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Logan County Obituaries

Submitted by: Erin Galyean
Surname: KOCH
ABRAHAM KOCH The subject of this sketch, Abraham Koch, was born in the state of Pennsylvania March 10th, 1845, and in his youth went to Rockford, Illinois, later going to Iowa. At the age of 19 years he volunteered for the Iowa 7th regiment of cavalry as a defender of the Stars and Strips, serving until honorably discharged. He came from Iowa to Kansas in 1878, then coming to Oklahoma in 1892, and when the Strip opened took a claim near the present town of Hayward and moved to Orlando in 1909 where he resided until death. In Iowa he was in 1867 united in marraige with DeEtte O'ROKE. To this union was born 9 children, 5 boys and 4 girls, a boy and a girl passing to the great beyond early in live, all the survivng children being present at the funeral. Mrs. Koch passed away April 28th, 1912. He was united in marriage with Mrs. Louisa Meecke [widow of Julius] April 27th, 1914. He united in 1899 at Potter with the Church of Christ and moved his membership to Orlando later having lived a consistent Christian life to the end. He was a rural mail carrier out of Orlando for some 14 years but on account of failing health had to resign. He departed this life October 25th, 1918, aged 78 years, 7 months and 15 days. He leaves to mourn their loss a wife, 4 sons and three daughters, 26 grandchildren, 1 brother, 2 half-brothers, 4 sisters, 3 half-sisters and a host of friends. Funeral service was to have been held at the church in Orlando where he worshipped his Master so long, but on account of the ban on public gatherings, service was conducted at the cemetery [Bocox] where he was laid to rest by the side of this wife [DeEtte] to await the resurrection of the just. Services were conducted by Elder L. J. Anthis of Guthrie. appeared in a Logan County paper; Oct. 1918

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