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Deputy Sheriff Is Killed; Man Held
Holdenville Daily News
August 23, 1934 Pg 1

Submitted by: Vickie Neill Taylor
BUFFINGTON Arrested After
Douglas GUY Found
Slain At Kiowa
McAlester, Aug. 23 - Richard BUFFINGTON of Kiowa was held in jail here today for questioning in connection with the slaying of Douglas GUY, deputy sheriff.
Officers investigating the slaying said GUY was killed at the BUFFINGTON home at daylight today. BUFFINGTON lives near Kiowa, they said.
The officers reported that a charge of buckshot had been fired into GUY's body from close range.
Officers said they had learned that GUY went to the BUFFINGTON home yesterday and that BUFFINGTON took a gun away from him. The deputy returned today, they said. A shot was fired at him and then BUFFINGTON ran into the house, another shot was fired from a bathroom window, according to the officers.
GUY fired several shots from a 45 caliber automatic pistol.
It was said BUFFINGTON's wife had been the subject of difference between the men.

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