John W. Beaver, Jr.
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John Wesley Beaver, Jr.
Born May 04,1919 - Died August 03,1944

John was born and raised in Whitebead Oklahoma. He was the only son of four
children. He had three older sister's Katie, Matte and Edna. Everyone called
him Dubba.

His parent's were John Wesley(Wess) and Fannie Lee Beaver. John was also
married and had a daughter. His wife's name was Ruby J. Beaver (Randol) and
his daughter's name was Sherian Grayce Beaver (Nations).

He was my Dad's Uncle. My Dad's name was John Aubrey Mauldin. His status as
MIA was changed to presumed dead. His body had been found and buried in
France. Three to four year's later it was flown back to the state's and
placed in Whitebead Cemetery.

God bless him and all who fought and died in the service of their country
during World War II. They will be missed.

Garvin County OK Ancestry


The Harmoneers, I would say 1940s. 
John W. Beaver Jr. holding the standup bass third from the left the others unknown.
submitted by Ken Mauldin

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