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Logan County Obituaries
Submitted by: Charlotte Lewin
Mrs. Amanda Jane Cross was born in McLouth, Kans., July 7, 1870, and died at 921 East Harison, May 2, at the age of 85 years, 9 months and 24 days. She was the daughter of the late John E. Fowler and eldest of 17 brothers and sisters.
Mrs. Cross joined church at an early age and was a member of the West Methodist church at the time of her death. Her one ambition and desire was to attend her church and Sunday school regular and did as long as she was able to do so.
She was married at McLouth, Kansas, to William R. Cross, February 14, 1888. They moved to Oklahoma from Kansas in 1901 and resided in the Mulhall community until after Mr. Cross's death, July 21, 1929. She moved to Guthrie where she has resided since.
To this union were born 10 children. Two daughters preceded her in death. Those surviving her are Charles H. and Raymond of Guthrie, Okla.: Mrs. Lottie Hastie, Keene, Texas: Mrs. Mabel Sanderson, Abilene, Texas: Mrs. Audry Ward, Porterville, Calif.: Mrs. Gladys King, Eureka, Kansas: Mrs. Dorothy Baker, Denver, Colo: and Mrs. Doris Dishman, Edmond, Okla.
She leaves 16 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren and four great, great grandchildren. Five sisters and seven brothers, also a host of good friends.
Funeral services were conducted at the First Methodist church in Buthrie, May 5, 1956, by Rev. Bonner Teeter, assisted by Rev. Vernon V. Voss.
Interment was made in Roselawn cemetery, Mulhall, Okla.

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