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Dave Hill Sworn In
Submitted & © 2000-02 by: John P. Graff

To all whom it may Concern.

Be it known that I George W. Pound have this day by the authority in me vested as Sheriff of Tobucksy County, Choctaw Nation; have appointed Dave Hill to be a deputy Sheriff of Tobucksy County, C. N. and to do and perform all duties incumbent on him as said Deputy Sheriff.
Given under my hand this the 6th day of March 1897.
Geo W. Pound
Sheriff of Tubucksy Co., C. N.

I do solmonly swear that I will support the Constitution of the Choctaw Nation and that I will faithfully and impartially perform the duties of Deputy Sheriff of Tobucksy Co. C. N. to the best of my abilities and according to law so help me God.
Dave Hill

Sworn to and subscribed a before me this 6 th day of March 1897.
S. H. Mackey
Co. Judge

Filed in my office for record at 2 pm and recorded in book C page 594, this the 6 th day of March 1897
S. W. McClure
Co. & Probate
Clerk of Tobucksey Co. C.N.

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