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Logan County Queries


July 2001 Queries

DATE: Sat Jul 14 06:52:45 2001
NAME: Angela Loy
EMAIL: aloy106018@aol.com
QRYTEXT: I am looking for any connection to these families in Guthrie Oklahoma

DATE: Mon Jul 16 12:25:48 2001
NAME: Craig Williams
EMAIL: porterrockwell@if.rmci.net
QRYTEXT: The 1918 flu took Ellen Williams in Crescent? Parents were likely Plesant Williams and Mary Keane. I would like to find the death of Ellen and if she was married. And if there was any issue. Were records having to do with the 1918 flu epidemic kept?

DATE: Mon Jul 16 22:08:54 2001
NAME: jerome fesler Jr.
EMAIL: fes@kalama.com
QRYTEXT: George Adney Fesler had 2 sons leo kellogg fesler born Jan 3 1913 guthrie ok, Clifford Born Ok city ok, june 25th 1915. George left there mother wynona kellogg before clifford was born wynona took the boys and lived on the family farm in guthrie tell she met loyd yount he was a dairy farmer.. George may have moved to oklahoma city. he was a waiter. he would have been born around the 1890s anyinfo on george he also went by the name mebble posible he could have lived in hennesay, logan, and kingfisher counties. says he may have been born in Neb, thanks fes@kalama.com

DATE: Wed Jul 18 18:16:42 2001
NAME: Martin Arndt
EMAIL: smarndt@prodgy.net
QRYTEXT: my grandfather is buried in the summit view in Guthrie cemmatary his name is Thomas Franklin Arndt his brother Joseph Arndt and my Uncle John which you have listed are also buried there. I have been told my great-grandfather is buried near Mulhall his name is John Martin Arndt and his wife is Mary Fleming Arndt. If you can help it would be greatly appreciated. Martin Arndt

DATE: Fri Jul 20 23:49:28 2001
NAME: Elaine Mayfield
EMAIL: ceandj@peoplepc.com
QRYTEXT: Are there relatives of Doc Childers (died 1935)? URL:

DATE: Sat Jul 21 06:26:34 2001
NAME: Nancy Machcinski
EMAIL: r.machc@worldnet.att.net
QRYTEXT: Attention Keller descendants : recently found what I thought was my gr Uncle Clarence Keller on Oklahoms SSI death list. So I sent away for the SSI application and came back yesterday. Alas it is the wrong Clarence Keller, my ancestor was Clarence Victor Keller, this man is Clarence Bennett Keller- he was born in E. Baton Rougue, La. he born 4-19-1895. His parents were George Win Keller and Willie Anna Lowery. In Oklahoma he lived at 331 Wewoka, Seminole Ok. He died in Seminole, Ok. it doesn't state the date. If this is your ancestor , I would only be too glad to send the application copy record for you to keep. Just e-mail me and tell me . Nancy Machcinski- Ky. r.Machc@worldnet.att.net

DATE: Thu Jul 26 19:03:54 2001
NAME: Steve Lucas
EMAIL: manchete@aol.com
QRYTEXT: George and Biddy BROWN came to Logan County from Posey County, Indiana about 1905. He was born in Kentucky in 1835 and she in 1844. Their children included Mary, George, and Hayes. In 1910, George and Biddy lived in Bear Creek Township. George was a Civil War veteran, having served in Co. E, 26th U.S. Colored Infantry. Would appreciate any information concerning the family.

DATE: Tue Jul 31 17:28:40 2001
NAME: Peter Eatson
EMAIL: peatson@cgocable.net
QRYTEXT: Can you please tell me if anyone with the surname of Eatson has ever lived in Logan County URL:

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