
Pushmataha County
County Seat - Antlers

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1919 -1921


Transcribed by: Teresa Young

There are 586 pages in Book 4.
Beginning on page 1, the date is May 28, 1919.
Ending on page 586, the date is November 28, 1921.

To get copy of the marriage license, write to:

Pushmataha County Courthouse
Court Clerk
302 S.W. B. St.
Antlers, OK. 74523

Phone: (580) 298-2274
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Cost $2.00 per copy. Send Stamped Self Addressed Envelope.

If there is a "?" beside the name,
it is because hard to decipher the clerk's handwriting.

BRIDE: Miss Maggie Ladyman, age 17 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: Elmer McCary, age 18 of Antlers, OK
Parents of Elmer McCary: J. M. McCary
Parents of Maggie Ladyman: C. B. Ladyman
CEREMONY: Geo. M. Byers, Minister of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: November 6, 1921
WITNESSED BY: Bud Brown of Antlers, OK & Miss Ivy Ladyman of Zinaway?, OK

BRIDE: Miss Lida Ladymen, age 19 of Kent, Choctaw Co., OK
GROOM: J. W. Holt, age 23 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: Erskine Brantly, Pastor, Presbyterian Church of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: June 12, 1919
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. Martha Franklin & Mrs. Flora M. Wallace

LAMPE, Hellen
BRIDE: Miss Hellen Lampe, age 21 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: Frank Anderson, age 31 of Antlers, OK
(Note: "Application for Marriage License", December 1, 1919)

BRIDE: Miss Audrey Lannard, age 17 of Hamden, Choctaw Co., OK
GROOM: John Cleek, age 21 of Hamden, Choctaw Co., OK
CEREMONY: W. L. Powers, Minister of Hamden, Choctaw Co., OK
WHERE: blank
DATE: November 25, 1921
WITNESSED BY: J. E. Gardan & Myrtle Powers, both of Hamden, OK

BRIDE: Mrs. Annie Lasswell, age 45 of Rattan, OK
GROOM: W. H. Brinlee, age 68 of Rattan, OK
CEREMONY: W. D. Parks, JP of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: June 28, 1919
WITNESSED BY: Mrs. McCoy & Mrs. J. M. Napier, both of Antlers, OK

LASTER, Vennie
BRIDE: Miss Vennie Laster, age 21 of Darwin, OK
GROOM: James E. Weaver, age 23 of Darwin, OK
CEREMONY: J. E. McGee, Minister, Freewill Baptist of Darwin, OK
WHERE: Darwin, OK
DATE: October 3, 1920
WITNESSED BY: J. W. Laster & C. W. Barnett, both of Darwin, OK

LAX, Lummie
BRIDE: Mrs. Lummie Lax, age 27 of Jumbo, OK
GROOM: Jasse Pruitt, age 29 of Jumbo, OK
CEREMONY: J. H. Nelson, JP of Kosoma Township
WHERE: At residence
DATE: June 19, 1921
WITNESSED BY: J. D. D. Willitt & John Dennis, both of Jumbo, OK

LAY, Sibyl M.
BRIDE: Miss Sibyl M. Lay, age 27 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: Foster Berry, age 28 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: Erskine Brantly, Pastor, Presbyterian Church of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August 8, 1920
WITNESSED BY: S. Earl Newcomb, Cora Ell Berry,
Mrs. S. E. Newcomb, all of Pushmataha Co., OK

LEE, Bettie
BRIDE: Miss Bettie Lee, age 18 of Darwin, OK
GROOM: Ed Bodiford, age 21 of Darwin, OK
CEREMONY: J. W. Wilson, Baptist Minister of Nelson, Choctaw Co., OK
WHERE: Farris, OK
DATE: August 10, 1919
WITNESSED BY: R. C. Collins & R. P. Howard, both of Farris, OK

BRIDE: Miss Emma Lewis, age 22 of Finley, OK
GROOM: Arthur E. Benigar, age 24 of Skiatook, Tulsa Co., OK
CEREMONY: F. A. Holt, Baptist Minister of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: March 23, 1920
WITNESSED BY: Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Swackhower of Antlers, OK
& G. W. Benigar of Stiatook, OK

LIDAY, Mamie
BRIDE: Miss Mamie Liday, age 20 of Finley, OK
GROOM: Earl Sherrer, age 24 of Finley, OK
CEREMONY: G. A. Pool, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Finley, OK
WHERE: Finley, OK
DATE: January 25, 1920
WITNESSED BY: John Lewis & Mrs. John Lewis, both of Finley, OK

BRIDE: Mrs. Susie Littrell, age 30 of Ethel, OK
GROOM: W. A. L. Mowdy, age 28 of Octavia, Leflore Co., OK
CEREMONY: A. W. Rison, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: September 1, 1919
WITNESSED BY: P. W. Hudson of Antlers, OK & Alex Labors of Ethel, OK

LOMAN, Jewell
BRIDE: Miss Jewell Loman, age 18 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: Louis Dotson, age 18 of Antlers, OK
Father of Louis Dotson: W. N. Dotson
CEREMONY: J. F. German, JP of Darwin, OK
WHERE: Darwin, OK
DATE: July 8, 1919
WITNESSED BY: W. M. Herman & W. L. Weaver, both of Darwin, OK

LONG, Ethel
BRIDE: Miss Ethel Long, age 24 of Darwin, OK
GROOM: John A. Bloyd, age 27 of Darwin, OK
CEREMONY: John Cocke, County Judge of Antlers, OK
WHERE: At Pushmataha Co. Courthouse
DATE: June 11, 1921
WITNESSED BY: Marie Yerby & Wilburn Lewis, both of Darwin, OK

LOONEY, Lorena
BRIDE: Miss Lorena Looney, age 38 of Stanley, OK
GROOM: G. F. Cochrum, age 37 of Stanley, OK
CEREMONY: G. L. Williams, Missionary Baptist Minister of Clayton, OK
WHERE: Clayton, OK
DATE: March 27, 1921
WITNESSED BY: Sarah Williams & Ada Carr, both of Clayton, OK

LOVETT, Gracie
BRIDE: Miss Gracie Lovett, age 18 of Nolia, OK
GROOM: Bill Bruce, age 20 of Nolia, OK
Father of Bill Bruce: Y. C. Bruce
CEREMONY: J. H. Vaughn, Minister of Nashoba, OK
WHERE: Nashoba, OK
DATE: July 3, 1920
WITNESSED BY: W. L. Freeman & Tom Vaughn, both of Nashoba, OK

BRIDE: Mrs. M. B. Lumpkins, age 41 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: W. S. O'Neale, age 40 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: G. W. Gee, Minister, Missionary Baptist of Antlers, OK
WHERE: At their home in Antlers
DATE: September 6, 1919
WITNESSED BY: J. R. Miller & O. O. Wolfe, both of Antlers, OK

LYNCH, Goldie
BRIDE: Miss Goldie Lynch, age 23 of Antlers, OK
GROOM: Roger McClurken, age 26 of Antlers, OK
CEREMONY: W. D. Parks, JP of Antlers, OK
WHERE: Antlers, OK
DATE: August 1, 1919
WITNESSED BY: Annie E. Parks & Walter Parks Morris, both of Antlers, OK

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