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Logan County Obituaries
Obituary for
Ella A. Phelps
Tri County Truth, Churubusco, (Whitley Co.), IN
March 26, 1934
Submitted by: Barbara Jones
Mrs. Ella A. Phelps Dies
Funeral servives were held yesterday at the Baptist Church for Mrs. Ella A. Phelps who died late Monday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Gentry Helton, in Guthrie, (Oklahoma) at the age of 70 years, 5 months, and 20 days. Mrs. Phelps was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lamphere and was born in New York. When a small child she removed to Indiana with her parents. She was united in marriage to George McCullough in 1880 and to this union three children were born; Thomas McCullough of Churubusco, Ind. T.C. McCullough, and Hazel L. Herbert of Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Phelps came to Oklahoma in 1898 and in 1900 was married to J.T. Phelps who preceded her in death in 1931. Three children were born to this union; Mrs. Myrtle Helton of Guthrie and Mrs. Thelma Guess, of Cresent. One child died in infancy. Surviving, besides her children, are one sister, Mrs. Julia Kulham, of Guthrie; two step children, Mrs. Hunter Glover, of Portland, Ore. and Walter Phelps, of Denver, Colo., and thirteen grandchildren.

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