Wallville School
Dist No. 13

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Wallville, located five miles southwest of Maysville in Garvin County, is surrounded by the Table Top Mountains and pastureland.  The area was once where the proud Chickasaw Nation roamed and hunted.  The Oklahoma land run of 1889 opened the territory for settlement, bringing settlers and communities.

Starting in the 1880's, Wallville was named for Mr. Noah Wall, an early resident.   Mr. Wall and his family moved from Mississippi to Doaksville (in the Choctaw Nation) before coming to this area.  His wife Lucille was a full blood Choctaw.   Noah Wall was buried at Scullyville, Oklahoma.

Surveyed as a townsite in 1903, Wallville was like many other communities, well populated and growing.  There was horse races along Main Street and gambling was a favorite pastime.  The railroads came to Garvin County in 1902 then paved roads to larger towns, all leading to the decline of most of the communities.

IN 1891, a post office was organized with John L. Wilson as the first postmaster.   It was operated until 1919.  At one time there was, other than the postoffice, a cotton gin, two stores, a two story hotel, a wagon yard and a school (until 1920).   A stagecoach route came through Wallville from Whitebead to Duncan where it joined the Chisholm Trail.  Dugout type homes were common in the area.  Eventually Wallville changed from a small town to a community  populated with ranching, trucking and farming families.  In 1920 its school, along with other small schools, was consolidated to create Hughes School, northwest of Wallville.

A crop, broomcorn, was brought to this area in 1906 and gradually became one of Garvin County's number one crop.   Broomcorm was used to make brooms and ship lining.  


Lindsay, Garvin County

From information at the Nora Sparks Warren Library in Pauls Valley.   This information may not include all classes. 


Teacher - Bertis Allison
Year Beginning October 7, 1918 and Ending June 6, 1919
No. of Months Taught - 8, White school, Number of days school was taught - 154, Grade and kind of certificate held by teacher - Temporary, Salary of teacher per month $80.00,  Number of acres in school site - about 4, Number of pupils failing in year's work - six have failed on account of sickness and irregular attendance

Comments by
Name Age Sex Days Attended Days Absent Times Tardy Grade Entered Promoted to Grade
- Grace Benson 14 F 95 20 14 6th 7th
- Opal Blassingame 12 F 49 - - 4th -
- Maude Brantley 13 F 32 25 5 4th -
(marked out) Thomas Barker 7 M - - - Primer 1st
- Gertrude Brantley 8 F 32 25 5 1st -
- Bud Casker 8 M 123 19 3 3rd -
- J.B. Cries 9 M 19 5 3 1st -
- Ray Donaho 8 M 102.5 26.5 6 2nd 3rd
- Grace Donaho 13 F 108 30 3 6th 7th
- Haskell Daniels 8 M 47 34 2 1st 2nd
- Daisy Eggerman 5 F 128 7 - 4th -
- Naomi Eggerman 10 F 69 2 - 1st -
- Monta Embree 12 F 135.5 1.5 - 7th 8th
- Vesley Elithorpe 7 M 18 22 7 2nd 3rd
- Wilber Ellithorpe 8 M 103 20 12 2nd 3rd
- Chas Evans 7 M 103 27 5 Primer 1st
- Baddie Fry 8 M 84 14 4 2nd -
- Grace Fry 15 F 100 18 23 6th 7th
- Luther Guinn 12 M 117 8 - 5th 6th
- Belva Guerin 18 F 76 8 1 8th -
- Jim George 7 M 98 25 3 Primer 1st
- Joe George 9 M 98 24 4 Primer 1st
- Howard Holdsclaw 10 M 75 11 3 3rd 4th
- Bessie Holdsclaw 6 F 28 18 2 1st -
- Myrtle Holdsclaw 14 F 99 4 1 6th 7th
- Lucky Holdsclaw 10 M 78 6 1 1st 2nd
- Opal Holdsclaw 7 F 90 6 4 2nd 3rd
- Alfred Holdsclaw 6 M 79 9 1 1st -
- Many (?)  Hays 7 F 27 5 32 1st -
- Mary Hays 6 F 82 19 1 1st -
- Cecil Johnson 9 M 67 25 16 4th -
- Bernie Jones 9 M 88 9 4 Primer 1st
- Casey Jones 7 M 87 26 22 Primer 1st
- Haskell Lamascus 8 M 97 28 20 1st -
- Opal Lamascus 6 F 96 10 9 1st -
- Noble Long 13 M 99 4 10 2nd 3rd
- Leoda Long 11 M 80 10 6 2nd 3rd
- Oral Long 10 M 54 4 3 Primer 1st
- Stanley Long 8 M 83 26 22 1st -
- Robert Mays 6 M 73 24 7 Primer 1st
- Vena Newberry 11 F 134 5 2 4th -
- Minnie Newberry 8 F 149 2 1 2nd 3rd
- John Newberry 9 M 55 17 12 3rd 4th
- Toy(?) Powers 13 M 60 3 - 4th 5th
- Ruby Powers 15 F 66.5 2.5 - 7th 8th
- Jimmie Pendleton 12 M 54 7 9 4th -
- George Pendleton 10 M 66 10 9 3rd -
- Thelma Pendleton 9 F 59 9 10 3rd -
- Eunice Pendleton 7 F 64 7 9 5th -
(maybe Pender) Ethel Pendes 13 F 2 - - 2nd 3rd
- Marvin Powell 7 M 100 21 8 4th 5th
- Nadeen Powell 10 F 20 - - 3rd 2nd
(Maybe Greer) Green Powell 9 M 9 1 - 2nd 5th
- Boyd Powell 9 M 20 1 1 6th -
(Could be Dona) Dora Robbins 15 F 49 20 5 7th 8th
- Myrtle Seeley 13 F 53 23 1 2nd -
- Randolph Seeley 11 M 61 22 1 4th -
- Venoise Stephenson 9 M 116 12 2 Primer 1st
- Bill Stephenson 7 M 120 8 4 3rd -
- Leon Smallwood 15 M 120 8 4 3rd -
- Bertha Twiggs 12 F 49 20 5 6th 7th
- Carrie Wells 13 F 89 18 - 6th -
- Emma Wells 17 F 89 18 - 6th -
- Ora Wells 12 F 94 15 1 1st 2nd
- William Wells 9 M 75 11 3 Primer 1st
(Could be Alex) Ila OlaWells 6 F 66 22 - 1st -
- Myrtle Wickware 7 F 8 9 - 2nd -
- Elmer Wickware 9 M 8 9 1 2nd -
- Toy Wilder 6 M 47 6 2 1st -


Teacher - Bertis Allison
Year Beginning Nov 2, 1920 and Ending May 18, 1920
No. of Months Taught - 7, White school, Numbers of days school was taught - 140, Number of visits by County Superintendent - 1, Grade and kind of certificate held by teacher - 2nd, Salary of teacher per month - $100.00,
Number of eighth 8th grade applicants for diplomas - 1, Number of acres in school site - 3, Number of teachers in district - 1,
Number of pupils failing year's work - 5 pupils have failed to make any progress on account of irregular attendance

Comments by
Name Age Sex Days Attended Days Absent Times Tardy Grade Entered Prompted to Grade
- Elna Allen 9 F 12 4 - 1st -
(could be Barkes) Therman Barker 6 M 33 7 7 1st 2nd
- H.B. Crier 9 M 73 9 - 2nd 3rd
- Bird Casker 11 M 76 8 - 4th higher
- Elsie Castleman 11 F 104 11 9 5th 6th
- Ethel Castleman 9 F 79 15 4 4th higher
- William Castleman 8 M 6 9 8 1st 2nd
- Bonnie Donaho 18 F 84 20 7 8th 9th
- Grace Donaho 14 F 114 24 5 7th 8th
- Ray Donaho 10 M 17 21 7 3rd higher
- Hattie Donaho 6 F 87 22 8 Primer 2nd
- Charles Evans 8 M 72 1/2 14 1/2 2 1st 2nd
- Wilber Elithorpe 10 M 83 9 - 3rd higher
- Verley Elithorpe 9 M 81 10 - 3rd higher
- Daisy Eggerman 10 F 89 10 2 5th 6th
- Naomi Eggerman 5 F 101 1/2 3 1/2 3 Primer 2nd
- Monta Embree 14 F 46 9 4 8th -
- Grace Fry 16 F 79 15 7 7th higher
- Baddie Fry 8 M 122 13 13 2nd 3rd
- Joe George 9 M 86 15 1 1st 2nd
- Jim George 7 M 86 15 1 1st 2nd
- Luther Guerin 14 M 23 12 - 6th -
- Howard Holdsclaw 11 M 41 9 - 4th higher
- Bessie Holdsclaw 9 F 55 4 4 1st 2nd
- Myrtle Holdsclaw 14 F 88 7 2 7th 8th
- Lucky Holdsclaw 11 M 78 6 2 4th higher
- Opal Holdsclaw 9 F 73 4 2 2nd 3rd
- Alfred Holdsclaw 7 M 21 4 - Primer -
- Mary Hays 7 F 80 25 1 Primer 2nd
- Maybell Hays 6 F 86 26 1 Primer 2nd
- Mary Hays 7 F 16 2 - Primer -
- Curtis Hays 6 F 10 3 2 Primer -
- Bernie Jones 9 M 6 - - 1st -
- Cecil Johnston 10 M 37 12 3 4th -
- Casey Jones 8 M 6 - - 1st -
- Hazel Jenson 6 F 36 5 - 1st 2nd
- Haskell Lamascus 10 m 78 7 - 2nd 3rd
- Opal Lamascus 8 F 81 7 - 2nd 3rd
- Bertha Lusk 8 F 52 8 2 1st 2nd
- Opal Lusk 6 F 48 8 2 Primer 1st
- Lindsey McCaleb 6 M 8 2 - 4th -
- Lowell McCaleb 10 M 10 2 - 3rd -
- Ora Newberry 12 F 128 9 5 5th 6th
- Minnie Newberry 9 F 133 7 14 3rd higher
- John Newberry 9 M 89 16 4 3rd higher
- Hazel Newberry 6 F 70 10 2 Primer 1st
- Nadeen Powell 11 F 82 3 - 5th 6th
(Could be Green) Greer Powell 10 M 84 1 - 3rd higher
- Boyd Powell 8 M 71 4 - 2nd 3rd
- Lucille Powell 6 F 84 1 - 1st 2nd
- Marvin Powell 8M 72 12 - Primer - 3rd
- Willie Prise 7 F 6 - - Primer -
- Jimmie Pendleton 13 M 62 9 3 4th higher
- George Pendleton 11 M 59 8 2 3rd retained
- Thelma Pendleton 10 F 67 10 2 2nd 3rd
- Eunice Pendleton 8 F 52 6 - 1st 2nd
- Ruby Powers 15 F 111 4 2 8th higher
- Foy Powers 13 M 74 1/2 11 1/2 4 6th higher
Hance Rawson 8 f 5 2 - 2nd -
- Floy Rawson 14 F 40 5 - 6th higher
- Dona Robbins 16 F 37 10 6 6th -
_ Pearl Story 16 F 86 12 1 7th 8th
- Bert Story 13 M 92 1/2 7 1/2 2 4th higher
- Myrtle Seeley 15 F 69 6 1 5th 6th
- Randolph Seeley 12 M 48 12 4 4th higher
- Leonard(?) Seeley 6 M 8 4 - Primer -
- Homer Steward 8 M 22 1/2 8 1/2 2 Primer -
- Maxie Steward 5 F 22 1/2 8 1/2 2 Primer -
- Venoise Stephenson 10 M 96 4 - 5th 6th
- Bill Stephenson 8 M 97 2 - 1st 2nd
- Dave Sumpter 14 M 53 5 - 2nd 3rd
- King(?) Sumpter 12 M 52 7 - 1st 2nd
- Martha Sumpter 10 F 54 6 - 1st 2nd
- Easel Sumpter 6 F 54 6 - 1st 2nd
- Ellwood Thrasher 8 M 12 - 1 Primer -
- Bertha Twiggs 13 F 84 11 6 6th 7th
- Cassie Wells 16 F 80 6 - 7th 8th
- Ora Wells 13 F 85 4 1 6th 7th
- Harvey Wells 10 M 87 2 1 2nd 3rd
(Could be Illa) Ilex(?) Wells 7 F 65 6 - 1st 2nd
- Audie Wilson 13 M 39 7 - 1st 2nd
- Willie Wilson 10 F 24 3 - 1st 2nd

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