Wagoner County, Oklahoma


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George Scott Muchmore

George Scott Muchmore was born October 1, 1867 in Jackson Twp., Johnson county, MO the sixth child of Jonathan and Amy B. Harsha Muchmore.

His father died April 20, 1875 and his mother died Jan 18, 1878, leaving him and two younger brothers orphans. His sister Nancy Jane, who had married John D. Flenniken Feb. 11, 1874 in Johnson County, MO had moved to Franklin / Johnson county, Arkansas. They are on the 1880 census of Franklin County with George Scott but not his two younger brothers, Thomas Sylvester and Richard W. There are records in Ozark, AR courthouse showing the Flenniken’s had applied for guardianship of all three boys, later there are papers showing Application for guardianship of George Scott by T.D. Berry.

George married Alice Warren (daughter of Ambers Warren, killed during the Civil War and Abigail Parker) on August 18, 1889. They were blessed with two children, Amy Abigail, May 31, 1890-July 24, 1904 and Charles Warren Nov 1, 1895-May 13, 1897. Both children are buried in Pond Creek Cemetery, Franklin County, AR

George was an industrious man. He worked as a foreman for the Missouri Pacific railroad, in the coalmine, and was partners with Dick Crites in a meat market in Ozark about 1910. He built two houses in Franklin County. One is across from Center Cross School. It has been bricked today, and is owned by Dow Pledger. The other is on the right side of the road just before you cross Gar Creek on highway 64, as you leave Ozark going toward Altus. This house he sold to Dr. Gibbons for $6000.00 on October 5, 1920. He and Alice bought and sold land in Franklin County like real estate agents. In July of 1915 Abigail (Parker Warren) Hudson, Alice and George Muchmore donated one acre of land to School District No. 60, which is Center Cross School. This building is on the historic register today.

During their life in Franklin County, George Scott and Alice had taken in a young man named Richard Blaylock. His parents had passed away. He lived with them for many years.

I do not know why George and Alice moved to Wagoner, OK.

In the 75 years ago (Sept. 1926) article in the Spectator at Ozark it states:

“Mr. & Mrs. George Muchmore will spend a week visiting friends after taking in the camp meeting. They moved from Ozark to Oklahoma a few years ago and they have gotten terribly above their raising. Mrs. Muchmore says she would not live in a town that hasn’t waterworks, and Mr. Muchmore says he would not live in a town that hasn’t gas for heating and cooking. Says he has served his time making fires in a cook stove and have his wife make him sweep up the ashes he spilled. They did not say and we are not telling it but it is a safe guess if we had these conveniences in Ozark they’d be right back here to stay. Their friends will be glad to know they are prosperous and happy.”

Alice died May 11, 1927, she is buried in Elmerwood Cemetery, Wagoner, Wagoner Co., OK. George married Verna Valentine of Altus, Franklin County, AR at the home of her brother, Vert Valentine on Sept. 10, 1927.

George Scott owned and operated “Muchmore’s Shoe Repair Shop” in Wagoner for many years. This shop was located next to the railroad tracks. When he was ready to retire he took his nephew James Harvey Muchmore into the business. It then became “Jimmie’s Shoe Repair”.

George Scott, one of the youngest children of Jonathan and Amy Harsha Muchmore, was the adhesive holding the children together through out the years. Through census records it shows that his older sisters moved to Oklahoma also. His sister Nannie and family lived in the Purcell Oklahoma area and his sister Mollie who married Mike Blakely in Livingston County, MO, settled in the Henryetta, Oklahoma area. George Scott visited both families often.

George Scott Muchmore lived at 707 E. Church Street in Wagoner. He died March 17, 1950 at that time he had lived in Oklahoma 26 years, so his death record says at the funeral home. He is buried in Elmerwood Cemetery, Wagoner, Wagoner County, OK

Apparently his brother Thomas Sylvester Muchmore had moved to Wagoner after George did as I find death records for him at the funeral home also. He died April 1, 1935 and is buried in Elmerwood Cemetery, Wagoner, OK.

James Harvey (Jim) Muchmore was born in Franklin County, AR to Richard and Marie Schmitz Muchmore, May 2, 1905. He married Lennie Kelly in Altus, Franklin Co., AR They had no children. He died Jan 17, 1985 in Wagoner. He is buried at Pioneer Cemetery, Wagoner, Wagoner Co., OK. Lennie died in 1987 and is buried beside him.

By F.  Frame


This page last updated on:  
08 Jan 2025 Wagoner Co

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