Wagoner County, Oklahoma


Wagoner County
County Seat -

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Wagoner County

National Registry of Historical Places

This information provided by The National Registry of Historical Places


Cobb Building (added 1982 - Building - #82003709)
Also known as American Bank
203 E. Cherokee St., Wagoner
First National Bank of Wagoner (added 1983 - Building - #83002140)
114 E. Cherokee St., Wagoner
First Presbyterian Church of Coweta (added 2003 - Building - #03000099)
Also known as Mission Bell Museum
200 S Ave. B, Coweta
Gibson, John W., House (added 1982 - Building - #82003710)
402 S. McQuarrie, Wagoner
Koweta Mission Site ** (added 1973 - Site - #73001571)
Also known as Koweta Manual Labor Boarding School
1 mi. S of Cowetah off OK 58B, Coweta
Mason, A. J., Building (added 1985 - Building - #85001743)
Lincoln St., Tullahassee
McAnally, William, House (added 1982 - Building - #82003711)
702 7th St., SE, Wagoner
McKinney, Collin, House (added 1982 - Building - #82003708)
1106 7th St., SE, Wagoner
Miller-Washington School (added 1984 - Building - #84003448)
Market St., Red Bird
Newport Hotel and Restaurant (added 1985 - Building - #85003079)
Also known as Four Oaks Building
202 S. Main, Wagoner
Parkinson, Amos, House (added 1982 - Building - #82003712)
601 N. Parkinson, Wagoner
Parkinson, Frederick, House (added 1982 - Building - #82003713)
407 3rd St., NE, Wagoner
Parkinson, James, House (added 1982 - Building - #82005384)
207 NE. 2nd St., Wagoner
Red Bird City Hall (added 1984 - Building - #84003450)
Boston St., Red Bird
Rio Grande Ranch Headquarters Historic District (added 1992 - District - #92001191)
Also known as Three Forks Ranch
OK 251A, 3 mi. E of Okay, Okay
St James Episcopal Church (added 1982 - Building - #82003714)
303 S. Church St., Wagoner
Tullahassee Mission Site ** (added 1971 - Site - #71000674)
Also known as Tullahassee Manual Labor Boarding School
Address Restricted, Tullahassee
Van Tuyl Homeplace ** (added 1978 - Building - #78002276)
N of Porter, Porter
Wagoner Armory (added 1994 - Building - #94000490)
Also known as National Guard Armory
509 E. Cherokee St., Wagoner
Way House (added 1982 - Building - #82003715)
411 2nd St., NE, Wagoner

This page last updated on:  
08 Jan 2025

Wagoner Co

God Bless America

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