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Shoebox Photos

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This page was last updated Wednesday, 08-Jan-2025 20:11:04 UTC


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This Poem was sent to Photo Gallery by Judy Wood.

Come, look with me inside this drawer
In this box I' ve often seen,
At the pictures, black and white
faces proud, still, serene.
I wish I knew the people
These strangers in the box,
Their names and all their memories
are lost among my socks.
I wonder what their lives were like
How did they spend their days?
What about their special times?
I'll never know their ways.
If only someone had taken time
To tell who, what, where or when,
These faces of my heritage
would come to life again.
Could this become the fate
Of pictures we take today?
The faces and memories
Someday to be passed away?
Make time to save your stories
Seize the opportunity when it knocks,
Or someday you and yours could be
The strangers in the box.

Anonymous Author

Is this tin type Jesse James or a family relative?
Curtis Wall cwall@3rivers.net

Family Name Description Date Town County
Alcorn Three Men - Arnett Ellis or Harmon
Bailey Anti Horse Thief August 12, 1909 Hickory Grounds -
Barker Elk City Children 1920's Elk City Beckham
Beaty Skelley Oil Co. 15 men Dec.20, 1930 OKC Oklahoma
Bell 3 Photos 1880's Woodville Pickens/Marshall
Bingham Woman in Long Coat 1890-1900 - LeFlore
Bocock/Knapp Photos from Album  - Miscellaneous Okla Territory
Burger Burger Postcard - El Reno Canadian
Burnett, Wright 4 Burnett Men
Lg.Group Pic
-. Man & Woman
-. Man & Woman
Thelma ?
abt 1913
ca. 1910
abt 1940
Carter - Girls   Ardmore Carter
Casey Estelene - Frisco Township McCurtain
Clark Cassie Clark? - Dewar Okmulgee
Cockrell, King Family Pic
Family Pic
King Baby
King Family
King Descendants
Matilda's Sister&Family
Cole - Woman
Post Office
OK Co.
Condley, Dodd, McElroy, Walker Mr. Walker and Della May McElroy Dodd
Covey, Phelps 3 -s photos - - -
Costen or Lewis? Young woman - - Unkown
DeHart, Beck - couple - Caddo Indian Territory
Downs Drilling Rig abt.1937 Oklahoma City Oklahoma
Duckworth Miners abt. 1907-8 Okmulgee Okmulgee
Dye Thought to be Hiram Dye abt.1908 Altus Jackson
Elsten, Cornforth, Johnson Lady - - -
Fisher - boy
- man
- couple
Fitzpatrick, Williams Little Boy&Girl @1930's - Grady ?
Fitzpatrick, Williams - Family late 1800's - Caddo/Pickens
Fitzpatrick, Williams Young Lady - - Caddo/Pickens?
Ford, Hendricks, Hickman, Laughlin Indian man with woman - LeFlore I.T.
Graham, Davis Graham and Davis? - - LeFlore
Francis (contributor) Man with Cow 1920's Buffalo Washita
Hayes, Morgan, Harris, others. Ladies Society 1920's Chickasha Grady
Hicks, Ellison Family Photo
Family Photo 2
- - -
Holiday, Jordan 15pictures - old - -
Hoffman Geneva Hoffman - Blackwell Kay
Howard, Barnes Oil Rig - - -
Hunnicutt Ruby K and - man 1930's Hanna McIntosh
Hurd, Burns Fort Gibson Personnel 1946 Muskogee Muskogee
Jimerson, Finnell - Sibling 1920's Earlsboro Pottawatomi
Johnson Vance Motor Company, Chevrolet Garage  1934 Ponca City Kay
Jones Family Photo - - -
Jones or Floyd The Ripley Bunch - Ripley Payne
Jordan, Lown Unidentified Young Man 1900? El Reno Canadian
Keck Men in Automobile bef. 1950 Poteau or Shady Point LeFlore
Keck Keck Family with others 1950's Shady Point LeFlore
Knight Southern National Bank 1910-1914 Wynnewood Garvin
Lang Friends of Willy Lane 1900 -1910 Stillwater Payne
Little, Price, Jones, Osborn Price/Little Ranch 1908 Ramona Washington
McCray - man and boy 1915 - Garvin
McElroy Theodore William's family   Jennings Pawnee
Moss, Goodhue? Moss Family
Edith Goodhue?
- Enid? Garfield
Newberry, Pearce Unidentified Baby - - -
Phelps The Modern Grocery - Antlers Pushmataha
Pope / Wright - portrait - Antlers Pushmataha
Privett, Tucker Three - Ladies about 1910


Purdy (confirmed identity) Mr & Mrs Purdy - Coalgate Coal
Seybold, Cloud 3 Family Pics - - -
Smoot, Coffman Friends From Steedman - Steedman Pontotoc
Sollers, Samples, Murphy, Meehan, Wheeler, Smith Two Cute Kids 1920's or 30's - Jackson, Beckham, or Rodger Mills
Rhoads, Palmer Girl Friends - Beggs Okmulgee
Spurgeon, Boyd East Side Grocery 1890-1900's - -
Story Possible friend 1910 Elk City Beckham
Stunkard Russell and Bernard about 1907 Tulsa Tulsa
Taylor - Boy - Waurika? Jefferson?
Cassady-Thayer Horseman - - Lincoln/Ok
Timken, Gerken Folks With Buggies - - -
Thompson Family Portrait - Woodward Woodward
Truscott Leta Truscott - Maud Seminole
Weir, Croddy Folks in Ardmore I.T. - Ardmore Indian Territory
York Mail Truck - - Pontotoc?
- - Man - Hartshorne Indian Territory