
Harper Co. OKGenWeb


Post Offices of Harper Co. OK

Do you have information on post office services in Harper Co. OK? If you have access to this information, please consider transcribing it and E-mail the information to Michelle for posting to this site.

Microfilm M841
Roll 102: Oklahoma-Indian Territory: Counties unknown, Adair -Garvin Counties
Roll 103: Oklahoma-Indian Territory: Grady - Oklahoma Counties
Roll 104: Oklahoma-Indian Territory : Okmulgee - Wyandotte Nation

"RECORDS OF THE APPOINTMENT OF POSTMASTERS from 1832 TO SEPTEMBER 30 1971", at the National Archives records the establishment and discontinuance dates of post offices as well as Post Office name changes, the names and the appointment dates of postmasters, and beginning in 1870, the names of post offices to which mail from discontinued offices was sent. Until 1844, the names of sureties for postmasters, the dates and amounts of their bonds are also given and occasionally, the dates on which the locations of offices were changed.  

The records show the dates of presidential appointments of postmasters, the dates of their Senate confirmation, and usually show the dates that post offices were authoried to issue money orders,

Defunct Post Offices Alto 1903 - 1909
Avis 1898 - 1899
Ballaire / Bellaire 1903 - 1908 (moved to Doby Springs 1908 -1922)
Benton Flats
Bishop 1909 - 1932 Ellis Co.
Bluegrass 1886 - 1898 Beaver Co.
Brule 1899 - 1907 (moved to Buffalo)
Buffalo Flats
Burford 1903 - 1909
Burgor 1903 - 1904 (moved to Tannar 1904 - 1906)
Carroll 1906 - 1907 (created from Tannar 1904 - 1906)
Charleston 1901 - 1923 (moved to Selman)
Cline 1894 - 1913 (Beaver Co)
Cupid 1895 - 1916
Custer 1891 - 1904 (Beaver Co. created from Ivanhoe 1892 - 1920; moved to Madison 1904 - 1925)
Daisy 1902 - 1905
Doby Springs 1908 - 1922 (created from Ballaire / Bellaire 1903 -1908 )
Dunlap 1913 - 1935
Fern 1904 - 1914
Flat 1903 - 1906
Gyp Valley
High Point
Junod 1911 - 1912
Kibby 1901 - 1920
Madison Beaver Co. 1904 - 1925 (created from Custer 1891 - 1904)
McKim 1907 - 1909 (created from Wyatt 1905 - 1907)
Moscow Flats
Mount Olive
Mount Pleasant
Murray 1902 - 1914
New Charleston
Ocate 1899 - 1906
Palace 1903 - 1908
Parkman (Ellis Co) 1902 - 1917
Paruna 1903 - 1919
Pleasant Ridge
Pleasant Valley
Prairie Dell
Readout 1902 - 1913
Salt Springs 1920 - 1928
Sand Creek
Saratoga (Woods Co.) 1906 - 1918
Stockholm 1901 - 1915
Supply 1903 - 1943 Woodward Co. (created from Fitzgerald 1902 -1903) (Ft. Supply (military fort) - Woodward Co. 1889 - 1895), Ft. Supply Woodward Co. 1943 - present
Tannar 1904 - 1906 created from Burgor 1903 - 1904; moved to Carrol 1906 - 1907
Wesner 1903 - 1907
Willard 1902 - 1924
Willow Creek
Wyanet 1902 - 1912
Wyatt 1905 - 1907 (moved to McKim 1907 - 1909 )
Yelton 26 Feb 1902 - 13 Jun 1919
Buffalo 1907 - present (created from Brule 1899 - 1907)
Ditch Valley
Gate 1894 - present Beaver Co. (created from Gate City 1886 - 1894)
Laverne 1898 - Present
May 1896 - Present
Rosston 1914 - Present

Post Offices in Oklahoma

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Last Swept: 19 March 2005
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