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Maps 'n' More
Created By Sharon McAllister

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Search OKGenWeb & ITGenWeb

OKGenWeb/ITGenWeb is a very large project, housed on several domains and managed by a number of volunteers so is covered by a number of search engines.  The main ones completely spider these sites on a cycle ranging from once a day to once a week. This page gathers all of those search boxes into a single space and includes explanations of what each one covers.


The ITGenWeb engine covers not only ITGenWeb domain itself but also the separate sites for the Nations of Indian Territory, the Nations/Tribes and various Lands of Oklahoma Territory, and the Pioneer Papers.  If you're looking for information from Territorial days, this is the place to start:

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The OKGenWeb engine covers the OKGenWeb domain, including most of the statewide resources of OKGenWeb.  Exceptions are the Pioneer Papers (see above) and Maps & More (see below):

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Maps & More, which includes the cross-reference lists of Post Offices, Towns, and Townships as well as two sets of County Maps and a full set of Township Maps, can be searched separately:

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Search Special Projects like the Photo Gallery and Oklahoma Marriages

Search this site or the web powered by FreeFind

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Each county has its own, separate site not covered by these engines.  To search a specific county, go to the County Links and use the search engine for that county.

If you are familiar with the various sections of OKGenWeb and ITGenWeb, a Site Map is the fastest way to get to one of them.  Click on either "Site Map" button above.  

For general information about these search engines, go to the Free Find Site.  Their Free Find Tips explains the phrase and Boolean search features. FreeFind Help provides tips for using these search engines on the OKGenWeb & ITGenWeb sites. 


If you expect to find what you're looking for on OKGenWeb or ITGenWeb, we suggest trying the above search boxes first but there are other searches that apply:


Thanks for stopping by!
Maps 'n' More

State-wide resources formerly found on Ceil's Corner 
Created By Sharon McAllister
Became an OKGenWeb Special Project  March 31, 2001
© 2001 - 2025 OKGenWeb

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Page last updated on
 Saturday, March 29, 2025 

This site maintained by Mel Owings