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Created By Sharon McAllister

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Map Demo

Beyond their usual function of showing locations of various features at a given point in time, maps can serve as worksheets for analyzing and presenting a variety of data.  

Allotments. Usually allotments were clustered so that those belonging to different members of a nuclear family were adjacent.  The 1900 census for Logan Co. did not include an IPS, but this map of Iowa Township provides some interesting clues for a few members of the Iowa Tribe.

Census Data.   When looking up a family, we are often advised to check at least one page before and one after the page on which they are listed in order to learn about their neighbors.  The catch, of course, is that we usually don't know the census-taker's exact path. In this experiment, I used information from the Federal Land Tract Records and a 1907 Land Ownership Map to match the Heads of Household with their homesteads and then plotted Dwelling Numbers from the 1900 census. Many households could thus be located within the correct 1/4 Section, the census-taker's route for each day became clear, and in many cases an approximate location of a rented farm could be surmised.  See Deep Fork Township Study.

Historical Studies. 

Migration Studies.  Many families moved to a new land en masse or over time -- friends, relatives, and shirt-tail kin. Plotting their homes on a map not only delineates these unofficial communities but also helps identify other families who may have belonged to the same group.  See the Neodesha to Oklahoma County Study.  

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Created By Sharon McAllister
Became an OKGenWeb Special Project  March 31, 2001
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