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Constable R. J. Price

Submitted by: Rex

Robert Jack Price was born in Arkansas in 1848, the same year as Wyatt Earp.
His family moved to Texas in the late 1850's after the civil war, where he married in Navarro, Texas in 1872, and started a family with 6 boys and 1 girl. Between 1887 and 1889 he took his family and moved into (Indian Territory), OK, where his last child, another boy was born in 1890.
In 1891, he took his family and moved into Oklahoma Territory, County B, later named Pottawatomie County, named after the Pottawatomie Indian Tribe, and lived in the town of Brown, what is now a ghost town. It was located next to the town of Tecumseh that was named after Chief Tecumseh of the Pottawatomie Indians.
They called him (R.J.) Price, and he was the first Constable for County B Township # 3 from 1891 - 1894.
R. J. put the first man in the Pottawatomie County Jail, located in Tecumseh, when it was first built in 1891.
This was before Statehood, so he was working for the Government, just like the Marshals did.
A Constable in those days was like a Deputy Marshal or a Sheriff.
R. J. Was also with the Anti Horse Thief Association and may have also been a Deputy Marshal.
He died in 1930 in Amber, Oklahoma. He was 82 years old.


Submitted by: Rex

Constable R. J. Price Records
Read R. J.'s son Indian Pionner History

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