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Cemeteries in Carter County OK

Thirty-two cemeteries were found using GNIS, others identified by Oklahoma's GenWeb volunteers. Links are provided for both GNIS maps that show the general location with respect to nearby towns and DoT maps that show the township in great detail. Tips for finding other online canvasses and lists of burials follow this list. 

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Name / GNIS Map

Directions, Comments & Links S-T-R Latitude Longitude USGS 7.5' Map


A black cemetery located in Range 2E, Township 2S, Section 27, just south of Snodgrass road. It is still an active cemetery. 

27-2S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown

Ardmore Airpark

An abandoned cemetery located on the property of the ARDMORE INDUSTRIAL AIRPARK.  It is just inside the south entrance of the Industrial Park about 200 yards. 

18-3S-3E Unknown Unknown Unknown


A small abandoned cemetery off the east side of Hospital road . It is overgrown and very difficult to find. 

23-4S-3W Unknown Unknown Unknown


A family cemetery at the end of Baxter road. 

16-5S-3E Unknown Unknown Unknown


In the city of Gene Autry.

24-3S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Big Branch 341728N 0970151W Gene Autry
Blackjack East of Henderson road. There is a sign that marks the entrance to the cemetery but the cemetery cannot be seen from the road.  17-4S-3E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Bomar Point Just southwest of the city of Wilson, it is one of two cemeteries of the city of Wilson.  6-5S-2W 340916N 0972705W Healdton
Calvary A black cemetery located on the grounds of Calvary Church, at the end of Calvary road. It was first called Dawes Academy Cemetery and was named after a pioneer woman by the name of Dawes who started an academy on the site for black students.  1-3S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Camp A fairly new cemetery, very small, located just on the east side of Clint Owens road.  16-2S-3W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Chaggar An abandoned cemetery, difficult to find. It is in Range 3W,Township 3S, on the Section lines of 15 and 22, about 500 yards off the east side of Westbrook road.  15-3S-3W



Unknown Unknown Unknown
Cheek On Cheek road.  34-5S-1W 340458N 0971714W Healdton SE
Cheek Love A small black cemetery. 22-5S-1W 340621N 0971736W Healdton SE
Clearview A black cemetery in Ardmore, the largest black cemetery in Carter County. The location is Range 2E, Township 4S, Section 21, just north of the intersection of highways 142 and 199. Many graves here with no markers.  21-4S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Cobb A small black cemetery in the north part of the county, a quarter of a mile south of Pitt road and it is still an active cemetery.  35-2S-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Cole Just south of Indian Hill road in Range 2E, Township 4S, Section 9.There is a road to the cemetery, but it is usually locked.  9-4S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Concord At the Concord Church on Minnie Johns road and is an Indian cemetery.  13-5S-3E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Criner 340524N 0971235W Overbrook
Crinerville In the Criner Hills, on Dolese road. 28-5S-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Croskell A new family cemetery on private property.  16-3S-3E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Dawes A black cemetery located on the grounds of Calvary Church, at the end of Calvary road. It was first called Dawes Academy Cemetery and was named after a pioneer woman by the name of Dawes who started an academy on the site for black students.  1-3S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Dillon The old cemetery for Gene Autry, also known as the Old Berwyn Cemetery, but now is abandoned. The location is north of Gene Autry.  13-3S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Frio An abandoned cemetery  about 500 yards east of Clinton Owens road.  It cannot be seen from the road. Most burials here were prior to statehood. Have also seen the name of the cemetery spelled FREE-O.  16-2S-3W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Gaines A small abandoned family cemetery, very difficult to find. It is about100 yards north of the Caddo Creek bridge on the west side of the road and only one stone can be seen from the road.  20-3S-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Glenn On the west side of Olan Sparks road, in the area of where the town of Glenn was at one time. Last burial was in 1993.  9-3S-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Goddard On the Goddard Ranch property. There are two graves here, a man and his horse. The graves are just off the west side of highway 177,  at the foot of the Arbuckle Mountains.  11-3S-3E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Graham 32-2S-2W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Grant On Calvary road.  12-3S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Grounds An abandoned cemetery. The cemetery only has two stones but according to the property owner there are many graves.  2-5S-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Hardy It is called HARDY only because this is the oldest stone. It is located on the Noble Foundation Ranch.  16-4S-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Harris An abandoned cemetery within the confines of Lake Murray State Park. Very difficult to find in the area of Range 2E, Township 5S, Section 21.  21-5S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Henderson An abandoned cemetery just north of the Ardmore Industrial Airpark on Conway road. Almost impossible to canvass this cemetery due to growth of underbrush and it cannot be seen from the road. There are whites, blacks and Indians buried in the cemetery.  5-3S-3E 341901N 0970042W Gene Autry
Hewitt In the city of Wilson.  34-2S-2W 341001N 0972335W Healdton
Hickory A black cemetery on the north side of Hickory road in Range 1W,Township 3S, Section 10.  10-3S-1W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Hickory An Indian cemetery. At one time was called JACKSON CEMETERY for the first person buried there.  23-5S-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Hickory A black cemetery on the north side of Hickory road in Range 1W,Township 3S, Section 10.  10-3S-1W 341827N 0971721W Milo
Hignight See Norris Chapel Unknown Unknown Unknown
Hillcrest In the city of Ardmore.  7-5S-2E 340829N 0970754W Ardmore West
Hutchins A is a family cemetery not accessible except through private property, still an active cemetery.  22-3S-3E 341534N 0965804W Nebo
Jehovah A black cemetery located west of Shannon road.  5-3S-1W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Johnson A small black cemetery, well kept but no burial since 1920. At the east end of Carl Woodward road.  29-3S-3E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Keller Near Keller 2-4S-2W 341410N 0972226W Lone Grove
Lone Grove  North of Memorial road.  24-4S-1W 341122N 0971541W Lone Grove
Maxwell-Woods In the middle of the Dornick Hills Country Club Golf Course in Ardmore. Perry Maxwell, who designed this course and many others received special permission to be buried at this site.  7-4S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
McAlester 340450N 0970922W Overbrook
McAlister On Dolese road, very near the Love County line.  36-4S-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Milo On the north side of highway 53.  32-2S-1W 341959N 0971933W Milo
Mount Olive The cemetery for the city of Healdton.   11-4S-3W 341332N 0972903W Healdton
Mount Pleasant A black cemetery southeast of Gene Autry. 32-3S-3E 341506N 0970105W Gene Autry
Mount Zion A Jewish cemetery in Ardmore near Rose Hill cemetery. 6-5S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Mount Zion 340855N 0970804W Ardmore West
Mount Zion 341117N 0970624W Ardmore East
Nelda In the far southeastern part of the county, on Durwood road.  26-4S-3E 341030N 0965728W Mannsville
Newport On Newport road north of the town of Newport.  35-3S-1W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Norris Chapel An abandoned cemetery just west of a present day landfill. It is overgrown and hard to find and many of the graves are unmarked.  24-4S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Oil Spring A black cemetery, very well kept. It is on the south side of highway 7.  7-1S-2W 342923N 0972445W Tatums
Oil Springs On the Harry Coleman Ranch in the west part of the county, on the west side of Junior Murray road. Cannot be seen from the road and the road to the cemetery passes through Coleman's yard.  7-3S-2W 341826N 0972639W Fox
Old Berwyn The old cemetery for Gene Autry, also known as the Dillon Cemetery, but now is abandoned. The location is north of Gene Autry.  13-3S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Old McAlister An abandoned cemetery in a very remote area. It cannot be found without a guide.  22-5S-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Old Monk 342729N 0972933W Tatums
Phillips On private property and a guide is needed to find the cemetery. 18-3S-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Pierce An abandoned cemetery  located at the intersection of Jack Perkins road and highway 7.  23-1S-3W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Pooleville 34-1S-2W 342533N 0972359W Tatums
Porter A small Indian cemetery on Cisco road near the Murray State Park Airport.  32-5S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Provence On Provence road. Provence was once a thriving community but now everything is gone but the cemetery.  6-5S-3E 340918N 0970116W Ardmore East
Pruitt On Gene Autry road one-half mile north of highway 199.  22-4S-2E 341151N 0970425W Ardmore East
Ratliff City A new cemetery for the city of Ratliff City, started in 1991.  21-1S-3W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Reck On Reck road.  23-5S-3W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Rice 341824N 0971143W Springer
Rich A family cemetery on private property.  28-3S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Rose Hill One of the cemeteries for Ardmore, located south of the city. It is the largest cemetery in Carter County.  List of Burials 6-5S-2E 340843N 0970808W Ardmore West
Saint Marys The Catholic cemetery for the city of Ardmore. It is near Rose Hill, Mount Zion and Hillcrest cemeteries.  6-5S-2E 340855N 0970808W Ardmore West
Smith SMITH CEMETERY is named this only because that is the name of the person with the oldest stone. It is an abandoned cemetery and cannot be found without direction. There is no road to the cemetery and is extremely overgrown.  14-5S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Speake A family cemetery on the east side of Woodward road.  11-3S-1W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Springer 7-3S-2E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Tallaferro A small cemetery on private property, within the city limits of Lone Grove, OK.   30-4S-1E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Tatum A black cemetery for the city of Tatums. Cemetery was probably named after the first postmaster of Tatums, Lee Tatum.  13-1S-3W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Tatus 342803N 0972826W Tatums
Thomas An abandoned cemetery near the community of Baum.  Many unmarked graves. Canvass 2-4S-3E 341442N 0965802W Mannsville
Wilson 340600N 0965849W McMillan
Wilson Creek On Red Everett road.  22-5S-3E Unknown Unknown Unknown
Woodford   34-2S-1W Unknown Unknown Unknown
Young On Jim Young road.  15-3S-3E 341749N 0965834W Nebo


Finding an Online Canvass or List

Once you know the name of a cemetery and the county it's in, the next step is finding any online canvasses or lists of burials.  A few counties  have direct links for individual cemeteries, but those are obvious when the search engine leads you to one of them.  In most cases you must search the resources directly.

OKGenWeb has an extensive and rapidly-growing collection of cemetery canvasses and lists of burials, which you can find through the OKGenWeb Cemeteries Site or in the OKGenWeb Archives.  

Many of the OKGenWeb county sites also include cemetery information. Use the clickable map to get to the county/counties you're interested in.  (If you a new Coordinator, we have a special Help Section for matching contributions of cemetery data with mapped locations.)

The Oklahoma Cemetery Mailing List is also accumulating canvasses, organized by county.  Go to its Home Page for the latest information, and select the county or use its search engine to find a specific canvass. 

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