Mayes County


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Wickliffe Community

The following information was furnished by Alicia Jones

Wickliffe is located between Salina and Spavinaw at an equal distance. The school and cemetery are about
seven miles N of Salina on Highway 82 highway.

In the process of researching the history.
Wickliffe School Dist 35
Wickliffe Prairie Cemetery

Online record for Cherokee Nation Teacher Roster appointed a teacher Wm Muskrat in 1898 to the Wickliffe
community. The School was held in a home at that time, according to the folks around here, the Wickliffe
school ( as it stands now) was established in 1907 and it burned down in 1946 and was held in the Boatright
home West and North of the school until a building was obtained from Ft. Gruber by one Fred Jones going door
to door obtaining all the names of the Indian children in the Wickliffe Dist. and apply for funding to the
BIA which he got.

School and cemetery side by side on South side of the road.
Little cemetery on the east side on school grounds holds 5-6 graves of children so far as we can find
out at this time.
Main cemetery is on the west side of the school.

In the early 1920's the school officials attempted to have the graves moved to the larger cemetery but 
E. L. Howell, who has two children buried there and others of this community protested the moving and
it has been left alone since.

Some new information furnished by Alicia Jones  has been added to a New Site: Wickliffe Cemetery

This page was last updated on 03/31/09 Mayes Co

God Bless America

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