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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
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First School House built at Tarby Prairie
Poteau, Indian Territory c1905-1907

 Submitted by nieces of 
Oliver M. Rains 
b. October 15, 1895, Poteau, I. T.; d. August, 1978

Peggy Joice Horton - 
Betty Joice Moore -
August 1999

Our Uncle Oliver sent this picture to our mother, Jewell Rains Joice.  In his September 19, 1963, letter he said this was a picture made around 1905 of the first school house built at Tarby Prairie, Poteau, LeFlore County, I. T.

Quoting from his letter:  “Nellie Badger, nee Jaggers, sent me the original to look at and see if I knew any that were on it; she only knew 5 or 6 and that was about all I could name at the beginning.  But, as I kept looking at it, I kept remembering others.  They seem to come to me out of the blue.  Now I know all but about five.   I had two copies made and sent the original back to Nellie—a bit later she sent it back to me, saying she wanted me to have it.  I have the names typed on paper on the back of the picture. I’m sending one to you, you may be able to recognize some I cannot remember.”

Names listed as Oliver typed them, identified left to right:
Rear Row:  Mrs. Foutz, a widow; Mr. Jess Baker, a widower; Miss Suzie Cox, an old maid; Nellie Rains, standing slightly in front; Callie Coggins; Harmon Davis; Elmer Davis; Elvin Davis; Luther Bohannon; Jack Baker; Dennis Bohannon; Levie Baker, standing slightly in front; Arthur Coggins, with the hat; Romie Hevern; Miss Irene, teacher; Mattie Elders, later Uncle Claybourn’s wife, I think.

(Note of explanation:  William Claybourn Davis - Oliver’s and Jewell’s uncle;  son of Hester Jane Noe and William M. “Buck” Davis.  Other Davis children were children of William M. “Buck” and second wife Mary James Davis.  Nellie, Lloyd and Oliver Rains were children of Lona Della Davis and John Clifford Rains and grandchildren of Hester and William Davis.)

Second Row:  Mabel Hevern; Daisy Foutz; Minnie Foutz (I may have them backwards); Jess Pearson; “Dude” Cleveland Davis; Ada Pearson; the next two girls and the white headed boy I do not remember;  ‘Babe’ Bohannon with his hand in his pocket.

Third Row:  Vera and Viola Coggins; Ada Baker; Anna Baker; Jessie Davis; Roy Davis; I think the next one down on his knees is Willie Davis; the one with his head turned I cannot recall; sitting, Espie (Pete) Pearson; Lloyd Rains; Oliver Rains; and last, but not least, Lilly Foutz, later Lilly James, Davis James’s wife.


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Updated: 08 Jan 2025
Marti Graham, County Coordinator & Webmaster

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