Pontotoc County
- Criswell Funeral Home, PO Box
1300, 815 E Arlington, Ada, OK 74820
- 580-332-6181 -- Toll Free: (888) 275-5899
- has records from 1918
- Gifford Funeral Home, Ada, OK
- in business ca 1929-1933
- anyone know where the records are located?
- Hudson & Watts Funeral Home, Ada, OK
- 1930 obit
- anyone know where the records are located?
- J. P. Jones Funeral Director and Embalmer
- 1914 Roff, Pontotoc Co.
- anyone know where the records are located?
- Smith Funeral Home, PO Box 147,
123 E 13th St, Ada, OK 74820
- 580-332-6011 -- Fax: 580-332-6013
- has records from 1928
Can you add anything to this information? Do you know the name of another funeral home that served this Co.? Death certificates are a good source to help locate the name of the funeral home.