1Henry L. Peck,
The Proud Heritage of LeFlore County, A History of An Oklahoma County,
(Muskogee, OK: Hoffman Printing Co.) 1963 reprint 1967.
1900 census list he and Bertie Viola Dillard Howard [wife], living with
gr grandfather Charles Howard & wife, Sarah Pierce Howard, living
in Braden's Bottom, Spiro, LeFlore Co., OK
Beth Thomas Meeks, Heck Thomas, My Papa, (Norman, OK: The Apache
News) 1988.
Doolin's Jail Break
Heck Thomas shot [Bill] DOOLIN while he was resisting
arrest on August 24, 1896 at Lawson, Pawnee Co.
On November 19, 1896, Heck Thomas and Chris MADSEN took
George LANE alive at a cabin 1/2 mile outside
Greenwood, MO.
On December 19, 1896 Heck Thomas brought Charles MONTGOMERY
into custody . Montgomery was captured at
Globe, Arizona.
On January 29, 1897 Heck Thomas captured Lee KILLIAN
at his old home outside Joplin, MO
b1Butch Bridges,
This and That Newsletter
tl1The Gunfighters, by Time Life Books - 1974 Text Edition
brdBlack, Red and Deadly by Art Burton. Copyright 1991. 304 pages, 25 pages of photographs, bibliography, index, hardback. Published by Eakin Press, Austin, Texas.
imIron Men - A Saga of the Deputy United States Marshals who rode the Indian Territory by C. H. McKennonCopyright 1967. 224 pages, 16 pages of photographs, index, hardback. Published by Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York.
jbtA Standard History of Oklahoma, An Authentic Narrative of its Development, by Joseph B. Thoburn -3 v. (Chicago, New York: The American Historical Society, 1916) George B. Noble Bio public official...of somewhat more than five years in the office of sheriff of LeFlore County, OK after 1907. Noble was born in Collin County, Texas, in the year 1866, and is a son of Rev. John S. and Lucy Taylor (Willock) Noble. Sometime between 1891-1899 while living in Cameron, LeFlore Co., OK he was appointed deputy United States Marshal. He served four years under Col. J. J. McAlester and about two years under Col. J. Porch Grady. In 1907, Noble had the distinction of being elected the first sheriff of LeFlore County serving two terms as sheriff, his record in this office having given him a reputation that extended throughout the entire state and his entire period of service having covered five years and three months. He served most of this time as president of the Oklahoma Sheriffs' Association, and he retired from office in January, 1913.
htHeck Thomas - Frontier MarshalGlenn ShirleyCopyright 1962 by Glenn Shirley. Assigned 1981 to the University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Publishing Division of the University of Oklahoma. 285 pages, 26 pages of photographs, index, hardback. Published by University of Oklahoma: Press - Norman, Oklahoma 1981.
George Morris and his father was suspected of being rustlers and Davis found out about it. Morris' wife was an old sweetheart of Ed Davis' - so there was a lot of jealousy between these two men. When Heck Thomas arrested George and his father they confessed. George had waited beside the road and shot Ed Davis when he left the dance.
whfWest of Hell's Fringe by Glenn Shirley. Copyright 1978. 495 pages, 49 pages of photographs and illistrations, index, hardback. Published by University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma.
pbfPretty Boy - The Life & Times of Charles Arthur Floyd by Michael Wallis Copyright 1992. 375 pages, 28 pages of photographs, index, hardback. Published by St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10010.
ootOklahoma Outlaw Tales David A. FarrisCopyright 1999 by David A. Farris. 118 pages, 14 pages of photographs, softback. Published by Little Bruce, PO Box 5991, Edmond, Oklahoma 73083-5991.
"There was a whisky smuggling gang in the Indian Territory led by Dick Glass. In June 1885, Captain Sam Sixkiller (head of the Union Indian Police) and Indian policemen Charley LeFlore, Charles M. McClellan and two others named Murray and Gooding called on Glass, Jim Johnson and two other gang members to surrender. Instead they all scattered, and after a few steps Glass went for his gun. Glass and Johnson were shot and killed and the other two captured one being slightly wounded by the posse's gunfire in the Seminole nation."--[Source: Real West July '77 P27] submitted by Stephen Riner
mooMakers of Oklahoma Edited by John H. N. TindallCopyright 1905 by The State Capital Company, Printers. 111 pages with pictures and text, hard bound.
ed'Coon' Ratterree is mentioned in Larry McMurtry (author of Lonesome
Dove) Novel "Zeke and Ned", 1997, Simon and Schuster, NY. Pages 428 - 432.
Name is misspelled as "Rattersee".
usmarsIndex of U. S. Marshals 1789-1960, transcribed by Virgil D. White, 1988. 93 pages., The National Historical Publishing Company, 209 Greeson Hollow Road, PO Box 539, Waynesboro, TN 38485 Transcribed from National Archives Record Groups 60 & 287
