Search Greer
Search Greer
Greer Co, OK
Greer Co, O.T.

Greer County OKGenWeb map     Old Greer County, Oklahoma Territory

1910 Census, Oklahoma, Greer County, Surnames, Index
by Janet Moore & Susan Bradford
A - F, G - L, M - R, S- Z
There is no guarantee that all names in this list are accurate. They have been examined and carefully recorded.
In some cases, you may recognize a spelling variation on the names you search. Check the census, rather than rely on the index. The Index Page is only designed to assist you in your search.

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A____? - 116-03a
Abajik - 122-12a
Abbott - 113-07a; 118-20b
Abel - 120-01a; 120-02a; 120-02b
Abernathy - 112-12b; 116-02a; 116-05a; 116-06a; 117-01a; 121-11a;
Able - 122-07a
Ackerman - 116-03b
Adair - 113-08a; 113-10b; 113-13b; 117-10b
Adams - 112-01a; 112-01b; 112-10b; 113-04b; 113-08b; 114-07b; 114-09a; 116-04a;
116-11b; 116-16a; 116-22b; 116-23a; 118-07a; 119-10b; 120-09a; 121-02b; 121-05b
Adamson - 116-01a
Addoms - 119-05a
Aden - 112-03b
Adington - 121-08a
Adurman - 114-01b
Adwon - 118-17b
Aims - 113-21a
Albertson - 117-10a
Alexander - 113-12b; 113-13b; 113-14b; 116-03b; 116-21a; 121-19a
Allan - 120-11a
Allen - 112-10a; 113-10a; 113-15a; 114-01a; 114-05b; 114-06a; 116-22b; 117-08a; 117-09a; 120-07a; 122-01b
Allin - 119-07b; 119-08a
Allison - 116-05b; 116-19a; 119-01b
Allman - 118-09b
Allmond - 121-15a
Allum - 122-04a
Alwel - 116-18a
Amcott - 116-01a
Ande - 113-19b
Anderson - 113-09b; 113-13a; 116-08a; 119-02a; 119-07b; 119-10b
Andrews - 112-08a; 113-21a
Andros - 118-16b
Andy - 120-02b
Anglin - 112 -09a; 119-05b; 119-06a
Anthony - 117-06b
Archey - 121-18b
Armbrustor - 122-06b
Armon - 122-12a
Arms - 119- 10b
Armstrong - 112-09b; 113-11b; 113-14a; 116-02b; 116-05b; 118-12b; 121-18a; 122-01b; 122-04a
Arnett - 113-09b
Arnold - 114-02a; 117-12b
Asberry - 119-11b
Ash - 122-06b
Ashley - 115-06b; 119-03a
Ashlock - 116-25a; 118-17b; 272-05b
Askins - 112-08b; 118-10b
Aslain - 117-06b
At___? - 116-07b
Atcheson - 113-13b
Atkinson - 113-11a; 119-09b; 119-10a; 119-10b; 122-03a
Atmond - 272-02a
Atwood - 115-12a
August? - 117-15a
Auld - 117-14a
Austin - 113-06b; 114-01a; 115-02b; 112-02a
Avant - 116-24a
Avery - 112-11b
Avia - 117-14b
Aylesworth - 121-10a
Aylsworth - 121-13b

B____? - 116-04b; 117-14a; 113-10b; 117-09a; 119-13a
B___th - 115-11b
B___ird - 117-08a
Babcock - 116-20a
Babek - 113-05b; 114-05a; 122-01b
Bachelder - 113-09b
Backer - 272-02b
Bahnaim - 118-07a
Bahnam - 118-07a
Bailey - 113-13b; 116-22b; 117-11a
Baird - 115-07b; 119-03b
Baker - 112-09b; 113-05b; 113-06b; 113-12b; 113-22a; 114-01b; 115-08a; 116-09b; 116-16a; 118-05a; 118-10b; 121-06a
Bal__? - 117-12b
Ball - 116-16a; 116-19a; 118-08a
Ballard - 120-09a
Ballenger - 114-06b; 114-07a
Balthrop - 115-11a
Banister - 118-08b; 118-09b; 118-07a; 118-08a
Bapsel - 122-07b
Barbrey - 117-08a
Bardin - 112-13b
Barefoot? - 119-09b
Bargor - 122-07b
Barker - 112-06a; 112-10a; 113-05a; 114-10a; 115-03b; 115-04a; 121-06b; 121-18b
Barnard - 113-21b
Barnes - 112-09a; 113-09a; 117-11a;
Barnett - 119-15a; 120-03b; 121-06a; 121-07b; 121-08a
Barr - 115-01b
Bartgis - 113-02b
Bartlett - 113-02b; 113-08a
Barton - 118-17b; 119-14a; 119-14b; 120-11a
Bascom - 112-11a
Basden - 112-10a
Bass - 121-07b
Bassett - 116-01a; 113-07b
Bates - 121-05a
Baxter - 112-12b; 117-13b
Bayless - 116-03b
Baze - 121-06b; 121-12b
Beaker - 117-09b
Beam - 115-07b
Bean - 116-04a; 118-01a
Beane - 121-10a
Beard - 119-06b
Beasley - 117-14a; 122-01b
Beaumont - 117-11a
Beaver - 118-09b; 118-11a; 119-09b; 122-02b
Beavers - 272-05a
Beckham - 118-08a
Beddo - 114-02a
Belew- 115-01a
Bell - 113-21a; 113-25a; 115-11b
Bellow - 113-12a
Bellows - 119-13a
Belmore - 113-01b
Benge - 113-11b
Bengum - 121-18b
Benham - 115-04a
Bennet - 116-13a
Bennett - 113-05b; 116-14b; 116-17b; 117-08a
Bennitt - 121-15a
Bermon - 119-02b
Berringer - 118-07a;
Berrus - 121-18b
Berry - 112-08b; 113-16b; 115-10b; 118-14b; 118-21a; 122-01b
Berryman - 117-05a
Bettes - 112-06b
Bevell - 117-13a
Bevis - 119-07b
Biddo - 114-09b
Biffle - 122-06b; 122-07a
Bigbee - 113-13b
Biggerstaff - 115-04a
Bill - 117-03a; 120-10b
Bills - 119-07a
Bingham - 113-04b; 118-06a; 118-10a
Birchfield - 115-10a
Bird - 113-23a; 116-23a; 120-10a
Bishop- 116-19b, 119-07a
Bittgnald - 113-06a
Black - 113-01a; 113-07b; 113-14b; 116-05b; 122-05b
Blackburn - 117-07b
Blain - 114-09a; 120-08b
Blair - 114-12a
Blake - 117-08b
Blallock - 112-05a
Blank - 120-02b
Blankenship - 117-08b; 272-06a
Blanton - 116-10a
Blasingame - 121-09a
Bliss - 119-11a
Blon__? - 116-14a
Blunndell - 117-10a
Bo__? - 112-10b
Boatwright - 122-02b; 122-06a
Bodinge - 115-07b
Body - 116-05b
Boeaker - 272-02b
Bogan - 113-07a
Bogard - 119-07b; 122-09b
Bogart - 115-06a
Bolan - 112-05a
Bolen -116-21b
Bolin - 116-04a
Boling - 116-07a
Bolt - 121-04a
Bolton - 113-08b
Boman - 116-11a; 116-11b
Bond - 118-05a; 119-03b; 120-06b
Bonner - 121-17b
Boon - 116-05a
Border - 116-07a
Bordon - 115-10a
Borlain - 116-13a
Bornn - 272-07a
Bortie - 118-02a
Boswell - 115-02a; 119- 05a; 119-13b; 120-06b
Botts - 118-04a
Bovall - 120-01a
Bowden - 116-09a
Bowen - 115-09a; 119-13b
Bowin - 115-02b; 117-06b
Bowles - 117-06b
Bowman - 113-07b; 122-01a; 122-07b
Box - 117-03a
Boyd - 115-02b; 116-23b; 118-20b; 121-08a; 122-11b
Boyle - 116-10a
Bracknell - 115-01b
Braden - 119-01b
Bradley - 272-01b; 272-04a; 116-10b
Bradshaw - 112-05a; 112-08b; 116-02a; 118-03b; 119-07a; 121-04a; 121-09a; 122-07b
Bragg - 121-11b
Brandon - 115-03a
Branham - 112-11b; 118-08a; 113-06b
Brasher - 117-03a
Bratton - 114-06a; 116-03a
Brawley - 121-05b
Bray - 115-01a
Brazier - 114-07b
Brennel - 120-03a
Breshers - 116-05a
Bricker - 117-02a
Bridges - 120-11b
Briggs - 113-13a; 114-03b; 122-08a
Bright - 114-11b
Brikey - 116-22a
Briley - 112-08b; 120-01a; 121-02a; 121-07b
Brill - 116-05a
Briscoe - 121-11b; 121-18b
Bristow - 113-02a
Brit - 118-18b
Britton - 116-03a; 116-03b
Broadie - 114-02b
Broadrick - 114-07b
Broles - 117-04b
Bronson - 116-10a; 121-13a
Brook - 114-05b
Brooks - 113-03b; 113-19b; 113-20a; 113-23b; 114-01a; 114-12a; 119-13b; 121-09a
Broskney - 113-05a
Broswell - 116-12a
Brothers - 115-11b
Brow - 116-20a
Browe - 113-02a
Brown - 112-06b; 113-02b; 113-04a; 113-07a; 113-07b; 113-17a; 114-09b; 114-11a; 116-06b; 116-07b; 116-20a; 116-22a; 116-23a; 117-05a; 119-08a; 119-15a; 120-04a; 121-11a; 121-13b; 121-16a
Browning - 114-10b
Broyles - 118-12b
Brozwell - 116-13b
Brum - 117-12a
Brush - 113-06b; 113-10b
Bryan - 113-07a; 113-10b; 113-05a; 116-06a
Bryant - 116-06a; 116-22a; 117-07b; 118-16a; 120-02a; 122-02a; 122-03a
Buchanan - 113-08b; 122-11b
Buchanoster - 112-03a
Buchner - 115-04b
Buevindes - 116-16b
Buford - 113-25a
Buinn - 115-03a
Bulb - 115-07b
Bull - 115-07a
Bullard - 112-04b; 122-05a
Bullock - 118-05a
Bumgardner - 116-04b; 117-09a
Buppy - 117-02b
Burber - 115-04a
Burcham - 112-05a
Burd - 113-25a; 116-20b; 117-07b
Burden - 112-07a; 120-06b
Burg - 113-25a
Burger - 117-04a; 119-05b
Burgess - 115-06b; 117-02a; 119-12b
Burk - 113-02b; 113-09b; 113-11a; 113-20b
Burkett - 116-04a
Burks - 112-05a; 112-06a
Burly - 119-03b
Burnes - 115-01b
Burnett - 112-10b; 112-11a; 113-09b
Burningham - 116-25a
Burno - 114-01a
Burris - 113-05b
Burt - 116-04a
Burton - 114-10a; 116-04b
Busby - 116-03a; 117-09b; 118-05a; 118-08a; 120-01a; 121-03b
Bush - 117-02a
Busner - 112-08b
Buson - 119-12a
Butcher - 118-04a; 119-08b; 120-05a
Butler - 112-01a; 112-03a; 116-21b; 119-09a
Buzbee - 114-02b
Byar - 117-10b
Byars - 116-10a; 117-07b; 120-09b; 120-10b; 121-06b; 117-04b
Bynum - 117-01a; 117-03a
Byors - 116-04a
Byram - 114-11a; 115-03a
Byrd - 112-10b; 119-10b
Byrom - 116-03a; 118-21a; 121-18a

C__? - 117-10b; 117-13a; 117-13b; 119-09b; 117-15aa
C__ton? - 119-15a
Ca__? - 117-12b
Ca___n - 116-09a
Cab__? - 116-07b
Cabiness - 113-11b
Cad__? - 117-10b
Caddel - 118-10b; 118-11a; 118-12b; 118-13a; 113-16a; 116-05b; 116-06a
Cadedell - 112-09b
Caffy - 116-05a
Cagle - 113-14b; 114-03b; 114-05b
Calbera? - 116-19a
Caldwell - 113-25a; 121-04a; 272-06b
Calhoun - 119-09a
Call - 113-19b
Callaway - 120-05a
Callicott - 113-04a
Callires - 117-13a
Calluway - 121-11b
Calwell - 118-19b
Cambel - 116-15b
Cambell - 116-18a
Cameron - 120-10b
Campbell - 113-13a; 113-15b; 114-11b; 115-11a; 117-11a; 119-15a; 272-06b
Cannon - 118-10a
Cantell - 116-15b
Cantrell - 114-09b
Capkrum - 118-10b
Capps - 119-01a
Carder - 120-01b; 121-09a
Cardwell - 113-09b
Carey - 113-19a
Carloss - 116-13b; 118-01a
Carlson - 118-09b; 119-12b
Carlton - 113-14b
Carnahan - 118-19a
Carnes - 117-03b
Carney - 113-10b
Carothers - 113-23a
Carpenter - 115-03a; 115-08a; 116-05b; 116-06a; 118-05a; 118-21a; 119-11b; 119-12b;
Carr - 116-13a
Carrell - 114-05a
Carroll - 112-01a
Carson - 115-05a; 116-04a; 116-13a; 121-18a; 122-06b
Carter - 113-04a; 116-24a; 119-06b; 119-08a; 122-10a; 122-11a
Cartwright - 121-18a
Carver - 114-02a; 114-09b; 118-03a
Casey - 114-08b; 117-10a
Caskey - 112-07a
Casper - 119-03a
Castle - 118-08a; 120-08b
Castelburry - 122-04a
Castleford - 116-18b
Cates - 115-09a; 118-09b
Cato - 116-14b
Caughy - 116-16b
Cawthorn - 117-06a
Cecil - 122-05b
Chacy - 117-13a
Chadwick - 119-11a
Chadwith - 118-05a
Chaffie - 117-07a
Chambers - 115-02a; 117-04a; 120-05b
Chambliss - 119-12a
Chancellor - 112-03a
Chandler - 119-07b
Chapman - 119-08a; 119-08a
Chase - 118-06b
Chastain - 117-01a
Chatwin - 113-10b
Cheathum - 116-18a
Cheek - 112-02b; 114-10b; 118-01a; 119-11b
Chenault - 120-06a
Cheney - 119-03a
Cherney - 122-05b; 122-06a
Cherry - 112-12a
Chew - 113-12b
Childress - 116-22a
Chilton - 113-19a
Chipman - 121-13a
Chisholm - 113-15a
Chisolm - 113-20a
Chissom - 113-03a
Chisum - 121-11b
Chisum - 121-14b
Choat - 115-05b; 115-06b; 115-07a
Christal - 122-11a
Christian - 115-08b
Christopher - 121-16a
Christy - 113-01a; 113-15b
Chrystal - 122-10a
Church - 118-09a
Cla__p- - 116-07a
Clack - 114-07b; 122-11a
Clancy - 122-05a; 122-05b; 122-07a
Clark - 112-08b; 113-10a; 114-09b; 116-13b; 116-16a; 117-11b; 118-13a; 118-16b; 118-17b; 118-18a; 119-13b; 122-01a
Clary - 114-09a
Clay - 116-13b; 117-02a; 117-14b;
Claycroft - 118-20b
Clem - 114-05a; 117-11a
Clemens - 112-13b
Clement - 118-03a
Clift - 116-22a
Clifton - 122-04a
Cline - 112-10a
Clinton - 113-21b
Clower - 117-08a
Co__? - 116-08a; 116-07b; 116-24b
Cobb - 113-21b; 116-21a; 122-02b
Cobender - 114-01a
Coble - 122-07b
Cochran - 113-04b; 114-02b
Cockrell - 116-20a
Coffin - 113-13b
Coffman - 113-24a
Coggatt - 121-13a
Cole - 113-08a; 114-11b; 114-12a; 117-09a; 121-15b
Coleman - 120-05a; 120-07b; 122-01b
Colifar - 119-03b
Collier - 113-12a; 113-16b; 121-14b
Collins - 118-04b
Colwell - 120-01b
Combs - 114-08a; 115-08a; 115-09a; 115-09b; 116-15b; 118-01a; 120-03b
Conatser - 120-08b
Coning - 272-03b
Conners- 117-12b
Conrad - 114-08a
Conway - 116-07a; 116-09a
Cook - 113-09b; 116-16b; 116-17a; 121-05b; 121-09b; 121-17a; 122-10b
Cooke - 121-04b
Cookesy - 112-06b; 112-07b
Cooley - 113-14b
Coon - 113-01b
Cooper - 116-04b; 116-06b; 119-02b; 120-11a; 122-09a
Cooter - 122-07b
Copeland - 113-21b; 116-13b; 118-02b; 119-05b; 120-06b
Copelin - 114-03a
Copell - 115-10a
Corban - 118-20a
Corbin - 116-15a
Corcoran - 118-21a
Corder - 115-11a
Corek - 112-04a
Corlock -116-03b
Cornaban - 115-09a
Corneelison - 121-15b
Cornelius - 116-02b; 116-09b
Corner - 121-03b
Corothers - 113-15a; 114-08a
Corrington - 272-02b
Corville - 113-24a
Cory - 122-07b
Cosley - 113-11a
Cotney - 120-04a
Cotten - 120-04a
Cotton - 115-09b; 121-02a
Couch - 116-19b
Coughey - 121-13a
Counts - 113-06b
Courland - 118-04a
Covington - 114-09b; 115-03b; 118-03a
Cowan - 116-04a; 118-20a; 112-12b
Coward - 116-15b
Cowen - 121-14b
Cowten - 118-04b
Cox - 113-10a; 115-02a; 115-06b; 116-03a; 116-03b; 116-07b; 116-19a; 117-01a; 119-12b; 121-03b
Crabb - 120-05b
Crabtree - 118-06b; 118-07a
Craig - 116-21b; 121-15b
Crain - 115-09b
Crawford - 113-01a; 113-03b; 117-04a; 117-12a; 119-12a; 121-13a; 121-15a
Crawley - 118-19b
Creason - 118-12b; Creed - 117-09a
Cresey - 116-22b
Crisp - 120-11b
Cristopher - 117-06b
Crittendan - 116-02a; 116-02b
Crl___? - 116-10b
Crocker - 121-10a
Cromwell - 116-12a
Crone - 112-12b
Crook - 112-02a; 112-11b; 115-12b; 117-15b; 122-09a
Crookshire - 113-02b
Crosby - 116-03a; 116-18a; 120-08a;
Cross - 112-01a; 112-01b; 113-15a; 113-15b; 113-16a; 119-09a; 119-09b
Crossland - 116-22b
Crouch - 113-23b
Crow - 113-07a
Crowder - 114-01a
Cruse - 117-04a
Cryer - 116-03b
Culberson - 114-01b
Culleton - 117-08a
Cullins - 116-16a; 116-16b
Culpepper - 112-13a
Culwell - 115-10b
Cummings - 113-15b; 115-10b; 116-01a
Cundel - 112-05a
Cundiff - 121-07b
Cunningham - 116-20a; 117-12a
Cuppy - 117-02b
Cur__? - 116-02a
Curphey - 117-03a
Curtin - 112-07a
Curtis - 114-06a; 114-06b
Cusa - 118-02b

D___? - 119-14b
D__y - 116-19b
D__ton? - 119-14b
Dabney - 113-12a
Daffries - 121-15b
Dailey - 112-02a; 272-02b
Daise - 120-02b
Dales - 115-01a
Dalton - 122-02a; 122-02b; 122-09a
Daniel - 112-09b; 113-17a
Darby - 114-10a; 122-01b; 122-08a
Darmer - 122-02b;
Darroll - 117-13a
Darwan - 116-14a
Daugherty - 116-19b
Daulton - 114-09a; 122-02a
Davenport - 113-08b; 116-06a; 118-13b; 118-18a
Davidson - 116-13a; 116-13b; 116-14a; 120-07b
Davis - 112-03a; 113-01a; 113-04b; 113-05b; 113-15b; 113-20b; 113-25a; 114-01a; 114-02a; 114-08a; 115-04a; 115-07a; 115-07b; 116-06b; 116-13a; 116-14b; 117-03a; 117-09a; 117-14b; 118-06b; 118-20b; 119-08a; 119-09a; 120-02a; 121-08a; 121-18a; 121-19a
Davison? - 117-14b
Dawson - 114-08b; 114-09a; 116-18a
Day - 116-12a; 121-07b; 122-05a
Deal - 113-03a
DeAman - 117-06a; 117-06b
Dean - 118-15b; 121-05a; 121-06a
Dearman - 121-15b; 121-10a
DeArman - 118-08a
Dearmon - 116-01a
Dechance - 113-04b
Deen - 120-05a
Deer - 116-23a; 119-06b
Delaney - 116-03a; 116-23a
Dempsey - 114-08b
Denney - 113-05a; 122-10a
Dennis - 116-06a; 116-12a; 119-01b; 119-02a; 119-10a; 119-12a
Denton - 122-04b
Denton? - 117-14b
Deon - 112-08b
Despain - 116-20a
DeWees - 113-13a
Dial - 115-01a; 120-11b
Diamond - 116-14b
Dickie - 118-17a
Dickerson - 272-02a
Dickey - 117-12a
Dicter - 117-06a
Diger - 117-07a
Dikes - 114-04b
Dilbeck - 114-02a
Dill - 113-02b
Dill__? - 117-15a
Dillingham - 119-06b
Dillogg - 113-05a
Dinelly - 113-08b
Dinkins - 115-09b
Dish - 117-07a
Disharson - 112-13a
Doak - 116-22a
Doason - 116-05a
Dobbins - 113-19b
Dobson - 116-24a
Dodson - 112-02a; 112-02b; 112-03a; 114-11a; 116-02b; 116-03b; 116-09a; 122-08a; 122-10a
Doke - 122-05b
Donald - 113-03a; 113-06b
Donehoo - 121-02a
Donham - 118-11b
Donley - 115-07b; 115-08a; 115-08b
Donoway - 116-10a
Dooly - 122-03a
Doors - 117-13a; 117-14b
Doran - 117-09a
Dorman - 113-17a
Dorrbey - 112-08b
Dorris - 115-08a
Dotson - 115-11b; 116-01a
Douglas - 120-08a; 114-13a; 115-10a; 116-04a; 117-08b
Dover - 122-04a
Dowdy - 118-20a
Downey - 114-01b; 114-02a
Doyle - 115-08b; 116-16a
Dranger - 112-12a
Draper - 118-10a
Drehmer - 113-13a
Drew - 117-13b
Dry - 121-03b
Dub__? - 119-04b
Dubois - 116-09b
Dudek - 122-01a; 122-12a
Duff - 116-13b
Duffer - 119-03a
Dufie - 118-18b
Duglas - 119-10a
Duncan - 113-02b; 117-05a; 120-01b; 121-14b
Dunchan - 113-12a
Dunn - 112-10b
Durgan - 119-12b
Durham - 272-05b
Durst - 116-14b; 116-16b
Dusard - 117-06b
Dutcher - 122-10b
Duval - 115-09a
Duvall - 113-09b; 115-08b
Dwight - 115-10b
Dwyer - 113-02a
Dyer - 121-07b
Dyson - 113-02aE___? - 116-24a; 121-02b

E___in- - 116-23b
Eagen - 117-12b
Eagin - 116-15b
Eagon - 122-11a
Eapon - 272-07a
Earlwins - 112-09a
Easons - 116-17b
Easthal - 272-02a
Eastham - 116-19a; 272-04b
Easton - 116-06a; 121-18a; 117-12a
Eaves - 116-06a; 120-11b
Echols - 115-10b; 115-11b; 116-15b; 117-08b
Edelman - 116-19b; 121-08b
Edens - 113-21a; 118-16a
Edgar - 117-07b
Edgmon - 122-11b
Edwards - 112-12b; 113-04a; 113-20a; 113-24b; 115-03a; 117-16a; 118-11a; 118-21a; 121-03b; 122-05b
Edy - 116-20b
Egleston - 113-10a;
Elam - 114-04a; 114-09a
Elara - 116-04a
Elder - 113-12b; 113-19b;
Elgin - 116-19a
Elinger - 116-14b
Elking - 115-05a
Elkins - 112-04a; 113-03a; 115-10a; 118-04b; 122-03a; 122-11a; 272-06a
Eller - 122-11a
Ellington - 121-16a
Elliott - 113-10b; 113-16b; 113-17a; 116-05a; 116-17a; 116-17b; 116-18a; 122-02a; 122-02b
Ellis - 115-02b
Elliston - 113-20b
Elmore - 114-05a
Eloco - 116-04b
Elroy - 116-09b
Elu___? - 117-09a
Embers - 116-18a
Emberton - 122-05a; 122-06a
Emess - 112-05a
Engis - 116-02b
England - 272-06a
Ennis - 112-06b
Epps - 121-05b; 121-09b
Eroin - 117-03b
Erwin - 114-01a; 117-13b; 118-03a; 122-08b
Esson - 112-04a
Estep - 120-07a; 121-03a; 121-06a
Estlinbann - 120-07b
Ettor - 122-11a
Eubank - 121-15b
Eubanks - 114-12a
Eutslor? - 116-21b
Evan - 116-17b; 113-11b
Evana - 113-24b
Evans - 112-04b; 113-01b; 113-04a; 113-06b; 113-08b; 113-10b; 114-04b; 114-10b; 114-11b; 114-12b; 114-13a; 115-05b; 116-15a; 116-19a; 117-13b; 120-01a
Everet - 112-04a
Ewell - 112-01aF___? - 117-14b; 272-03b

F__air - 122-04a
F_t__?- 116-17b
Falkner - 122-08b; 272-04b
Fambrigla - 272-05b
Fancher - 120-10b
Farmer - 116-21a
Faulkner - 122-08a
Fenson - 272-01b
Fergenson -116-18a
Ferrell - 119-02a
Ferris - 272-03b
Fhenmoor - 199-02a
Fi__? - 117-13a
Field - 120-09b
Finch - 114-09b; 115-15a
Fine -116-16a
Finley - 115-02b; 122-02b; 113-04a;
Fisher - 113-04a; 113-09a; 115-01b; 116-03b; 116-13a; 116-18a; 119-02a;
Fitch - 116-17a
Fite - 114-07a; 118-21a
Fitzgerald - 114-04a; 114-08b
Fleming - 114-12b; 115-07a; 121-13b; 121-16b; 121-17a
Fletcher - 112-01a; 115-03b; 118-20b; 113-23a
Floyd - 114-08a; 117-13a
Fluty - 119-12b
Flynn - 112-06a; 113-14b; 113-17b
Foraker - 119-02b; 119-04a
Ford - 113-09a; 117-08a; 118-01a
Forest - 116-19b
Forester - 118-06a
Forgy - 118-13a
Fortune - 118-03b
Foster - 112-01b; 112-02b; 113-12a; 119-03a; 113-09a
Fowler - 113-01a; 114-12b; 116-23b; 113-15b
Fox - 113-15b; 116-01a; 116-05b; 116-07b; 116-17b; 120-04a
Frage - 112-07b; 112-12b
Fragies - 272-04a
Fraley - 120-11b; 120-12a
Francis - 112-03a; 116-17a; 116-20a; 118-19b; 116-03b
Frank - 116-07a
Franklin - 116-13a; 116-19a; 117-05b
Frans - 115-12a
Fraque - 119-15a
Frazier - 115-11a
Frazior - 120-01b
Freeman - 112-08b; 112-09a
Fricke - 113-10a
Friday - 118-14a
Frisby - 113-10b
Frost - 114-09a; 116-10a; 118-20b; 118-21a; 272-04b
Fuller - 112-06b
Fullerton - 113-12a; 117-11a;
Fulnechek - 121-09b
Fulton - 113-02a; 114-11a; 116-23a
Funderbrock - 119-02a
Furdmon? - 119-13a