Oklahoma Cemeteries
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Oklahoma Cemetery Listings for Wagoner County
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Vietnam War casualties from Oklahoma
Oklahoma Gravestone Project for Wagoner

If you have a Wagoner County cemetery transcription or photo that you would like to include in this section, please email me.   If a cemetery is currently being transcribed you may still transcribe that cemetery since it has been awhile since someone has volunteered to transcribe the cemetery or you may update a cemetery that was transcribed many years ago.

 Cemetery Name Directions,  & Comments Latitude Longitude Town
Anderson (Find a Grave Map) Sect8, R15E, T16N, Abandoned, Private Family Burial 355251N 0954450W Stone Bluff Twsp
Apueka (Find a Grave) Sect6, R15E,T17N, Family Burial, Private Property     Shahan Twsp
Atkins (Find a Grave Map) Sect25, R15E, T17N, Abandoned South of 161st St. (Indian Road) and west of Highway 72 South.  355531N 0954001W Coweta
Bailey (Find a Grave Map) Sect32, R16E, T19N,  NE corner of East 61st Street &South 305thEast Ave.  (Old Coweta Road). 360431N 0953809W Adams Creek Twsp
Barber (See Red Bird)        
Beck (Find a Grave Map) Sect33, R16E, T17N West of State Highway 51B, near E. 181st St. South.Abandoned 355414N 0953634W Red Bird
Benge Family (Find a Grave)       Rocky Point
Berryhill (Find a Grave Sect11, R15E, T17N Abandoned Family Burials     Shahan Twsp
Bird (Find a Grave Map)   355534N 0954305W Coweta
Bowers (Find a Grave) Sec. 21, R18E T16N      
Brady (Find a Grave) located in Blue Mound township ,T 17 N, R 18 E      
Bruner (Find a Grave Map) Sect19, R16E, T17N East of the intersection of South Avenue G and East Dogwood Place 355551N 0953837W Coweta
Bryant (Find a Grave) Sect15, R16E, T18N West side of Lone Star Rd. Private Family Burials     Coal Creek Twsp
Burke (Find a Grave0 Sect10, R16E, T16N 1/2 mile S. of Red Bird on W. side of Rd.     Red Bird
Carr (See Simmons)        
Chalakee (Find a Grave) Sect15, R15E, T19N S. side of Intersect E. 41stSt. & S. 305th East Ave (Coweta Rd) Abandoned     Adams Creed Twsp
Cherokee (Find a Grave Map) W. of Okay on Gene Coffey Property 355124N 0951945W NEMuskogee
Childers (Find a Grave Map)   360139N 0953002W Catoosa SE
Choska (Find a Grave Map) From 51B go 3 miles South on Hwy 104,turn East on E. 231 st St S. go about 1 mile up the hill on the North side on the road and there are you,a very small sign on fence post that simply says "Cemetery". 355001N 0953529W Taft
Clarksville (Find a Grave Map) S. E. of Porter 354916N 0953127W Taft
Clingan (See Clinging) NE corner of SW 40, Sec 18, T16N, R19E 1 1/4 mile
north of Okay
Clinging (Find a Grave Map)   355137N 0951955W Okay
Concharty Creek (Find a Grave) Sect 12, R15E, T16E S. side of Concharty Creek, west of State 72 Bridge Abandoned     Stone Bluff
Coweta Mission (Find a Grave)        
Creek Freedman (Find a Grave)        
Diamond Grove NW 10 NW 40 Sec. 14 T16N R19E 1 1/2 mile, 2 1/2 miles
east of Okay
Elmwood   355812N 0952233W Wagoner West
Evergreen N. of Okay (Gibson Station) 355207N 0952100W NEMuskogee
Fisher N. of Wagoner 360430N 0951955W Rocky Point
Fountain Church
aka Jamison 
Sec 25, T16N, R19E In the early days Indians and
Colored people both used this burial ground, but in
later years it was only used by the Colored
Fulotka Cemetery Section 27, R16E, T18N, Coal Creek Township, Wagoner County, Oklahoma. Located west of Lone Star Road near 101st Street on property owned by Robert Young      
Gar Creek   355500N 0953133W Red Bird
Gibson   355216N 0954431W Haskell
Gipson   355623N 0953910W Coweta
Grayson S. W. of Wagoner 355351N 0952338W Wagoner West
Greenwood Porter 355240N 0953116W Red Bird
Harris NW 10, SW 40, S11, T16N,R19E, 1/4 mile north, 2 1/2 miles
east of Okay, OK about 150 yards north of road on high
ground back of field on what was known as the
Dock HARRIS place
Hawkins   355911N 0953358W Red Bird
Hendrix Section 26, Township 16N, Range 18E-located one mile west of
the Indian training school, joining 62 highway on the north. This old cemetery is well kept and has a good fence around it. [1937]
There is about four acres in the cemetery. There is lots of old
timers buried here. The very oldest ones are not marked.
IOOF No entry gate, 13224 s. 289 east ave,     Coweta
Jackson Grove W. of Coweta 355812N 0954349W Coweta
Jacob Morey S. of Wagoner 355022N 0952409W NWMuskogee
Jamison see Fountain Church Cemetery 355017N 0952125W NEMuskogee
Kelley   355833N 0954455W Coweta
Lincoln N. of Porter 355239N 0953135W Red Bird
Marshall Sec 30, T16N, R19E-African-American Cemetery 354944N 0952021W NEMuskogee
McDennil NE corner NW 40, Sec 19, T16N, R19E 1 mile northwest of Okay, OK adjoining Highway 69     Okay

Sec 20, T16N, R18E
Memorial Park   355642N 0953948W Coweta
Miller   355840N 0954156W Coweta
Pioneer Memorial located 1-2 miles east of Wagoner on HWY 51 on right side 355612N 0952114W Wagoner
Pleasant Grove   354850N 0952605W NWMuskogee
Rock Church
NE 10, NW 40, Sec 28, T17N, R19E,- 11 1/2 miles east, 1 mile
north of Riverside School
Roley McIntosh
located on the original Roley McIntosh claim where he first settled
and was known as the McIntosh plantation, one mile north and two miles west of the present site of the town of Wybark
Samuels Daniel Perryman Burial Ground
Mose Perryman Graveyard aka Samuels Cemetery
Six miles south of Redbird
Simmons   355745N 0954510W Leonard
Thomas Smith
located East of Tulsa, between Catoosa and Broken Arrow, 1/2 mile east of the corner of 41st St. and S. 209th E. Ave., on the north side of 41st St., across the street from the Wagoner county R.W.D. No. 4 Water Tower.      
Smith   360617N 0954405W Oneta
Sookey location: Sec 28, T16N, R18E      
located about 4-1/2 miles south of US412 on old Coweta Road. It is
abandoned and overgrown with high weeds. There are many unmarked stones.
360532N 0953845W Oneta
Stone Bluff
located in Section 11, R15E, T16N, Stone Bluff Township. One mile west of Highway # 72.      
Three Rivers   354942N 0951814W NEMuskogee
Tiger   355831N 0954057W Coweta
Vann S. of Porter 354808N 0953410W Taft
Vernon   355642N 0953806W Coweta
Willow Springs NW of Wagoner 360403N 0952937W Neodesha

This page last updated on:  
08 Jan 2025 Wagoner Co

God Bless America

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