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James C. Casharago

© 2000-Present by: Sherry Wells

Last one to be hung by order of Judge Parker

Bio © 2000-Present by: Sherry Wells
James was 26 years old when he died. He was accused of being a horse thief and murder of a close family friend Zacharia Thatch. Thatch had been a close friend of the family for sometime and was like an Uncle to James. A copy of the trial records states that James was guilty by association basically. Back then, they didn't have DNA testing, etc. They found a blanket with dried blood in his possession, after coming from Indian Territory. He had horses, which belonged to Thatch, but Thatch was no where to be found. He claims 2 men came several days prior and Thatch left with them. He claims he didn't have anything to do with Thatch being murdered. The body of Thatch was found in Indian Territory, in a shallow grave. A fire had been burned on top of it, to help disguise the grave.....He said he was guilty of many things in his life, but he didn't kill Zacharia Thatch. No one will ever know. His grave stone states, "Only God Knows"
He stayed in trouble from the time he was a young man. When his Mother remarried after his Father's death, his stepfather was not very kind to him. We have letters between James and another cousin, from when they were teenagers. They talk about James beatings, etc, I don't think James had a very happy life and even a sadder death.
James Father, Louis Casharago came to America, by ship, with his aunt and uncle, Mary Josephine & Henry Nicholaides, in 1846. Louis was not quite 4 yrs old. His parents and remaining siblings came to America, by ship, in 1850. They settled in Prairie County, AR, then Conway county, now known as Faulkner county. James was 1 yr old when his Father, Louis, died from falling off a barn roof. Louis had served several tours in the civil war, for both armies (confederate & union) and had a bad leg due to war injuries.
James Mother was born in AR, Jane Haven, who's 2nd husband was Alfred B Jones.
James is actually a double cousin of mine, both my parents came from 2 different Casharago sisters lines, so I'm related to him from both sides.
I am looking for information on Zacharia Thatch, the man James was accused of killing. If you have any information on Zacharia Thatch or James, please e-mail me.

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