blank, 10.00

Smith, Samuel, 64y 4m 17d, blank, blank, Uremic(?) afen(?) Brights Disease, 1, 53, 800, Bulges(?) Cate pd J.Y.W. 8.00, blank, blank, Ward 1 WW, H.P. Wilson, March 27, 1922, 285, March 28, 1922, blank, blank, blank

Smith, Sarah, 70, F, blank, Age, blank, 120, 207, S.C. Smith & Sam Gibbs, blank, blank, May 15, 1907, 207, May 16, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Smith, Sarah, blank, F, W, blank, 1, 143, 1473, Sarah Smith, SE 1/4 lot 1, blank, blank, blank, Jan 16, 1965, blank, Jan 16, 1965, blank, blank, 25.00

Smith, William E., 46, M, White, Heart attack, 1, 2, 1772, William E. Smith, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Feb 12, 1940, 9, Feb 12, 1940, blank, 5.50, 25251

Smith, William H., 87, M, W, Seleratic Heart Dis, 2, 45A, 3027, Mrs. Lillie Smith, 18.00, Dec 23, 1948, blank, blank, Dec 23, 1948, 26, Dec 23, 1948, blank, 7.50, blank

Smith, Wilma Georgia, 45 days, blank, blank, Pertussis, blank, 99, 607, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, W.E. Settle, Dec 29, 1916, 607, Dec 29, 1916, 2.50, blank, blank

Snegle(?), Jennie Lee, 1 day, blank, blank, blank, 2, 162, 1122, N.J. Whitker, blank, July 20, 1957, blank, blank, July 20, 1957, blank, July 20, 1957, blank, blank, 15.00

Sorrells, Dorothy Aline, 6m 19d, blank, blank, Bronchial Pneumonia, blank, blank, 733, Look up Infant S.C. Gibbs 3W-53 1/21 No. 132, blank, blank, N. Gardner Ave WW, M.E. Robberson, Jan 15, 1920, 131, Jan 16, 1920, blank, blank, blank

Southerland, 67, M, W, Cancer of Stoma, 1, 166, 1973, J.C. Southerland, 18.00, Sept 3, 1944, blank, C.F. Coonrod, Sept 3, 1944, 34, Sept 3, 1944, blank, free, 25251

Southerland, Anna May, 32, F, blank, Tuberculosis, 2, 76, 206, blank, blank, blank, May blank, 1907, 206, May blank, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Southerland, Anna, 30, F, blank, Tuberculosis, 2, 76, 211, blank, blank, blank, May 24, 1907, 211, May 25, 1907, blank, blank, blank

Southerland, Annie, 1y 6m, F, blank, Measles, 2, 76, 405, Annie L. Ballew(marked through), blank, blank, WW, W.E. Settle, April 10, 1911, 405, April 10, 1911, blank, 2.50, blank

Southerland, Cara, 74y 5m 22d, M(?), blank, Tuberculosis, 2, 76, 300, w1/2 l po blk 76 J.E.S., blank, May 23, 1907, Wynnewood, Dr. J.W. Shelton, March 5, 1909, 300, March 6, 1909, blank, blank, 4.50

Southerland, Elizabeth, 15y, F, blank, Tuberculosis, torn, 76, 379, J.E. Southerland, blank, blank, W.W., W.E. Settle, Nov 17, 1910, 379, Nov 18, 1910, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Southerland, Laura Bell, 77, blank, blank, blank, 1, 166, 1207, Mr(s?) J.C. Southerland, 1/4 18.00, blank, blank, blank, March 3, 1959, blank, March 3, 1959, blank, blank, 25.00

Southerland, Lou, 87, F, W. Flu - Pneumonia, 2, 76, Lou Southerland, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Dec 25, 1932, 916, Dec 25, 1932, blank, blank, 25251

Soward, Nancy, 77, f, W, Aulusalososis(?), 1, 67, 1381, Nancy Soward, blank, blank, Sulphur, A.S. Dunn, March 28, 1931, blank, March 28, 1931, blank, blank, 50250

Spears, Charles A., blank, M, W, 1, 3, 1177, Mr Mrs. Charles Spears, 35.00, Aug 8, 1958, Aug 29, 1958, blank, Aug 29, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

Speck, O.C. (Baby), 3 days, M, W, Facis Baum, 1, 63, 1554, O.C. Speck (Baby), Pd 1.50, owe 1.00, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, March 29, 1935, 1003, March 29, 1935, blank, Free grave, 25251

Stacy, Child G.L., 2y, M, blank, Summer complaint, 2, 114, 264, blank, Country, blank, July 1, 1908, 264, July 2, 1908, blank, blank, 2.50

Stacy, George L., 80, M, W, blank, 2, 114, 1222, C.L. Stacy, blank, blank, Sulphur OK, Dunn FH, May 1959, blank, May 1959, blank, blank, 25.00

Stacy, Infant G.L., blank, M, blank, Stillborn, 2, 114, 271, blank, ???, blank, Aug 24, 1908, 271, Aug 25, 1908, blank, blank, 3.50

Stacy, Tabbie, 48, F, W, Tuberculosis, 2, 114, 1309, blank, blank, blank, Sulphur, A.J. Dunn, Nov 30, 1929, 255, Nov 31, 1929, blank, 4.50, 50250

Staggs, Mattie, 4, F, blank, Colori bocolli infection heart failure, 3, 122, 481, H. Staggs, 7.50, blank, near Wynnewood, Contributory by W.E. Settles, May 27, 1913, 481, May 28, 1913, blank, blank, blank

Standridge, Kathryn, 78(28?43?), ?, W, blank, 2, 57A, 1042, Warren S. Mashburn, 18.00, blank, blank, blank, Oct 24, 1952, blank, Oct 24, 1952, blank, blank, 12.50

Stanford, C.W., 22, M, blank, Thrown from horse, blank, 67, 109, blank, blank, blank, July 31, 1905, 109, Aug 1, 1905, blank, blank, blank

Stanford, James, 22, M, White, Pneumonia, 1, 67, 23, blank, blank, blank, Jan 7, 1904, 23, Jan 8, 1904, blank, blank, blank

Steele, Clara Belle, blank, blank, blank, Bronc Pneumonia, blank, 50, 674, blank, blank, blank, Shawnee, blank, Oct 21, 1918, 674, Oct 22, 1918, blank, 11.00, 4.50

Steele, Wilma, 9m, blank, blank, Auto intoxication, blank, 50, 651, blank, blank, blank, Brady Okla, M.E. Robberson, Jan 29, 1918, 651, Feb 2, 1918, blank, 12.50, ????

Stephens, Haskel, 7, m, W, Flu, blank, blank, 1415, Haskel Stephens, blank, blank, Pauls Valley, Stufflebean, March 7, 1932, 24, March 7, 1932, blank, blank, 25250

Stephens, Infant of Roscoe, 7d, M, blank, Schlhenus?, 1, 115, 526, Roscoe Stevens grave space, 5.00, Sept 1914, near Wynnewood, R.L. Baker, Sept 7, 1914, 526, Sept 7, 1914, blank, 2.50, blank

Stepp, Audley F., 53, M, W, Dilation of Heart, 1, 156, 1894, Audley F. Stepp, owned, blank, Pauls Valley, Winan, Nov 4, 1942, 58, Nov 4, 1942, blank, 5.50, blank

Stevens(Stephens), Charlie, 53y 6m 28d, blank, blank, Typhoid, Lot 1, 55, 814, Harris grave space, blank, blank, Ward 2 WW, blank, Aug 14, 1922, blank, Aug 15, 1922, 9/2/22 reported, grave space 7.50, gf 4.50

Stewart, Chas F., 76, M, W, Uremic Poison, 2, 121, 1318, Chas F. Stewart, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C .F. Coonrod, Feb 18, 1930, 831, Feb 19, 1930, blank, 4.50, 25251

Stewart, Esther, 49y 8m, F, blank, Strangulation, 1, 111, 425, John Walner, blank, blank, WW, E.E. Norvell, Nov 27, 1911, 425, Nov 28, 1911, blank, 4.50, 4.50

Stewart, John B., 53, M, W, High blood pressure, 2, 120, 1303, blank, blank, blank, East of WW, C.F. Coonrod, March 14, 1927, 603, March 15, 1927, blank, 4.50, 25251

Stewart, Josephine, 83, F, White, Heart Disease, 2, 120, 1660, Josephine Stewart, owned, blank, Pauls Valley, blank, Aug 11, 1937, 32, Aug 11, 1937, blank, 4.50, blank

Stewart, Nancy Fulsom, 86y 8m 3d, blank, blank, apparently old age, blank, 111, 601, J.H. Walnigs(?) lot, blank, blank, Wynnewood, H.P. Wilson County Health Officer, Nov 20, 1916, 601, Nov 21, 1916, 4.50, blank, blank

Stewart, Samuel Franklin, 83, M, W, WW marked through, 1, 48, 15088, W.H. Stewart, W 1/2 lot 1, 12 1/2 x 32, OK City, Baker, blank, blank, Oct 10, 1966, blank, blank, Pd 25.00

Stewart, Stanley, 15, M, White, Cerebral Hemorrage, 1, 120, 1840, Stanley Stewart, owned, blank, Okla City, WW Fun'l Home, June 26, 1941, 59813, June 26, 1941, blank, 4.50, 55250

Stewart, W.H., blank, M, W, blank, 2, 48A, 15029, W.H. Stewart, blank, blank, blank, blank, Jan 14, 1966, blank, Jan 14, 1966, blank, blank, 30.00

Stewart, Wiley Scott, 44, blank, blank, Eletroutio?, 1, 48A, 1037, W.H. Stewart, 33.00, Dec 8, 1949, Santona Tex, blank, Dec 8, 1949, blank, Dec 8, 1949, blank, blank, 10.00

Stiner, Dorris, 12, F, blank, Typhoid, 1, 151, 1253, Williamson Furn Co., Potter Field, blank, 6 mi S PV, Mr. Stiner-Father, Feb 27, 1926, 199, March 4, 1926, blank, 199, 25250

Stinson, Marjorie A., 41, blank, blank, blank, 2, 18A, 1094, Reno B. Stinson, 1/2 34.00, blank, blank, blank, Dec 17, 1956, blank, Dec 17, 1956, blank, blank, 15.00

Stokes, A.B., 64y 6m 13d, blank, blank, Apoplexy, blank, 55, 826, blank, blank, blank, Ward 3 WW, blank, Nov 26, 1922, 329, Nov 27, 1922, blank, 55, blank

Stokes, Emma B., 81, F, White Cerebral Apoplexy, 1, 55, 1741, Emma B. Stokes, owned, blank, Guthrie, C.F. Coonrod, July 21, 1939, blank, July 22, 1939, blank, Free, 42250

Stone, Effie (daughter Walter Stone), 2y 2m 15d, blank, blank, Influenza, blank, blank, 706, blank, blank, blank, S. Avength(?) St WW, D.O. Pool DO, Jan 11, 1919, 75, Jan 11, 1919, blank, blank, blank

Straight, C.W., blank, M, W, blank, 1, 24A, 1440, C.W. Straight, 1/2 lot, blank, OC, blank, April 20, 1964, blank, April 20, 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Ida Straight, blank, F, W, blank, 1, 25A, 1334, C.W. Straight, 35.00, May 4, 1953, OC, Wath(?) FH, Dec 17, 1961, blank, Dec 17, 1961, blank, blank, 20.00

Strait, Samuel, 80, M, W, Cenility, torn 1, 139, 1287, C.F. Coonrod, blank, blank, Wynnewood, Mrs. Tucker-Sister, Nov 23, 1926, 4.50, Nov 24, 1926, blank, 562, 25251

Strait, Susann, 87, F, W, Senility, torn, 139, 1282, C.F. Coonrod, blank, blank, City, Sam Strait-Husband, Sept 23, 1926, 4.50, Sept 24, 1926, blank, 555, 25251

Strather, Charlie W., 71, M, W, Heart Disease, 2, 139, 1070, C.W. Strather, blank, blank, C.F. Coonrod, blank, Dec 18, 1950, 49, Dec 18, 1950, blank, blank, 7.50

Stribling, J.C., 90, M, W, Cenility & Kidney trouble, 1, 55, 1325, blank, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Nov 17, 1927, 632, Nov 18, 1927, blank, 4.50, 25251

Stribling, Lillie B., 77, F, W, blank, 1, 42, 1176, J.L. Stribling, 18.00, Oct 9, 1950, blank, blank, July 19, 1958, blank, July 19, 1958, blank, blank, 20.00

Strickland, Jessie R., 68, F, W, Coronary Throm, 2, 46, 1038, W.A. Strickland, blank, 1955, blank, blank, April 7, 1955, 14, April 7, 1955, blank, blank, 12.50

Strickland, Margaret, 77, F, W, Bad Heart, 4, 105, 1781, Margaret Strickland, owned, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Marhc 11, 1940, 17, March 11, 1940, blank, Free, 25251

Strickland, Robert, 16, M, W, Gunshot wound, 2, 46, 1310, blank, blank, blank, Hobart Okla, E.W. Sirls(Girls?), Dec 1, 1929, 10, Dec 2, 1929, blank, 4.50, 38250

Strickland, T.B., 88, M, W, Genal Dittery(?), 4, 107, 2032, blank, blank, blank, Cisco Texas, Dunn Funeral Hom, Oct 9, 1945, 691, Oct 9, 1945, blank, 7.50, blank

Strickland, Virginia, 18m, F, W, Auto intoxication, 2, 105, 1321, Virginia Strickland, blank, blank, Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, March 21, 1930, 834, March 22, 1930, blank, Free Grave, 25251

Strickland, W .S., 77, M, W, blank, 2, 46, 1287, W.S. Strickland, blank, blank, blank, blank, Aug 29, 1960, blank, Aug 29, 1960, blank, blank, 25.00

Strickland, W.A., 2, M, W, Bacrillary Dysentery, 2, 46, 1785, W.A. Strickland, owned, blank, Pauls Valley, C.F. Coonrod, April 4, 1940, 3, April 4, 1940, blank, Free, 25250

Strother, Maud, 70, W, F, blank, blank, 2, 139, 1348, C.W. Strother, blank, blank, blank, blank, May 1962, blank, May 1962, blank, blank, 25.00

Suggs, Elzie, blank, M, W, blank, blank, 1439, J. Suggs, blank, blank, blank, blank, April 1964, blank, April 1964, blank, blank, 25.00

Suggs, James Eduard, 85(83?), blank, W, Coronary Oculsi, 1, 64A, 2092, J.E. Suggs, blank, blank, WW, Baker FH, Aug 23, 1947, 25, Aug 23, 1947, blank, 7.50, blank

Suggs, Lattie Annie, 1 1/2d, blank, blank, Broncho Pneumonia, blank, blank, 643, blank, blank, blank, Oklahoma City, shipped - certificate of Lee Menten, Secy Board Health, Dec 21, 1917, 643, Dec 23, 1917, blank ,blank, blank

Suggs, R.W. (Infant), 1m, M, W, Cerebra Aermyhoge(?) from premature birth, blank, 63, 1430, R.W. Suggs (Infant), blank, blank, Okla City, Leo Menten, Dec 7, 1931, 33516, Dec 7, 1931, blank, 2.50, 52250

Suggs, Ruie W., 43, M, White, Gun shot wounds, 1, 63, 1695, Ruie W. Suggs, owned lot, blank, Okla City, blank, May 15, 1938, 51347, May 15, 1938, blank, 4.50, 55250

Sumers, R.C., 58, M, W, Cancer, 1, 22, 1298, blank, blank, blank, E. Wynnewood, C.F. Coonrod, Jan 30, 1927, blank, Jan 31, 1927, blank, blank, 25251

Sweat, Retta Gertrude, 25, blank, blank, Influenza & Child birth, blank, 115, blank, buried at Wynnewood View, blank, blank (name marked through), WW, W.E. Settle, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank, blank

Sykes, J.L., 56, blank, blank, Inte?erisseption of bowels, blank, 151, 645, blank, blank, blank, WW, R.L. Baker MD, Jan 5, 1918, 645, Jan 6, 1918, blank, blank, gf 4.50

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