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If you have an ancestor buried in Sequoyah County Please send Name and Birth/Death and name of cemetery for the Sequoyah County Cemeteries Online Page. Email Earline Barger


A History of the Duncan Cemetery

By Earl Strebeck, 1982

The Duncan Cemetery is the oldest cemetery in the Sallisaw, Oklahoma area. It was first an Indian burial site then later a community cemetery. Early graves indicate that people were buried there long before Oklahoma statehood. Traditional stories say that the Indians buried their dead without coffins, the deceased wrapped only in a blanket. Their graves are marked with piles of stones.

The cemetery is located at the northeast edge of Sallisaw and the property surrounding it is now owned by Mr. Barney Cheek. Its name was taken from an early resident of Sequoyah County, Dan Duncan, affectionately called "Uncle Dan."

Dan Duncan was born in Lampton, Georgia, May 25, 1860 and died at his home near the cemetery on January 7, 1941. He came from Georgia to Oklahoma as a boy of twelve with his parents, John Thomas and Mary (Martin) Duncan. 1

Hardly was the family settled in Oklahoma when Dan's father and his uncle, Perd Welch, returned to Georgia to seek their fortune. Unfortunately his father fell ill and died there leaving Dan, his mother and three other children to fend for themselves in Oklahoma. They lived at Stilwell, Oklahoma until Dan was twenty (1880) at which time they moved to the Lee's Creek area in Sequoyah County where they stayed for five years. In 1885, the Duncans moved to Sallisaw and in 1888, they bought the farm on which the Indians burial site was located. 2

According to Mrs. Beatrice (Mattox) Vann of near Sallisaw, who was born in the Duncan's home, Dan built a log house for his family near the burial site (about one-half a city block west of the present cemetery.) The log house had two large rooms with an open hall, about fifteen feet wide between the rooms. A fireplace was built on each end of the house with a lean-to kitchen attached to the back of one of the rooms. Later according to Mrs. Vann, Dan enclosed the open hall and stocked it as a small general store.

On June 25, 1896, Dan's mother Mary (also called Aunt Polly) died. Since there were no cemeteries in the area, Dan decided to bury her at the Indian burial site. Thereafter, he made sure that all the graves were carefully cared for. Because his mother's grave was there and because he owned the property, the burial site, in time, became known as the Duncan Cemetery. 3

In 1908, Dan built a small church between his house and the cemetery. It was called the Duncan Mission and at first it was affiliated with the Methodist Church and was served by Methodist circuit ministers. As time went on, the mission became an open-church where any religious groups was welcome to meet and worship. 4

After his mother's death, Dan married Fannie Mattox whose parents, Hardie and Mary Mattox had moved to Sallisaw from Springfield, Missouri in 1895 to teach in the Subscription Schools of Sallisaw. At about the same time, Dan's younger bother, Tom, married Fannie's sister, Maude. Not long after their marriage, Fannie was stricken with an illness that left her an invalid and she was confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Although confined to a wheelchair, Fannie did not give up. She managed to keep her house, cook, wash and sew as well and in some cases better than most ladies. 5

Sallisaw was established in 1888. During its early years the city had no cemetery and its residents began to bury their dead at the Duncan Cemetery. About 1902, Dan offered the Duncan Cemetery to the City of Sallisaw as a City Cemetery. At the same time, John Childers offered property southwest of Sallisaw for the same purpose. The situation was voted on at Sallisaw and the Childers location was accepted because of its proximity to the town. 6

After 1902, many of the older citizens of Sallisaw "still" continued to use the Duncan Cemetery. One such family was the Denton family. Jude James G. Denton was buried in the Duncan Cemetery in 1914. Denton had served as the first Justice of the Peace of Sallisaw after statehood in 1907. He had also served in this capacity and other civic offices both before and after Oklahoma became a state. Denton Avenue in Sallisaw was named for him. 7 His obituary printed in the Sallisaw Star Gazette on October 9, 1914 says, "He was buried at the Duncan Cemetery where so many of the old-timers of this section of the country have been placed."

Some other families from Sallisaw that continued to bury their deceased at Duncan Cemetery were: the Bracketts, Buttrams, Byrds, Dixons, Holders, Loggains, Palmers, McMurtreys, Philpots, Pinkertons, Rigsbys, Yandells and Youngs.

The following article was taken from the Sallisaw Star Gazette, May 17, 1912, and it is an example of the many past Decoration Days at Duncan Cemetery:


May 26, 1912

The graves at Duncan Cemetery will be decorated with ceremonies appropriate to the occasion on Sunday, May 26, 1912. The following programme has been arranged by the committee appointed for that purpose.


Welcome Address………………………W.N. Littlejohn

Song Service…………………………….by Price's Chapel Choir,

Conducted by Roy Holder and Robert Sparks.

(All other classes invited to take part.)

Recitation………………………………..Edith Dixon


Decorating Graves


1:30 p.m. Singing

Address………………………………….Rev. Winchester Allen

Subject: "Life"


Address………………………………….Rev. Cox

Subject: "Death"

Solo………………………………………Roy Holder

Address…………………………………..Rev. Paris Dooley

Subject: "Shall Man Live Again"

Duett……………………………………..Led by Robert Sparkes

Address…………………………………..Rev. Peters

Subject: "When We Meet Again"

All parties interested are requested to meet Friday afternoon to clean off graves.

T.S. Dickson

C.D. Holder

J. R. McMurtrey


(This information taken from The Sallisaw Star Gazette newspaper, Friday, May 17, 1912, page 5, column 3.)

The Dan Duncans had no children of their own but they were looked upon by those, who needed them, as parents. Their home, church and cemetery were made available to all at no charge! Their sincere generosity won them the love and the respect of all who knew them. Their exemplary way of living belongs to that period of time that we now call the "Old School" which sadly seems to have vanished from our modern world. As they aged, the Duncans were called Uncle Dan and Aunt Fannie, a colloquial title given to elderly people of great respect. 8

On August 1, 1935, Aunt Fannie died and six years later on January 7, 1941, Uncle Dan followed her. They were buried near the center of the Duncan Cemetery. Dan's only survivors were his brother Tom, and his family. In time, Tom's family moved to Fort Smith, Arkansas, as so often is the case, the little Duncan Community began to fall into neglect. 9 Each year that passed took its toll and by the 1950's the house and church were razed. The only thing left today of the homesite is a sandstone covered wall (just south of the lane to the cemetery.)

The cemetery by 1960 was a tangled jungle.The fence had fallen over in several places and tombstones were overturned as livestock roamed freely over the graves. Thoughtless hunters had used several of the tombstones for target practice and some unfortunate people had even cut the evergreens for Christmas trees. Things were a mess.

In the early 1960's, Mr. Jim Dixon, Mr. Alex Denton and boys from the Sallisaw Neighborhood Youth Corps, made an attemp to cut away some of the large overgrowth that swamped the cemetery10 but without continuted maintenance it soon came back. Things are beginning to look almost hopeless.

In the early 1965, Mrs. Kate Strebeck, knowing that she was dying, told her children that she wanted to be buried at Duncan Cemetery where several of her children, grandchildren and friends had been buried. At the time, there were many objections to her being buried there, especially after some of her children got a good look at the cemetery. But she insisted, saying that the Duncans were like parents to her (since her own parents had died when she was very young.) She went further and warned them that if her wish were not carried out, she would come back to haunt them!

Kate Strebeck died on September 12, 1965 and was buried at Duncan Cemetery. About two weeks later, her husband, Dan Strebeck died and was buried by her side. They were the first to be buried there after 1945.

Following the burial of his parents, Tim Strebeck decided to improve the condition of the Duncan Cemetery. He had known the Duncans and shared his mother's love for them. Tim wasted no time in getting started. He cut brush, overgrown trees and dug stumps. It took weeks and months of laborious cutting, chopping, piling and burning. With little help, he filled holes in graves, repaired the broken tombstones, and set them back in place. He also mended and replaced much of the fence. By 1967 he had the cemetery cleared enough so it could be mowed and trimmed.

Tim located families of the deceased buried in the cemetery, created a Cemetery Board and collected money for the future care of the cemetery. In 1968, Earl Strebeck (Tim's nephew) drew plans for a cemetery entrance with brick posts and side buttresses. With the help of grateful gifts of money, the brick work was soon done. Plans for the iron work, made the two gates and a curving sign, "Duncan Cemetery" which was placed above the gates. Earl shipped these things to Sallisaw as his contribution to the cause. When completed, the entrance was beautiful!

Since 1968, plans have been made to put a new fence around the cemetery but this still remains to be completed.

It has been said that time is man's worst enemy and it is true that time did erase most of the work of Dan Duncan. His home, store and church are all gone but his cemetery remains. Duncan Cemetery is as graceful and serene as ever and with the continued help of those who share an interest in the history of Sallisaw and Sequoyah County, it will always be a proper tribute to this early pioneer.

Decoration at  Duncan Cemetery is Memorial Day.


1.Records of the Wheeler Funeral Home, Sallisaw, Oklahoma and the obituary of Dan Duncan, Sequoyah County Times, January 27, 1941, page 7, column 1.


3.Tombstone of Mary Duncan (also spelled Dunkin), Duncan Cemetery and Mrs. Beatrice (Mattox) Vann, Sallisaw, Oklahoma

4. Beatrice Vann

5. Ibid

6. Ibid and Mr. Alex Denton, Sallisaw, Okla.

7. Alex Denton

8. Beatrice Vann

9. Ibid and obituary of Fannie Duncan, Sequoyah County Times, August 9, 1935, page 1 column 3.

10. Alex Denton


The following people are known to be buried at Duncan Cemetery, north of Sallisaw, Oklahoma.

* the page number listed refers to Funeal Home records at Mallory Funeral Home, Sallisaw, Ok.

ADAMS, Jr., Elvin, Nov. 12, 1944(Atoka,) - Aug 19, 2006(Sallisaw) s/o Elvin ADAMS, Sr

1. ANDREWS, Infant

2. ANDREWS, Thomas F. 1895-1920

BARRETT, A.L., Feb. 18, 1878 (Texas) - Dec. 31, 1934, s/o B.B. BARRETT and Rachel BALDRIDGE, h/o Ada BARRETT, Duncan Cemetery, page 56

3. BILYEU, Paul, May 23, 1918- 1923

4. BLANKENSHIP, . age 56

5. BRACKETT, Benjamin E. , October 13, 1920 - September 14, 1921

BRACKETT, Benj. Edward, Oct. 12, 1920 (Sallisaw) -September 14, 1921, s/o Will T. BRACKETT (Ga) & Hattie LONG (Mo.) Duncan Cemetery , page 105

6. BRACKETT,  Daniel, July 23, 1914, f/o  W.H. BRACKETT

7. BRIMMER, Opal,   1907 - 1907

   BROWN, C.A.,  1854-1903

8. BROWN, G.A.,  August 1849  -   October 25, 1903

9. BROWN, John, September 8, 1893 - February 17, 1934

10. BROWN, Kidd,

11. BROWN, Mary,

12. BROWN, Willie, April 15, 1881 - February 6, 1899

13. Burch, Cathern b. 03-08-1849 d. 09-26-1914

BUTRAM, Otis E., age 25 years (Ok) - Sept. 2, 1929, s/o W.H. BUTRAM (Ark) and Minnie DIXON (Ark), Duncan Cemetery, page 149

14. BUTTRAM, Minnie A. , September 18, 1885 - December 23, 1918, sis/o James (Jim) Harvey DIXON

15. BUTTRAM, Odis E, September 15, 1904 - September 2, 1929,  s/o W.H. and Minnie (DIXON) BUTTRAM

16. BUTTRAM,  Ramon,  December 16, 1906 - March 16, 1909, s/o W.H. and M.A. BUTTRAM,

BUTROM, Raymond, age 3 months died March 16, 1909, Duncan Cemetery, page 97

17. BYRD, Anna E.,  May 9, 1861 - February 25, 1909 (Bill BYRD's mother)

18. Byrd, M.H.,   May 18, 1855 - March 12, 1903, h/o Anna BYRD (Bill BYRD's father)

19. CAMPBELL Infant

20. CAMPBELL Infant

21. CARPENTER, J.T. ,  1864 - April 4, 1909

22. CARPENTER, Jim, December 15, 1845  - October 5, 19177

23. CLANTON, Benjamia F.,  Feb 11, 1903 - October 7, 1971

24. CLARK, George W., March 30, 1842 (Alabama) - September 6, 1923, s/o William CLARK, Duncan Cemetery

25. CLARK, Nancy N., Sept. 28, 1853 (Jackson Co., Ala) - Jan. 26, 1928, d/o Joe CHRISTY (Tenn) and Selah DUDLEY (Ala), Duncan Cemetery, page 12

26. CLARK, William, d. ca 1915 L. Inf. Sp.-Am. War-

27. COTNEY, Mamie,  1900  -   July 31, 1913

COTNEY, Minnie Mae,  May 6, 1910 - June 5, 1998,  d/o John and Mary Elizabeth (WILSON) CRAWFORD. m Willis Ostell COTNEY

28. COTNEY, Ostell,  February 21, 1908 - October 10, 1936

29. DENTON, Dora,

30. DENTON, Haskell,

31. DENTON, Judge James G.,   December 17, 1867 - October 6, 1914,

32. DENTON, Manda,

33. DENTON, William S.,  March 28, 1890 - May 22, 1898, s/o  J.G. & M.E. DENTON

34. DIXON, Hubert, 1888 - 1902,  b/o  James (Jim) Harvey DIXON

35. DIXON, Martha Roberta, July 22, 1882 - May 19, 1920, d/o T.S. DIXSON (Miss) & Mary Susan McMURTRY (Ark), Duncan Cemetery, page 11, Sister of James (Jim) Harvey DIXON

36. DIXON, Susan, October 1855 -  August 1900, m/o  James (Jim) Harvey DIXON

37. DIXON, Thomas S.,Oct. 30, 1852 (Miss) - October 12, 1925, James H. DIXON (NC) & ----HALL, Duncan Cemetery , page 59

38. DUDLEY, Infant, Jan.13, 1938 (Sallisaw) - Jan. 13, 1938, c/o B.F. BOGGS (Sallisaw) and Mary Elizabeth DUDLEY (Sallisaw), Duncan Cemetery, page 60

39. DUNCAN, Dan, 80 years, 7 months 13 days, (Lumpton, Ga) - died Jan 8, 1941, s/o Thomas DUNCAN (Ga) and Mary MARTIN (Ga), Duncan Cemetery, page 137,

40. DUNCAN, Fanny Mattox, Nov. 11, 1863 (Ga) - Aug. 1, 1935, d/o Hardie MATTOX (Ga) and La???? OFFICER (Ga), w/o Dan DUNCAN, page 88

41. DUNCAN, Mary (MARTIN),   1826 - June 25, 1896, Known as Aunt Polly DUNCAN

42. DUNLAP, Baskem,  June 4, 1912 - March 15, 1915

DUNLAP, Blake M., 1912-1916

43. EASLEY, Bertha,  June 3, 1910 Infant d/o  J.R. EASLEY

44. EASLEY, Ida, April 13, 1906 - January 16, 1920, d/o Jno Robert EASLEY (Ark) & Mary Ellen DUGGINS, (Dugginsville, Mo) Duncan Cemetery, page 261

45. EASLEY, Myrtle,   1899 - February 8, 1912, d/o Mr. & Mrs. J.R. EASLEY

46. ETTER, Fred J.,  March 5, 1881 - August 5, 1891, s/o  M. & E.F. ETTER

ETTER, Infant, 1890-1891

47. ETTER, Jessie C.,     December 27, 1890  -  July 1, 1891

48. EUBANKS, Floyd, Jr., .  January 31,  1924  - January 31, 1924

EVANS, Terry Wesley, June 6, 19, 1961 - Aug. 4, 1995

49. FOSTER, Louisa (SPARKS), 1864  - 1892

50. GAGE, Albert,

51. GAGE, Albert Jr.,

52. GEISINGER, Mattie B.,   September 1, 1894 -  February 20, 1912

GLOVER, Maggie CLANTON, Nov. 22, 1915(Neshoba,) - June 3, 2009(Sallisaw.) d/o Francis Marion CHURCH and Martha Ellen (JONES) CHURCH.

53. GREEN, G.W., 1859 - Oct. 22, 1919 , s/o George GREEN, Duncan Cemetery , page 239

54. HARMON, Erria E., September 17,  1859 - December 20, 1909

55. HARMON, Henry H.,  June 30, 1848 - December 28, 1917

56. HARRISON, Nellie,  August 13, 1874 - January 20, 1900, d/o W.W. & S. PALMER

57. HART, Sarah, age 71 years 10 months, 20 days, Dec 15, 1845 - October 5, 1917, Duncan Cemetery, page 109

58. HOLDER, Tinker,   March 4, 1897 - September 1, 1900, b/o  Roy HOLDER

JONES, Alexander Ray, Jan. 3, 2000 - Jan. 23, 2000,

59. JONES, Kennitt C.,  April 26, 1911 - July 29, 1912

60. KILGORE, Eddie,  May 10, 1897 - November 4, 1899, s/o  J.B. & M.J. KILGORE

61. KILGORE, Hattie, October 9, 1898 - October 20, 1899, d/o J.B. & M.J. KILGORE

62. KUMPE. Edward E., June 1843 - Co. A, 6 Ark. Infantry, CSA

63. LANGSTON, Opal I., May 1906 -  October 1906

64. LOGGAINS, Arthur, bJanuary 29, 1900 -  March 17, 1903,  s/o M.C. & Dora LOGGAINS

65. LOGGAINS, Ethel G., March 6, 1905 - May 9, 1905,  d/o  M.C. & Dora LOGGAINS

66. LOGGAINS, Murray,  April 24, 1894 - January 19, 1897,  s/o  M.C. & Dora LOGGAINS

67. LOYD, Isabell,  February 18, 1853 - August 13, 1904,   w/o M.W. LOYD

68. LOYD, M.W.,   November 28, 1839 - July 31, 1904, f/o  Mrs. J.A. FOX

 MARKHAM, Joseph, 1894 - 1970

 MARTIN, Mary, 1926 - 1896

69. MATTOX, Daniel,

70. MATTOX, Ethel,

71. MATTOX, Frank,  September 28, 1832 - December 17, 1937, h/o Alice MATTOX

MATTOX, Frank, Sept. 28, 1872 (near Stilwell) - Dec. 17,1937, s/o Hardy MATTOX (Ga) and Lodell Dusky OFFICER (Ga), h/o Alice MATTOX, Duncan Cemetery, page 54

72. MATTOX, Hardy, . February 1847  - 1912

73. MATTOX, Huston,

74. MATTOX, Isaih,

75. MATTOX, Mary E., October 1863 - 1945

76. MATTOX, Toney,  June 1890

77. MATTOX, Toney Jr.,  June 8, 1919

78. McCLURE, Judy, Born in Arkansas

McCLURE, Tuby,

79. McCRACKEN, May M., November 10, 1915 - 1917,  2 years, 2 months old, page 280

McCRACKEN, May, age 2 years, 3 months, died November 10, 1915, Duncan Cemetery, page 280

80. McHENRY, Terry R.,   August 20, 1955 - March 18, 1986

McKAMEY, Leonard, age 3 months died January 2, 1909, Duncan Cemetery , page 117

81. McKARNEY, John,  1906 - January 2, 1909

82. McMURLA,  Edna,   June 20, 1909 - June 25, 1909

McMURTRA, Edna, age 5 days died June 20, 1909, Duncan Cemetery

83. McMURTREY, Annie M.,  March 24, 1896 - October 22, 1898

84. McMURTREY, Clint, 1905 - 1905

85. McMURTREY, Joe,  1861 - 1931

86. McMURTREY, Linda, 1870  -  1897

87. McMURTRY, Oscar, March 5, 1904 (I.T.) - Jan. 26, 1930, s/o W.H. McMURTRY (Ark) and Thursur DAVIDSON (Ark), Duncan Cemetery, page 184

88. McMURTREY, Stephen H., October 27, 1890 - February 6, 1898, s/o J.R. & S.M. McMURTREY

89. McPETERS,  April 23, 1913, Infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. C.C. McPETERS

90. MOODY, Mrs. B.B., age 22 years , 1887 - March 18, 1909, Duncan Cemetery, page 99

91. MOONEYHAM, J.J., died July 13, 1908, Duncan Cemetery , page 3

MORRIS, Baby Boy, 1916-1916

92. MORRISON, Margie,  October 27, 1893 - March 28, 1901, d/o F.M. & N.C. MORRISON

93. MOTON, Mrs.  Lottie, age 62 , 1869 - Aug. 16, 1931, w/o John MOTON, Duncan Cemetery, page 85

94. MULL, Mrs. Anna, died February 25, 1909, Duncan Cemetery, page 91

95. NAKEDHEAD, James,  1857 - May 16, 1917

96. O'NEAL, Infant,  March 1, 1927 -March 1, 1927, c/o W.H. O'NEAL(Ark) and Sallie BROWN (Ark), Duncan Cemetery, page 159

97. PALMER, Infant,  Jan 25, 1909 - January 25, 1909,  c/o Noah PALMER, Duncan Cemetery, page 70

98. PALMER, J.P.,  February 26, 1849 - February 19, 1922

99. PALMER, Louisa,   March 24, 1824  - January 24, 1905, w/o  W.W. PALMER,

100. PALMER, Sarah, Jan. 9, 1858 (Tenn) - May 21, 1938, d/o Elisha (Tenn) and Sarah (Tenn) WALLEN, Duncan Cemetery, page 88

PALMER, Miss S.L., 1887-1900

101. PALMER, Will W., 1855 (Illinois) - Sept. 13, 1928, s/o William PALMER (Pa) and Louise WADE ( Pa), h/o Sarah WALDEN PALMER, Duncan Cemetery, page 71

102. PEARSON,   February 9. 1012 Parent: J.P. PEARSON


103. PHILLIPS, Joe E.  died.   April 14, 1916, f/o Mrs. Joe RENFROE

PHILPOT, Baby , (Born: 1908) (Died same day) child of Callie  & Charles PHILPOT

104. PHILPOT, Denia, w/o of John

105. PHILPOT, J., d. 1908

106. PHILPOT, Jimmy,

PHILPOT, James,(Born: Sept 26, 1872)(Died: July 6, 1907) son of John Richard and Sardinia PHILPOT

PHILPOT, John Richard, Dec. 22, 1848  - March 1, 1925,  h/o Sardinia WELLS PHILPOT

PHILPOT, Melvin, Nov. 18, 1926 - Nov. 18, 1926, -Infant of son of Lizzie and Lee PHILPOT  b/o Marvin Lee PHILPOT.

PHILPOT, Sardinia Ann (Denia) WELLS, Sept. 15, 1850  - July 13, 1917 w/o John Richard PHILPOT

PHILPOT, Tudy (Tudie), April 15, 1925  -  July 13, 1925 ,   s/o Marvin Lee PHILPOT and Barty Elizabeth BREWER.

107. PIGG, Bobby Lee, 1918 - Dec 12, 1919,   s/o Mr. & Mrs. Lee PIGG

108. PIGG, Evesale, Infant

109. PINKERTON, John Curry,   April 25, 1845 -  September 21, 1906, h/o E.E. PINKERTON

110. PINKERTON, Melvin S.,   July 6, 1884  - October 4, 1906

111. POLLOCK,  died  August 1900 Infant

112. POLLOCK, Mrs., died  August 1900

113. POLLOCK, Mrs. Sarah,   died   October 9, 1900, w/o  W.I. POLLOCK

114. PRESSLEY, Kim,  died. June 14, 1912, Father-in-law John PALMER/ Brothers Louis & Wash

115. RAINS, John A., March 25, 1852 -  March 28, 1902

116. RAINS, Mandy E.,   April 27,  1877  - December 15, 1892

117. RICHARDSON, Isaac,   February 12, 1837  - November 20, 1926

118. RICHARDSON, Mary E.,  March 18, 1844 -   October 19, 1917, w/o Isaac RICHARDSON

RIGBY, James Edward "Jim", Aug. 5, 1946(Blytheville, Ark.) - July 19, 2004(Sallisaw) s/o Stephen Joseph RIGBY and Beatrice (GODWIN) RIGBY.

119. ROBERTS, Eunice, age 45 days - died November 4, 1917, d/o Lewis ROBERTS and Mollie TACKETT , Duncan Cemetery page 112

120. ROBERTS, Vernis, age 2 months,  1907 - January 8, 1909, Duncan Cemetery, page 64

121. SANDERS, 1909 Infant: c/o Sam SANDERS

SANDERS, Infant, died August 28, 1909, Duncan Cemetery

122. SCOTT, 1901 -  July 19, 1909, c/o D. Brad SCOTT

123. SELLS, Infant,: Parents- Bill and Oma SELLS

124. SELLS, Infant:, Parents- P.D. and Celia SELLS

125. SELLS, Infant,: Parents- P.D. and Celia SELLS

126. SLIPNMER, Miss, (Spel?)

127. SPARKS, Mahala, 1821 - 1907, (w/o Ira SPARKS)

128. SPARKS, Zelma L., 1907  - 1907

SPEARS, Emma Kate STREBECK, April 30, 1935(Sallisaw) - May 11, 2012(Jefferson City, MO) to John R. and Ella Florene (McEVER) STREBECK. She was preceded in death by her husband, Louis SPEARS.

129. STIDHAM, F.M.,   April 23, 1854 -  March 3, 1898

130. STIDHAM, Francis, October 15, 1896  -  March 24, 1902,  d/o F.M. & M.M. STIDHAM

131. STIDHAM, Meley,   April 15, 1861 - August 4, 1902

132. STREBECK, Clifford, 1919 - 1919

133. STREBECK, Daniel H.,  August 16, 1877 - September 29, 1965

134. STREBECK, John R., September 23, 1912 - January 29, 1982

135. STREBECK, Kate,  Sepember 15, 1883  - September 12, 1965, w/o of D.H. STREBECK

STREBECK, Tim,  May 19, 1915 - March 20, 1993

136. STREBECK, Willey, . 1920  - 1920

TAYLOR, Thomas “Tommie”, born ca 1894(Ark) died after 1910, no stone

137. THORNTON, Lizzie, Age 46

138. TILLIS,  Rigsby,  February 26, 1887(Arkansas) - July 5, 1912

139. WALDROP Infant, d/o Mr. And Mrs. George WALDROP

140. WALLEN, Sarah,  Aug 27, 1825  - February 1, 1905

 WILHITE, Don Allen, 1967 - 1967

141. WILLIAMS, Dr. I.A., 1841 -  August 7, 1913,  f/o Mrs. Thomas RICHARDSON

142. WOODS, Huey R., Oct 26, 1936,  s/o of Mr. And Mrs. Amos WOODS/ Grandson of G. KNIGHT

143. WOODS, A.L. (Fate),  February  9, 1860 - September 12, 1935

144. WOODS, Liza J.,  March  1, 1862 - January 10, 1925, w/o S.D. & m/o E.L., J.H., T.B. WOODS

145. YANDELL, Catherine E.,  Sept 15, 1862 - June 15, 1909, d/o  William & Nancy YANDELL

146. YANDELL, Henry A.,  December 16, 1858 - October 25, 1899

147. YANDELL, John F., Sept 11, 1855 - May 12, 1901

148. YOUNG, Franklin Eugene, March 10, 1939 (Sallisaw) -April 12, 1939, s/o George YOUNG (Faney, Mo) and Sophia WOOD (Braggs, Ok), Duncan Cemetery, page 162

149. YOUNG, James R.,  Dec 12, 1836 - March 17, 1911

150. YOUNG, John W., 1865  - January  24, 1935 Father of Riley YOUNG/ Brothers Frank & Gene

151. YOUNG, Julia A., March 16, 1861 - October 8, 1925,

YOUNG, William H. - died 1907 (Unmarked)


Sequoyah County
Last Updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:17 UTC
Copyright 2002 -2013 by Earline Barger