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Created By Sharon McAllister

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Cemeteries in Pittsburg Co. OK

Fifty cemeteries were found using GNIS, and links in this chart are to GNIS maps that show the general location with respect to nearby towns. DoT maps show the township in great detail. Links providing access to online canvasses and lists of burials follow the chart. 

Back to Pittsburg Co. Quick Links

Feature Name Directions, Comments & Links S-T-R Latitude Longitude USGS 7.5' Map
Arpelar Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345612N 0955809W Haywood
Baker Cemetery Not Available Unknown 343946N 0953204W Counts
Blue Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345639N 0955310W Haywood
Bower Cemetery Not Available Unknown 351417N 0953137W Longtown
Burris Cemetery Not Available Unknown 343933N 0953514W Counts
Calvary Cemetery Not Available Unknown 344328N 0955122W Pittsburg
Calvary Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345543N 0954434W Krebs
Carbon Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345531N 0953852W Krebs
Choate Prairie Cemetery Not Available Unknown 350933N 0955112W Indianola
Christian Hill Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345343N 0955338W Haywood
Clay Cemetery Not Available Unknown 343740N 0953807W Ti
Cole Chapel Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345421N 0953208W Adamson
Courts Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345907N 0953116W Adamson
Elm Park Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345201N 0953311W Hartshorne
Elmwood Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345140N 0953322W Hartshorne
Featherston Cemetery Not Available Unknown 350432N 0952857W Featherston
Haile Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345336N 0954524W McAlester
Hewitt Cemetery Not Available Unknown 343619N 0954514W Redden
Hickory Grove Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345234N 0955901W Haywood
High Hill Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345724N 0953756W Krebs
Holy Rosary Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345138N 0953310W Hartshorne
Hughlow Cemetery Not Available Unknown 350414N 0955853W Scipio
Indianola Cemetery Not Available Unknown 350905N 0954526W Indianola
Kemp Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345713N 0953721W Adamson
Lewis Cemetery Not Available Unknown 344218N 0954009W Ti
Lone Grove Cemetery Not Available Unknown 350150N 0955936W Scipio
Massey Cemetery Not Available Unknown 350545N 0953833W Crowder
McDougal Cemetery Not Available Unknown 351118N 0954032W Canadian
Memorial Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345103N 0955807W McAlester SW
Memory Gardens Not Available Unknown 345742N 0954335W Krebs
Nace Cemetery Not Available Unknown 343956N 0953442W Counts
North McAlester Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345725N 0954502W McAlester
Oak Hill Cemetery Not Available Unknown 344305N 0955408W Kiowa
Oak Hill Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345552N 0954453W Krebs
Pine Top Cemetery Not Available Unknown 344039N 0954329W Ti
Pittsburg Cemetery Not Available Unknown 344328N 0955117W Pittsburg
Pleasant Valley Cemetery Not Available Unknown 344149N 0955149W Pittsburg
Prison Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345734N 0954652W McAlester
Pulcher Spring Cemetery Not Available Unknown 344450N 0953303W Counts
Red Oak Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345357N 0953758W Krebs
Red Oak Cemetery Not Available Unknown 351105N 0954018W Canadian
Sardis Church Grave Not Available Unknown 344024N 0953151W Counts
Shady Grove Cemetery Not Available Unknown 350338N 0954545W Lake McAlester
Smith Cemetery Not Available Unknown 343840N 0953615W Counts
Sulphur Cemetery Not Available Unknown 344746N 0953709W Hartshorne
Tannehill Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345950N 0955045W McAlester
Ulan Cemetery Not Available Unknown 350712N 0955304W Scipio
Vivian Cemetery Not Available Unknown 343651N 0954056W Daisy
Ward Springs Cemetery Not Available Unknown 344912N 0960026W Ashland
White Chimney Cemetery Not Available Unknown 345426N 0960408W Stuart


Finding an Online Canvass or List

Once you know the name of a cemetery and the county it's in, the next step is finding any online canvasses or lists of burials.  A few counties  have direct links for individual cemeteries, but those are obvious when the search engine leads you to one of them.  In most cases you must search the resources directly.

OKGenWeb has an extensive and rapidly-growing collection of cemetery canvasses and lists of burials, which you can find through the OKGenWeb Cemeteries Site or in the OKGenWeb Archives.  

Many of the OKGenWeb county sites also include cemetery information. Use the clickable map to get to the county/counties you're interested in.  (If you a new Coordinator, we have a special Help Section for matching contributions of cemetery data with mapped locations.)

The Oklahoma Cemetery Mailing List is also accumulating canvasses, organized by county.  Go to its Home Page for the latest information, and select the county or use its search engine to find a specific canvass. 

Return to Cemetery Gateway

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State-wide resources formerly found on Ceil's Corner 
Created By Sharon McAllister
Became an OKGenWeb Special Project  March 31, 2001
© 2001 - 2024 OKGenWeb

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 Monday, July 22, 2024 

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