Friday, 1 January 1926 (Too Late for Last Week)
John and Frank Lattimore, who are attending the University of Oklahoma,
are at home for the Christmas holidays.
Karl Tomlin returned home Saturday from Stillwater, where he is
attending the A. and M. College.
Misses Belle Lattimore and Olive May Finn arrived Wednesday from
Edmond to spend Christmas. They are attending Central State Teachers
Mrs. K. Smith shopped in Pawhuska Tuesday.
Dr. R. A. Byrd is on the sick list this week.
The Revival meetings closed last Sunday with an all-day service
and basket dinner at noon. Forty-seven members were added to the
church roll.
Maurine Byrd, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Byrd, came home last
Saturday to spend Christmas vacation. She is attending school in
Oklahoma City.
Fred and Roy Coker of Tuttle, Oklahoma, are visiting their sister,
Mrs. Luther Clark.
R. A. Wall sold a Ford coupe to Phil Reed and one to C. H. Codding
last week.
Miss Theola and Charlie Standifer ared home from Minco where they
have spent the last two months with their brother, Jesse.
Walter Hood and family drove to Cedarvale, Kansas, Saturday to do
some shopping.
Mr. J. K. Codding, Reverend Geo. A. Seaman, and Evangelist Sturgeon
motored to Arkansas City Monday where Mr. Sturgeon caught the train
to go to his home in McComb, Ill., to spend Christmas.
Miss Marguerite Wells is unable to be in school this week on account
of tonsilitis.
R. M. Hunt has purchased the F. S. Seward home in the north part
of town.
The Royal Neighbors ladies entertained the Shidler ladies Tuesday
night. A crowd of about sixty was entertained by readings from the
Shidler camp, a piano number by Miss Muriel Seaman and a series
of tumbling stunts by the Girls' Physical Education class. The outgoing
oracle, Mrs. Clel Berry was presented with a beautiful Oracle pin
as a token of appreciation of her faithful services during the years.
The Past Oracle, Mrs. J. W. Clark, was presented with a box of lovely
handkerchiefs as a token of appreciation for her untiring efforts
to assist in every way possible. The whole corps of officers of
this past years are to be commended very highly for what they have
accomplished during the year. Their work stands as a challenge to
the officers who have been elected for this year. Delicious refreshments
were served and all report a very enjoyable evening.
R. E. Barton transacted business in Pawhuska Monday and Tuesday.
The Foraker school faculty had a Christmas tree at the home of Supt.
and Mrs. B. B. Remund, Monday evening. Useful and appropriate gifts
were exchanged and the evening was spent making candy and visiting.
A delicious lunch was served, after which wishes for a happy Christmas
were expressed and good night was said, everyone going home happy.
Foraker played a "double-header" basketball game at Apperson,
Wednesday night. The girls' score was 18-10 in favor of Apperson,
and the boys' score was 28-5 in favor of Apperson. Our girls and
boys both played a good clean game to the finish, manifesting that
fine sportsmanship spirit for which all athletics are intended.
This was the first of the Conference games.
Miss Dorothy Terrill is spending Christmas with relatives at Quay.
The following teachers are leaving town for Christmas: Supt. and
Mrs. B. B. Remund go to Weatherford and Wayne, Okla.; J. I. Stanford
to Stillwater; Miss Augie Schnure to Orlando, Okla.; and Mrs. Victor
Connor to Grainola.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jacobs and Mrs. Jacobs of Claremore are visiting
at the Sharp home this week.
The W. W. Wells family and Homer Beaty family and Mrs. Carter drove
to Bronson, kansas, Thursday to spend Christmas with John Grimes
and family.
Submitter: S. Ashton