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August 27, 1848

The session met at Mount Pleasant, was opened with prayer.

Present  Rev. C. Kingsbury

Nicholas Conchnauer
David Perkins

Alzina (his wife)
John Wesley
Giney Wesley

presented themselves as candidates for admission to the church. After examination it was resolved, that they be received.

Lucy, sister of Oklatubbi, also presented herself and was examined. The relation of her experience was satisfactory to the Session, but having recently been separated from her husband, it was thought best to defer her case, until we had a better knowledge of the case.

The session also conversed with John Wade relative to reports that he had attended, or has been present at a ball play on the Sabbath.

After hearing a statement of all the circumstances, the Session thought proper to pass over this offense, with an admonition to avoid similar temptation in future.

The session was closed with prayer.

C. Kingsbury, Modr.