Pittsburg County
North McAlester Cemetery

Read this first please!
Note: Not all links work at this time. I am working on it as time allows.
If you see a link to a family member's marker photo and would like it
to show before I get it uplinked, please email me and I will gladly fix
it sooner. Email me ROP720@aol.com If you do not see a linked photo, (ie:
one that does not have the underlined link with the file///E/name.jpg),
then I do not have a photo for that particular marker.
All of the newest updated photo links will have the word "updated"
next to them. Thank you for your patience. (As of 01/8/08).
All A thru D links should work, if not please
let me know. (1/09/2008)
Information obtained from canvassing the cemetery, newspaper obits,
funeral home information and library research. Photographs concentrate
on the data they provide, not on the stone itself. The land for this cemetery
was donated by J. J. McAlester. It is also referred to as "Old Town"
or "North Town" Cemetery. The earliest known burial was the
infant of Mr. & Mrs. Bryan in 1872. I tried to photograph every stone
with any visible markings, including broken stones and stones with initials
on them. Please check out the "Unknown" section for stones with
dates on them. If you can identify any of these, please send an email.
There is a large number of individuals in this cemetery without a headstone.
Funeral home records provided a great deal of information for those with
and without stones. I did notice, however, the earlier birth and/or death
dates don't always match stone dates, and names may be spelled differently.
It is possible that some dates are burial dates. Please keep this in mind
if something is different from information you already have. If you have
relatives buried here and they aren't listed, I encourage you to send
your information to ROP720@aol.com and let him know so they may be added.
submitted and copyrighted by: Rhonda Borthick
Click on individual's name to view photo(s)
Chg. = Who was charged for funeral, Ord.=who ordered the funeral, Unk.=unknown,
F. H. = Funeral Home, m=married
s/o=son of, d/o=daughter of, c/o= child of, w/o=wife of, h/o=husband of,
d/w=double stone with, t/w=triple stone with, s/by=stone by
Last Update:
04-Jan-2019 11:40 AM
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