Friday, 8 January 1926
George Brett of Ponca City was here looking after business interests
here last week.
Lester Lefler spent Sunday with his home folks.
Miss Zona Smith returned to her home at Edmond Sunday after a week's
visit with friends in Foraker.
C. H. Codding is on the sick list at the present writing.
A. S. Perryman shipped seven cars of sheekp to Kansas City Monday.
Mrs. Geo. Techau is well on the road to recovery at present.
Miss Vera Thacker of Sapulpa entered school here Monday.
Lunetta Dial, little daughter of Mrs. Edna Dial had the misfortune
of dislocating her arm while playing Saturday.
The Epworth League had a party at the Seaman home last Thursday
evening. There were about fifty of the young people present. The
evening was spent playing games until about 11 o'clock. The entire
party went to the church for song and prayer service and to watch
the old year out and the new year in. The evening was thoroughly
enjoyed by everyone.
The Royal Neighbors had their installation of officers Monday evening.
Miss Angie Schnurr and Mrs. Ferne Dial were the installing-officers.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finn and son, Gene of Grainola are spending a few
days at the John Finn home.
Since the first of the year the "Monk-Buckley Drug Store.congratulate
Mr. Buckley on what he is doing.
Mrs. Harve Baker, a well-known resident of this town passed away
early Saturday morning after an illness of only a week. She leaves
twelve children, eleven of whom were present at the funeral; a mother
and several brothers and sisters, her husband having gone before
her just ten months ago.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Hawthorne and son Billy returned to their home in
Neosho, Mo., after spending the holidays here with Mrs. Hawthorne's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Seitz.
The following members of the local chapter of the Eastern Star drove
to Pawhuska Tuesday evening and attended the installation of the
officers of the Pawhuska chapter: Mrs. Seaman, Mrs. J.K. Codding,
Mrs. J. W. Clark, Mrs. John Finn, Mrs. J. J. Dial, Mr. and Mrs.
H. P. Seitz and Mrs. V. W. Conner.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Seaman and Mrs. J. A. Whaling drove to Cedarvale,
Kas Wednesday to have some dental work done.
The brother of Mrs. May Keime was injured in the oil field one day
last week.
Roy Jackson and wife of Cromwell attended the funeral of Mrs. Baker,
who was the mother of Mrs. Jackson.
Misses Muriel, Jennie and Loretta Seaman, Zona Smith, Gladys Perryman
and Elva Whaling enjoyed a marshmallow-weiner roast on the Cedarvale-Foraker
road at the Kansas line last Friday afternoon.
Mrs. R. E. Duncan returned Sunday afternoon from a week's visit
with her mother at Oxford, Kansas.
Submitter: S. Ashton